
插画毕业秀 | 纽约视觉艺术学院(SVA)—— 插画视觉散文

嗨!品牌 Hiiibrand 2023-02-02

毕 业 季

插 画 毕 业 秀

Illustration Graduation Show

纽 约 视 觉 艺 术 学 院 (SVA) 




 往 期 回 顾 
   毕业生联访 vol.01
   毕业生联访 vol.02






关 于 院 校

纽约视觉艺术学院(School of Visual Arts,缩写:SVA)成立于1947年,位于美国纽约州纽约市曼哈顿,是一所盈利性的艺术设计学院,目前开设有11个本科专业和22个研究生学位项目。学院受美国独立艺术设计学院协会认证,该协会是由美国36间顶尖艺术类院校组成。

“纽约有超过一半的艺术家和设计师都是从School of Visual Arts (SVA)毕业的。”纽约视觉艺术学院的全部校区位于纽约市区曼哈顿,地处全美国最中心的文化艺术中心地区,横跨纽约市区东西两岸。

 插画视觉散文(Illusttration as Visual Essay)  成立于1984年,该部分独特而有革命性。它重新定义了形象艺术家们如何看待他们的作品,以及插画等如何进入商业领域。这一切将从发展个人视野开始。当你拥有了个人的“风格”内容,那么创作出来的作品一定是原创的。


插 画 毕 业 秀

01.Authan Chen 陈代桦INS: @authanchen网站:www.authanchen.com

毕业于纽约视觉艺术学院School of Visual Arts插画研究所。过去曾有五年插画及平面设计接案经验,并有两年于台北担任插画讲师的教学经验。合作过的客户包含了企业品牌、设计工作室、以及出版社等,内容涵盖了活动视觉设计、书籍封面、网页视觉、印刷品设计等。专长为插画与设计的结合、故事原创性、以及将抽象概念转化为视觉图像的创造力。


“The Cabinet of Sentiments”融合了欧洲古董珍奇柜与人类的七情六欲,并将人所拥有的各式情感转化为古董文玩或奇兽标本,组合为一当代版的超现实珍奇收藏。此系列作品的表现形式以数位插画结合GIF动画为主,用以增添画作的趣味性及丰富度。


Boris Lyppens


让人不安的图画 Gnawing Drawings
我的论文项目对诸如无常、衰老、怀旧等主题进行了模棱两可的演绎,它刺戳着我心灵的脆弱处。我想用我的图画让观者体会到那种不安,但又不给出明确的解答。就像那种你想挠但却找不到源头的痒。My thesis project stabs the frail spots of my psyche, giving ambiguous interpretations on subjects like transience, aging and nostalgia. I want to sting the viewer with an idea of what my pictures could say, rarely giving definitive answers. Pictures that make you want to scratch away the itch that you can't find.

消逝 Fade

白噪声 White noise

衰老 Aging

成长 Growth

游行 Parade


Cecilia Abeid-Guimaraes

   关于毕设:美国一切皆可能 Everything Works in America我的陶瓷雕塑作品透过传统的美国和巴西消费主义产品镜头,探索了我对这个国家眼光的变化。“美国一切皆有可能”是我在美国(学会)的第一句话,当时我还惊叹于美国有着巴西也许完全达不到的效率。但后来我又逐渐注意到美国人民缺乏热情,慢慢开始变得学会欣赏我唯一的“家”——巴西的即兴创作。在美国和巴西产品最简单的形式和标签中就隐藏着社会和消费主义的微妙对比。从某种意义上说,我们即是我们消费(的结果),而一个国家就是它所期求消费(的结果)。Through the lens of traditional American and Brazilian consumerist products, my ceramic sculptures explore an evolving perspective toward a country I applaud(ed). “Everything works in America” were my first words in the U.S., in admiring shock at an outstanding example of efficiency that is possibly nonexistent in Brazil. But I progressively noticed a lack of warmth from America’s people and came to appreciate the art of improvisation in Brazil, the only place I can call home. Among the simplest forms and labels of American and Brazilian products lie subtle comparisons of society and consumerism. In a way we are what we consume, and a country is what it demands to consume.

贫民区还在沉睡,美国的一天已从邓肯甜甜圈开启America Runs on Dunkin' while the Favela Sleeps


Leave Before It Makes you Cold

疯狂的世界 Mad World
68盎司超大美国蜂蜜 68oz Supersize American Honey
美国一切皆可能杂志 Everything Works in America magazine


Christopher Reisenbichler



I've made a deck of cards I'm calling the Tenebrous Oracle, the form of an oracle deck conveniently lets me explore the meaning of emerging archetypal images, and it also offers the prospect of inviting others into the process—letting others project meaning onto the cards through the process of divination that oracle decks imply. These images represent something like the Major Arcana of tarot cards, but eventually I’ll complete numbered suits, face/court cards, and so on to create an analogy to a traditional tarot deck.

观者 The Watcher
开阔的天空 The Open Sky
那黑暗 The Darkness
漂泊的人 The Drifter
丛林 The Jungle


Danjung Choi



Growing up, I spent a lot of time reading and listening to mythological and fantastical stories. And the idea for The Garden of Mischief was first inspired by my increasing fascination for them. It is a world erected from chaos and madness where animals, humans and plants grow wild together. These whimsical characters together address different themes such as good and evil, sin and punishment that permeate across the garden.

园丁的实验室 The Gardener's Laboratory

禅宗园 The Zen Garden

大果园 The Great Orchard

迷宫公园 The Maze Garden

法国园林 The French Garden


Dora Wang


INS @dooora_w




Grace Kim
   关于毕设:“回忆我们的夏天”是一系列对我们曾在纽约度过的夏日时光的怀旧和回忆。自20世纪50年代末以来,软心先生/富豪雪糕(Mister Softee)冰淇淋车就一直率先在纽约城宣示着夏日的到来。(作品)以富豪雪糕车探索着不同时代的夏天,松散的叙述发现着关于这座城市的许多课题,如快速且微妙的城市变化,新与旧的共存等。

Reminiscences of our Summer is a series about nostalgia and memories of the summertime we used to spend in New York City. Mister Softee is an ice cream truck franchise that has been announcing the beginning of warmer days ahead for New Yorkers since the late 1950s. Having Mister Softee as a vehicle to explore summer in different time periods, the loosely connected narrative explores many different topics such as rapid but subtle changes of the city and the coexistence of old and new.



华盛顿广场公园 Washington Sq Park

布希威克 Bushwick

诺豪区 Noho

Hui Mains:notyourcockroach主页 huimaillustration.com


09.Hwarim Lee
   关于毕设:音乐剧场 Music Theater

该项目是为受已有音乐启发而作的故事的视觉体验再创作。我用不同的方法制作了两个不同的音乐视频。第一个音乐录像是一个老妇人和一只流浪猫的动画故事,灵感来自 Interpol. A 的歌曲《无题》,一点善意也许会让你惊喜,让你振作起来。第二段音乐录影中,我则用有限的色彩以象征性形象描绘了石榴地狱的超现实世界。灵感来自于Thornapple的歌《石榴的味道》,这个经历了心理困境的紧张人物让我想起了我自己。

This project is to recreate a visual experience illustrating original stories inspired by pre existing music. I worked on two separate music videos in a different approach. First music video is an animated story of an old woman and a stray cat that was inspired by “Untitled,” a song by Interpol. A little kindness offered may come back as a surprise to uplift you. For the second music video,  I illustrated the surreal world of pomegranate hell with symbolic imagery with limited colors. I came up with my own world of a strained character going through psychological hardship, inspired by “Taste of Pomegranate” a song by Thornapple.

10.Ishita Jain
   关于毕设:寻找阳光:与植物和其人们的对话 Searching for Sunshine: In conversation with plants and their people我很好奇人们与他们周围植物和绿地之间的那种关系,便采访了一些纽约地区和植物一起工作的人们,比如植物园丁、植物学家、花匠、艺术家、科学家,问问他们和自然世界协作的经历,以及为什么这让能让他们如此愉悦。我的论文集“寻找阳光”就是这样一本由记录采访和个人思考所组成的(插画)视觉散文。

I am curious about people’s relationship with plants and the greenspaces that surround them. I interviewed people in the New York City area who work with plants—gardeners, botanists, florists, artists, scientists—and asked them about their experiences working with the natural world and why it makes them happy. The visual essays that document the interviews, along with personal reflections, make up my thesis book, Searching for Sunshine.

植物保存纲要 A Compendium of Preserved Plants

微观时刻的杂集 A Miscellany of Microscopic Moments

Dr. Ina Vandebroek

Pfizer实验室-纽约植物园 Pfizer Lab- New York Botanical Gardens

花卉区 Flower District


Jiawen Chen 陈家文




2018年毕业于广州美术学院插画专业,同年就读纽约视觉艺术学院MFA program。希望能够通过画画表达自己的想法及情绪并与读者进行交流。


12.Kelsey Short


Four teenage girls wander around an empty New York City, apparently the sole survivors of a recent human extinction. They are without memory of how they arrived in this dystopian landscape and must work together to eke out some kind of life for themselves as nature starts to take the city back.

贝塞斯达喷泉浴 Bethesda Fountain Bath

时代广场的鹿 Deer in Times Square

市中心出口的死鱼 Dead Fish in the Downtown Entrance

格拉梅西公园的犬只 The Dogs of Gramercy Park

撕裂的轮船 Torn Vessel

13.Laura Peretti

My work is based on the atmosphere of a moment and its intimacy… the secrets behind them. I have always believed that stories have a life of their own. I like to silently intrude into different private scenes of ongoing stories, inviting you to come along with me as a silent spectator, no matter which moment that is. I open a door for you to experience it as your own and decide where to go from that moment on.

青筋 Blue Veins
十四天 Fortnight
Honey Slider
嗜爱者 Love Addicts
爱的形状 Shapes of Love

14.Luke Wohlgemuth

乐天派 A Happy Disposition


My surname, Wohlgemuth, in its original German, means to have a happy disposition. This short, ironic tidbit was the foundation on which I built A Happy Disposition, comprising of comics, illustrations, and a short humorous catalog. Isolation, loneliness, anger, and depression are common threads that weave the fabric of my heritage. With these works I satirize, empathize, and reflect on the impact this personal disposition has had on myself, my family, and the world around me.

15.Peter Phobia
   关于毕设:“平衡和尖翻”是一系列启发于作者Peter Phobia少年滑板时光的插画。该系列通过与朋友们一起在城市水泥障碍间的探索,描绘了一个分享热情的社区浪漫氛围。

Balance and Kickflips is a series of illustrations inspired by Peter Phobia’s teenage years as a skateboarder. Exploring the city’s concrete obstacles with friends, the series depicts a romantic idea of a community based on a shared passion.

The Clouds

The Fence & My Friend

Parking Lot


The Crew


Xinmei Liu 挪猫者

Instagram: @cat_mover

Behance: behance.net/xinmeiliu




《好青年(Model Citizen Guidelines)》模仿小时候的教科书,用幽默和戏谑的手法对学校里教的那些“道理”和“规矩”作出思考。


Yuke Li












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