
中闻报道 | 走向壮大的法律人理想国——吴革主任接受ALB专访

The following article is from 汤森路透ALB Author 汤森路透ALB


         Building an ideal strong firm         

for legal professionals


An Interview with Wu Ge

Director of Zhongwen Law Firm















ALB:What are the key factors for Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm to scale up?

Wu: Initially, we wanted to build an ideal "mini firm" of legal professionals. We called it a "mini firm" because scaling-up wasn't our purpose. Now we have a firm of this size is the result of institutional innovation, which comes quite naturally. At Zhongwen, we implement a system featuring "talent management, democratic management, system management and steady development," based on which we can provide clients with high-quality legal services, establish a scientific governance structure internally, and continue to attract legal talents. According to statistical data released by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice, 110 lawyers newly joined Zhongwen in the year 2019 – 2020, making it the law firm in Beijing with the largest number of new lawyers during the year. We're surprised and also excited to learn about the result. Next, we'll also expand the office space to provide lawyers with a better working environment.


ALB:Would you share with us what adjustments Zhongwen has done to its management system in the process of scaling-up? What kind of system does Zhongwen currently adopt

Wu: We focused more on the business itself when the firm was set up, and lawyers mostly managed work on their own. With the rapid development of the firm, we're inevitably facing the challenges in the firm management: what kind of model and system are the best for the fast-growing Zhongwen? What adjustments should we make along with the development process? It required that we take actions to respond to those challenges. We decided to start from solving the issue of the unclear ownership of the firm.

As the firm's ownership belongs to all partners, how to allocate the ownership to the partners? We decided to adopt a special general partnership system under which the ownership of the firm is allocated to the partners in a different ratio from the equity shares they hold, and the equity shares include the initial capital contributions of the partners and the subsequent donated or gift shares. The capital contributions are subject to the amount limit of the shares, while the donated or gift shares depend on the contribution points of the partners; meanwhile, rights such as dividend right, management right, and voting right are all related to equity shares. With this ownership system, partners have clear ideas about the equity shares they own in the firm each year; not only that, it gives good work incentives to partners and their teams. And even more importantly, such a partnership system creates an environment where young lawyers compete naturally and senior lawyers retire in a smooth way.

Then we worked on the procedural issues. Lawyers are not necessarily good at law firm management, but they are all "criticizing experts". How to reach consensus on law firm management issues among lawyers, and make decisions on internal governance, it is the key to solving procedural issues. In essence, the decision-making of law firms is the result of playing a pros-cons game. According to our democratic management principle, all positions at Zhongwen are elected by voting, and all decisions are made by voting as well. By doing so, the opinions of the majority are respected and the rights of the minority are protected. At Zhongwen, another important aspect of democratic management is that no one is privileged at the firm. All partners are treated fairly and no one enjoys privileges.

The third major issue is the implementation of decisions. There are two major conflicts in the process of implementing decisions: conflict of interest and conflict of time. These conflicts not only make it difficult for partners to make decisions in a fair and impartial way, but also make it hard for them to balance their time spent in serving clients and participating in law firm management. So we decide to have lawyers to specialize in the firm management, who do not work on cases, or hire professional managers to work on administrative management issues. At present, we have appointed an operation director, an administrative director, a professional development director, and a financial director to carry out management issues.

In addition, we'll implement the model featuring direct investment, direct management, and direct operation at our branch offices to realize the true integrated management and operation.


ALB:How does Zhongwen plan to further improve its system in the future

Wu: For law firms, the most important thing is professional development, in which talents play a very important role. It is why we deem "talent management" as our top priority in the firm management. Therefore, our future institutional innovation will focus on innovation in talent training, talent introduction and professional development.

中闻荣誉 | 中闻律所荣获ALB 2020年中国最大30家律所
中闻故事 | 中闻律师事务所的故事—吴革
中闻原创 | 吴革主任:辩护尚在  法治不远

