
饮迷酒吧行业南区颁奖盛典奖项得主揭晓!DRiNK Awards South Regional Winners

DRiNK Awards DRiNK饮迷 2021-10-28


Hello, Guangzhou! And what a pleasure to see an all-star line-up on the stage at the South Regional DRiNK Awards when the winners of 11 categories were announced one after another.

今年南区酒吧行业的表现依旧令人充满惊喜,沉淀多年的业内老将们展现出了一如既往的稳健风范,也不乏新鲜血液源源不断为行业输送着蓬勃活力。值得一提的是,虽然宋Song's Club在今年9月暂停营业,但成立八年以来,它以独特的魅力与不懈的努力为当地酒吧行业做出了不可忽视的贡献。今晚,宋Song's Club斩获了三项大奖(这也是它首次在饮迷酒吧行业颁奖盛典上有所收获),代表着专业评委对它过往成绩的肯定,同时我们也期待着它在明年的回归。

The bar industry in the south region has definitely kept up the momentum in the past year. Previous DRiNK Awards winners have been pushing the develop on drinks/business innovation, while a great number of newcomers are making waves nationally. It is worth mentioning that Song's Club, which was closed at the end of September, won three awards tonight. This is also the first time it has entered the winners' list at DRiNK Awards despite the fact it had been playing an important role in pushing local cocktail scene forward for eight years. We're looking forward to celebrating its reopening next year.


Congratulations to all the winners tonight! Below is the full list of the south regional award winners:


South Regional DRiNK Awards 2021 Award Winners



Congratulations once again! The winner of each category has made it to national Top 4 and have the same chance to win the national trophy as the winners from three other regions. Wish them good luck!

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