
Premier Live Music - Venue A8 Live

2016-03-20 shenzhenparty

A8 Live, Southen China's premier live music and comprehensive music production venue, designed by Percy Law - Student of renowned Lourvre architect Leoh Ming Pei. Boasting state of the art production and live event equipment, A8 Live provides musicians and music lovers alike, the best location to truly express and appreciate live music, as it was meant to be heard. 

A8 Live, 南中国最专业音乐全产业链综合服务实体,全新的音乐服务概念,集顶级设备及团队的 Live House(音乐现场)、音乐咖啡厅、顶尖录音棚、乐队排练室、音乐博物馆、新式音乐教育基地为一体, 贝聿铭 PERCY LAWS 建筑设计作品,优秀音乐人首选展演场地,潮流意见领袖扎堆儿分享平台。我们致力于打造线上线下结合的全媒体音乐产品培育孵化系统。 

Chinese Name: A8 Music Mansion, A8音乐大厦 

Place Address: N0.1002 Keyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳市南山区科园路1002号A8音乐大厦 

Place Phone: 18665890130 



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