A4驻留 | 2019 ARIE国际艺术家驻留项目最终名单公布
2019 Everything New!
经过项目组1个多月的紧张讨论与沟通,我们很高兴地宣布将有24组艺术家/研究者参与到“2019 A4国际艺术家驻留项目”,他们将在9个月的时间里分别通过5个城市成都、横滨、曼谷、巴黎以及瑞士的工作,深入社区与城市街道,与来自不同机构、地区与国家的艺术家、策展人、当地居民展开交流与合作,带来极具在地性、鲜活性以及讨论性的创作现场,完成不一样的驻留体验。成都项目的艺术家还有机会获得额外预算,将作品永久放置于麓湖公共区域。
After more than a month of intensive discussion and communication, we are pleased to announce that 24 groups of artists and researchers will participate in the "2019 A4 Artist in Residence International Exchange Project". They will work in Chengdu, Yokohama, Bangkok, Paris and Switzerland during nine months, so as to engage in the local community and urban streets, collaborate with artists, curators, residents from different institutions, regions and countries and bring a site-specific, live and creative scene along with different residency experience. The artists of the Chengdu project also may have the opportunity to get extra budget for a permanent work in the public area of LUXELAKES.
/ 最 终 名 单 如 下 /
/Final list/
(Artist + current residence, in no particular order)
1、Akihito Okunaka(日本 Japan)
2、内海昭子 Akiko Utsumi(日本 Japan)*支持机构/Supported by: 黄金町社区共生艺术计划/Koganecho Area Management Center
3、ADHD(韩国 Korea)
4、Elpida Hadzi- Vesileva(英国 Britain)
5、Heidundgriess (Alexandra Grieß & Jorel Heid)(德国 Germany)
6、Israel Hadany(以色列 Israel)
7、Jarek Lustych(波兰 Poland)
8、Kamila Szejnoch(波兰 Poland)
9、Karen Paulina Biswell(哥伦比亚/法国 Columbia/France)*支持机构/Supported by: 法国文化中心、法国驻华使馆文化教育合作处/Services de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle – Institut français de Chine
10、Karolina Halatek(波兰 Poland)
11、Ken'ichiro & Ayako Taniguchi(德国 Germany)
12、Krišs Salmanis(拉脱维亚 Latvia)
13、Mikio Saito(日本 Japan)
14、吉野もも Momo Yoshino(日本 Japan)*支持机构/Supported by: 黄金町社区共生艺术计划/Koganecho Area Management Center
15、Pascal Brateau(德国 Germany)
16、Rudi Punzo(意大利 Italy)
17、Scott Townsend(美国America)
18、麻生祥子Shoko Aso(日本 Japan)
19、Vladimir Abikh(俄罗斯 Russia)
20、人员待定/To be confirmed:*支持机构/Supported by:北京德国文化中心•歌德学院(中国)/Goethe-Institut China
21、葛宇路Ge Yulu(中国China)*支持机构/Supported by:TENTACLES
22、曹澍 Cao Shu(中国 China)*支持机构/Supported by:黄金町社区共生艺术计划/Koganecho Area Management Center
23、冯立 Feng Li(中国 China)*支持机构/Supported by: 法国文化中心、法国驻华使馆文化教育合作处&巴黎国际艺术城/Services de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle – Institut français de Chine & Cité Internationale des Arts
24、人员待定/To be confirmed:*瑞士Verzasca山谷驻留项目,支持机构:瑞士文化基金会上海办公室/ Artist-in-Residence in the Verzasca Valley 2019, Supported by: Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council
/ 驻 留 艺 术 家 详 细 介 绍 /
/Detailed Introduction/
Since the project was formally initiated in April 2013, A4’s artist in residence international exchange program has given many artists, curators, and designers from China and abroad the opportunity to exchange and interact with one another. It has also encouraged innovative artists and artist groups with contributions to public knowledge to carry out participatory projects that intervene in the community or city. The international residency’s locally based production, exchange, and exhibitions strengthen cultural exchange and academic dialogue between the institution and its surroundings. Based in the local community, Luxelakes·A4 Art Museum not only provides exemplary academic support, it also coordinates events and discussions during the duration of the residency, making it possible for participants to expand, diversify, and deepen their artistic practices.
At present, the artist in residence international exchange program is divided into four distinct sections: invitational residency, city based residency exchanges, open applications for international and domestic artists, and residencies specifically for public art projects.
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