

奥利弗,曹新 风景园林网 2023-09-17


世界遗产是针对不可移动的有形遗产的一项全球性的保护计划。联合国教育、科学及文化组织第十七届大会于1972年11月16日在巴黎通过《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》,这在人类的历史上是一个里程碑式的文件,标志着人类开始以崭新的角度审视人类自身和历史以及自然的关系。《世界遗产公约》建立了世界遗产这个保护体系。1992年联合国教科文组织建立了世界遗产中心(The World Heritage Centre,WHC)作为公约的秘书处。

世界遗产分为两大类:文化遗产(Cultural Heritage)和自然遗产(Natural Heritage)。世界遗产共有十条标准,前六条为文化遗产的标准,后四条为自然遗产的标准。如果同时符合文化遗产和自然遗产的标准,则为混合遗产(Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage)。







Galapagos is a small but unique group of 127 islands of which 19 are larger and straddling the equator in the Pacific Ocean some 1,000 km in the west of the American continent. The Galapagos islands and their surrounding waters form the Galapagos Province of Ecuador. People find the island fascinating but sometimes unreal and seemingly inhospitable due to a strong volcanic activity that has completely transformed the landscape into a severe environment. However, everywhere the islands are full of life, incredible animal and plant species have learnt to adapt to these conditions. Galapagos have been called a unique 'living museum and showcase of evolution'. More than a century and a half ago, the insights gained by a British naturalist, Charles Darwin when he travelled to the islands are responsible for the absolute change of our view of the natural world. These islands are an ideal place where the processes of evolution may be more easily observed.

加拉帕戈斯是一个独特的小岛群,由19个岛及附属小岛组成,共127座岛屿,横跨距美洲大陆西部约1000公里的太平洋赤道。加拉帕戈斯群岛及其周围水域组成厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯省。岛屿风景秀丽,但一次剧烈的火山爆发让这些景观不复存在,环境也变得恶劣,使得小岛看起来荒凉无比。然而,多种不可思议的动植物已经学会适应这些条件,因此岛屿处处都充满生机。加拉帕戈斯被称为独一无二的“活的生物进化博物馆和陈列室”。大约一个半世纪以前,英国自然学家查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)游历至此,他独到的见解使我们对大自然的看法有了彻底改观。加拉帕戈斯群岛是更容易观察生物进化过程的理想场所。







Compared to the age of the Earth, the Galapagos islands are young and were formed by magma which erupted from sea-bed. Covered with lava rocks, the ecosystem here is unique. The Galapagos are home for land ‘Iguana’ which mainly feed on ‘Cactus’ leaves and flowers yet unable to climb trees. Insufficient food on land has eventually made land iguana seek for nutrition in the ocean. Land iguana evolved into marine iguana, their round tail became flat to allow them to swim. The warm waters around the Galapagos provide a good breeding environment for algae good food for the marine iguana, however the environmental changes resulted in significant decrease in algae and plankton forcing marine iguana to reexplore the land in search for food, unfortunately they began to eat grass, something they do not usually feed on, black and white buttoned iguana never seen before appeared. Cross breed of land and marine iguana resulted into special sub-species of iguana with more capabilities such as climbing trees to find their favorite food ‘Cactus’. The iguanas have always been able to adapt themselves to their harsh environment.






The Galapagos Archipelago consists of 7,880 km2 of land spread over 45,000 km2 of  ocean,97% of the total emerged surface was declared National Park in 1959 and human settlements are restricted to the remaining 3%. In 1978 UNESCO recognized the islands as a World Heritage Site and in 1984, as a biosphere reserve. This was later extended in December 2001 to include the marine reserve. In July 2010, the World Heritage Committee agreed to remove the Galapagos islands from its list of precious sites endangered by environmental threats or overuse. The heritage was inscribed on the WHS list under criteria vii, viii, ix and x.


Criterion vii: The Galapagos displays a unique diversity of both land and underwater geomorphological forms. Marine Reserve offer a unique experience of diving with such beauty and diversity of marine life which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.


Criterion viii: The Galapagos islands are of significant geological interest and demonstrate the evolution of the younger volcanic areas (with less than one million years of existence) in the west and the older islands (with between three to five million years) in the east. Almost no other place in the world has such a complete continuum of geological and geomorphological features.


Criterion ix: The site constitutes an almost unique example of how ecological and biological processes have influenced the flora and fauna. The particularity of this site made the humanity discover the secrets of evolution since the publication of the “Voyage of the Beagle” by Charles Darwin in 1839. The islands’ plant and animal species such as iguanas, seabirds, sea lions, mockingbirds, land snails, giant tortoises, sharks, whale sharks, cetaceans, and other several plant and insect groups are some of the best examples of adaptive life that continues today. 


Criterion x: The islands have relatively high level of species diversity and endemism for such small and young oceanic islands and recent exploration of deep sea continue to bring new crucial discoveries. The islands have more than 180 endemic plant species, 12 native terrestrial mammal species, 36 endemic reptile species and 529 endemic marine species.







Galapagos Islands, a National Park and World Heritage Site, is a ‘fragile’ ecosystem. Today there are more than 700 introduced species that have invaded large areas and progressively eliminating endemic life. The islands visitors are expected to act responsibly and to treat the environment with respect. Below are some exceptional rules of the Galapagos National Park Directorate (GNPD) that all visitors are expected to abide by while in the islands:

(1)It is your responsibility not to introduce food, animals, or plants into the Archipelago. Cooperate fully with all environmental inspection and quarantine officials during your visit.

(2)Practice “leave-no-trace” principles to maintain the beauty of the environment (Clean your shoes' soles before disembarking in the islands. You may have carried some seeds endemic to one island and would not want to introduce them to another).

(3)Maintain a distance of at least two meters from wildlife to avoid disturbing them, even if they approach you.

(4) Never feed wildlife, as this can cause health problems.

(5)Pack out all trash and dispose of or recycle it in the populated areas or on your tour boat.

(6)Do not take or buy any products or souvenirs made from banned substances, including black coral, shells, lava rock, animal parts, or any native wood or vegetation prior to leaving Galapagos. This is illegal and must be reported.








作者: 奥利弗,曹新 



资料来源:根据世界遗产中心、加拉帕戈斯群岛国家公园官网 (GNPD)的相关资料整理

[1] http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1

[2] http://whc.unesco.org/en/activities/497

[3] https://www.galapagos.org/travel/travel/park-rules/

(本文由北京林业大学园林学院投稿分享    转载请联系风景园林网 。)








