
南宁 绿地香港·朗峯 | 舒云卷 沁染自然里

致社路 景观设计小学徒 2023-09-06

项目档案丨Project File

项目名称 | 南宁·绿地朗峯展示区

业主单位 | 绿地香港

业主团队 谢敏、黄叔荐、蒋础逊

设计单位 | 上海致社路景观设计有限公司

设计团队 | 林源荣、许其生、刘成斌、尹薇、龙昱江、管延、


项目地址 | 广西省南宁市良庆区平乐大道38号

设计面积 | 6,101平方米

设计时间 | 2021年1月

竣工时间 | 2021年11月

项目摄影 | 深圳林绿文化传播  

Project Name | Nanning Greenland Langfeng Exhibition Area

Owner Unit | Greenland Hong Kong

Owner Team | Xie Min, Huang Shujian, Jiang Chuxun

Design Unit | Shanghai Zhishelu Landscape Design Co., Ltd.

Design Team | Lin Yuanrong, Xu Qisheng, Liu Chengbin, Yin Wei, Long Yujiang, Guan Yan, Zhu Li’an, Zhong Da, Li Weiwei, Zhang Wanyi

Project Address | No. 38, Pingle Avenue, Liangqing District, Nanning City, Guangxi Province

Design Area | 6,101 sqm

Design Time | January 2021

Completion Date | November 2021

Project Photography | Shenzhen Linlv Culture Communication





This project is located in Liangqing District, Nanning City, adjacent to Wuxiangling Forest Park and Liangfengjiang National Forest Park.

Because it is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer, summer is long and winter is short, and the footprints of spring and autumn are only for a short stay. Therefore, the four seasons in Nanning are full of greenery.

As an ecological model city, we take originating from nature, expressing nature, and returning to nature as the main strategy to create a rich visual experience and appreciate the beauty of nature.


"The white cloud rises to the distance,

swaying into the clear sky. 

Taking advantage of the transformation and rolling with it,

there is no worries and intension."


Incorporate the casual, free and comfortable feeling of the cloud into the design; concretize the ideal living state, between the clouds on the ground. The overall design elements extract the shape of the cloud, describe its outline, and then split and simplify to obtain another warm, intimate, comfortable and rhythmic "circle".


元素重构 -- Element refactoring

平面图 -- Plane figure

前场分析图 -- Front field analysis diagram


The entrance adopts a semi-hidden form, interspersed among the green shades, and the tree shadows are mottled. A mansion is built in the noise, and a secret place is outlined in the nature.


The semi-transparent partition wall breaks the boundary, so that the display area and the surrounding can be more gently integrated.

后场分析图 -- Backfield analysis diagram


The backyard garden is characterized by a naturalistic-style landscape, with overlapping circles forming the space, showing a sense of agile scene and making the garden more lively.

万 / 物 / 生 / 长 /

All lives thriving


The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, nourishing the life under the tree.


We hope to present a relaxing and comfortable natural atmosphere in the floral collocation. After many color trials, a quiet and relaxing blue-purple theme was finally drawn up, with optimistic and positive orange flowers and plants for embellishment to enrich the visual effect. At the same time, plants enhance the sense of space with the combination of grouping, layering and mixing. Accompanied with fragrance all the way, the layers are tactful, lingering step by step, dreamy and romantic.

植物色彩搭配 -- Plant color matching

花境植物选择-- Flower border plant selection


Spring is bright and everything is growing. In the green season, children observe the growth of plants in the garden, looking for answers about nature, about life and about growth.

遇 / 见 / 美 / 好 /

Meet beauty


If the garden could talk, she would tell you a story called "Meet the Beautiful." Every leaf in the garden is a miracle of life, with different patterns but the same secret language. The wind is coming, and the leaves are rustling and telling, and some are dancing, accompanying the children to shuttle back and forth, laughing and making trouble. . . . . . .

陪 / 伴 / 成 / 长 /

Accompany growth 


In the garden, we built a small insect playground, and the ugly little ones like caterpillars, ladybugs and snails now look cute. Children play with them and it will become a wonderful memory in their life in the future.



The model demonstration area is like a link, connecting customers and future life, and is a display site for future home life. We hope to fully shape and restore the future life of customers through the interpretation of the demonstration area.

- 感谢 致社路 -


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