川普此举也在中国上了热搜,网友们的评论也一如既往地“够味”:这件事情不但在中国火爆,在全世界看来,也是件稀罕事儿。Coronavirus: Donald Trump finally wears mask in publicUS President Donald Trump has worn a mask in public for the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.1.in public: 在公开场合
【译】新冠疫情开始后,美国总统川普第一次在公开场合戴上口罩。The president was visiting the Walter Reed military hospital outside Washington, where he met wounded soldiers and health care workers.1.Walter Reed military hospital:沃尔特•里德陆军医院
2.wounded: adj.受伤的
3.health care workers:医护工作者
【译】总统当时正慰问华盛顿郊外的沃尔特里德国家军事医疗中心的伤病员和医护工作者。"I've never been against masks but I do believe they have a time and a place," he said as he left the White House.1.be against: 反对
2….have a time a place:…要看时间和场合
【译】他从白宫动身时表示:我从来不反对戴口罩,但我认为戴口罩要看时间和场合。He has previously said that he would not wear a mask and mocked Democratic rival, Joe Biden, for doing so.1.previously: adv.此前
2.mock: adv.嘲笑
【译】此前川普曾称,他不会戴口罩,还讽刺他的民主党对手拜登(Joe Biden)戴口罩的行为。川普从原先“打死不戴口罩”到现在公开戴口罩,心态变好确实挺大。为了给自己戴口罩预热,他曾经在 Fox news 的一次采访中这样表示:“I mean, I would have no problem. Actually, I had a mask on. I sort of liked the way I looked, OK? I thought it was OK,”【译】“(戴口罩)我完全没有问题,事实上我戴过,我有点喜欢我戴口罩的样子,我觉得看上去挺不错的。” “It was a dark, black mask, and I thought it looked OK. Looked like the Lone Ranger. But, no, I have no problem with that. I think -- and if people feel good about it, they should do it.”【译】“那是一个黑色的口罩,我认为戴着他还挺好看的。看上去就跟独行侠似的。所以,我戴口罩完全没问题。如果人们觉得戴口罩感觉挺好的,那就应该戴”。这里要解释一下川普提到的这个 Lone Ranger,也算是美国文化中的一个 icon 了。最早在1933年,底特律WXYT电台的广播剧中,首次出现Lone Ranger这个角色。该角色在虚构作品中和印第安人Tonto(唐托)一起在美国西部抗暴徒。这个形象随后被多次翻拍为电视剧与电影,被认为代表了美国文化与精神,成为美国流行文化中最持久不衰的符号之一。别说,戴上黑色口罩的川普,配合着六亲不认的步伐和犀利的小眼神,还真有点像 Lone Ranger 呢。“Looked like the Lone Ranger.”这样的话从一个大国的总统口中说出,听起来还真有点令人忍俊不禁呢!