
12月14日 ▶ 3C: 韩国钢琴家Sejin Bae Electric Quartet (KR, Electric Jazz)

2017-11-18 黄昏黎明俱乐部

Beijing 3C JAZZ SERIES: 14th December Sejin Bae Electric Quartet Sejin Bae
Composer: Sejin Bae
Piano: Sejin Bae
Alto Sax: Nathaniel Gao
Drums: Anthony Vanacore
Bass: Dan Callaghan

SBEQ 是一个由 Sejin Bae 和一些北京的优秀的音乐家组建的现代放克爵士合奏团,以原创曲目为特色,这个音乐项目旨在让音乐家们通过独奏和集体的即兴创作表达他们自己,他们运用交织的节奏类型、丰富的和声和电子器乐效果的添加形成了一种融合传统与现代的爵士风格。有些保留节目有共同的主题,像一条故事线贯穿于音乐中,然而其他的音乐更加的独立、简明。鉴于他们已经给北京的现场注入了大量创新的活力,SBEQ 绝对是3C项目中的一个重磅阵容。
SBEQ is a collaborative modern jazz-funk project led by Sejin Bae with some of the finest musicians in Beijing. Featuring original compositions, the project aims to let the musicians express their own individuality through solos and collective improvisation by crossing traditional and modern jazz idioms as well as generate a sonic energy through interweaving rhythms, rich harmonic palettes and the addition of electronic instrumentation and effects. Some pieces in the repertoire have common themes and threads connecting the music like a story, whereas others are more individual and concise. SBEQ is sure to be a great addition to the tremendous line up of 3C projects that has already brought so much creative energy to the Beijing music scene.

Piano: Sejin Bae

裴世珍是位钢琴家,作曲家以及编曲家并在韩国很著名的同德女子大学获得爵士表演学士学位。2010年,她搬到纽约市并在皇后大学上研究生。在皇后大学她师从David Berkman ,Jeb Patton, Michael Mossman ,Antonio Hart以及Johannes Weidenmuller. 在纽约的时候,她经常参加各种演出,音乐会以及大师班。 获得了爵士表演的硕士学位,裴世珍搬回韩国并在首尔和大邱里的几所大学开始授课。与此同时,她经常在韩国各地最著名的音乐俱乐部和音乐厅演出,另外还参加广播电台、音乐节以及参与很多录音棚的录音工作。

Sejin Bae is a Korean based jazz pianist, composer and arranger who received her bachelor’s degree in jazz performance at one of the most famous and competitive colleges in Seoul, The Dongduk Women’s University. Wanting to further pursue her music education, she moved to New York City in 2010 to attend graduate school at Queens College. At Queens College she had the privilege to study with David Berkman, Jeb Patton, Michael Mossman, Antonio Hart and Johannes Weidenmuller. During her time in New York City, she participated in many gigs, concerts and master classes. 
After completing her Master’s degree at Queens College, she returned to Korea and began teaching music at several colleges in Seoul and Daegu, as well as frequently performing at some of the most well-known venues in Korea; participating in broadcasts, festivals and recording sessions.

Alto Sax: Nathaniel Gao

Nathaniel Gao 是2006年以来活跃在北京爵士乐界的萨克斯演奏家和作曲家。作为 Red Hand 五重奏乐团、他自己的四重奏和三重奏乐团的主导者,他为北京爵士乐现场做出了重要贡献。另外,他也活跃在各种各样的音乐活动中,包括 Three Sergeants Syndrome, 北京大乐队,Afrokoko Roots 和不一定。他也在九门爵士音乐节、迷笛爵士音乐节、重庆爵士音乐节和地坛公园音乐节上演出过。他的主要活动地方在北京,上海,杭州,成都,重庆和广州。Gao 在2006年毕业于UNI的音乐表演专业,2011年在纽约城市大学取得了爵士表演的硕士学位。
Nathaniel Gao is a saxophonist and composer who has been based in Beijing since 2006. He has been a key contributor to the local jazz scene as both a co-leader of the quintet Red Hand as well as a leader of his own quartet and trio. Additionally, Gao has been active in an eclectic range of other musical projects including Three Sergeants Syndrome, The Beijing City Big Band, Afrokoko Roots and Bu Yiding. He has performed at the Ninegates Jazz Festival, the MIDI Jazz Festival, the Chongqing Jazz Festival, and the Ditan Park Music Festival, Jarasum International Jazz Festival and at major venues in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing and Guangzhou. Gao graduated from UNI in 2006 with BA in music performance and in 2011 completed an MA in jazz performance at the City College of New York.

Drums: Anthony Vanacore

Anthony Vanacore 是来自纽约的爵士鼓音乐家,经常在美国及世界各地的重大剧院舞台上演出,拥有丰富的表演与教学经验,现居住于北京。他与许多世界一流的音乐家和乐队演出过。

Anthony Vanacore is a New York City native born musician who has performed around the world and has rich experience in performance and education; he currently resides in Beijing, China. To date Anthony has performed with many world-class musicians and bands. 

Anthony 和来自世界各地的鼓手,包括 Dave Weckl、Dave Weckl、托马斯朗和其他许多人参加了鼓演奏节,目前,安东尼在北京当代音乐学院任教,他教授集体课、鼓和爵士历史课程,完全用普通话授课。安东尼很自豪的是,他是许多优秀的导师,其中包括 Gene Jackson, Michael Lipsey, Billy Hart, Steve Johns, Sam Ulano, Glenn Weber 和 Noel Sagerman. 

Anthony has participated in drum festivals with master drummers from around the world including Billy Cobham, Dave Weckl, Thomas Lang and many others. He is a proud endorser of Sabian cymbals, Remo drum heads, Vater sticks and Gretsch drums. Anthony currently holds a position at the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy teaching drum lessons, ensemble classes and drum and jazz history courses entirely in Mandarin Chinese. Anthony is proud to have been a student of many fine teachers and mentors among them.

Bass: Dan Callaghan

来自爱尔兰都柏林的一位杰出的贝司演奏家。在过去的六年间,Dan一直作为一名职业音乐家在各地演出,并且与数名爱尔兰顶尖爵士乐手合作过,他们分别为Mike Nielson, Hugh Buckley 和 Richie Buckley。 Dan于2010年毕业于 new park 音乐中心爵士表演专业,2013年从爱尔兰来中国,在中国他跟很多大师爵士家演出,他们分别为长号大师 Robin Eubanks, 钢琴大师 Alessandro Galati, 歌手 Enrica Bacchia, 钢琴大师 Steffan Karlson, 萨克斯手高太行,口琴大师 Laurent Maur.

Creative Composers Collective (3C) was founded by Italian Jazz Guitarist Simone Schirru with the idea of creating a synergy between some of the best jazz composers in Beijing. Beginning in March 3C will be presenting a series of concerts at DDC, with each concert featuring a different composer and their original project. 

北京爵士创意作曲家集合(Creative Composers Collective)是由意大利爵士吉他手 Simone Schirru 先生发起筹办的一个活动系列,旨在为北京最好的爵士作曲家创造积极、创意的协同平台。在这系列活动中,原创作曲家的地位被放大。活动将从3月开始在DDC陆续呈现,每场音乐会都有不同的作曲家和他的原创乐队。 

There are two purposes of this initiative: 
1. Improve the music scene by challenging musicians to propose original projects featuring high-quality performances. The performances will be recorded and made available online, allowing for greater exposure for the Beijing creative music scene. 
2. Offer the audience a fulfilling cultural experience and foster an appreciation of original music and its value to the community. 
1.激发音乐家带着原创音乐并进行高质量现场演出,改善音乐现场。组织者 Simone 将联合场地DDC为每场活动精心准备文案、海报、摄影、采访、宣传,现场还将进行专业录制并发布于网上,充分推广北京创意爵士乐现场。 

All involved in the 3C series, from musicians to audience members, promoters to bar staff, are comprised completely from Beijing’s best and brightest, artistically nuanced and culturally eclectic bunch, ensuring nothing short of excellence in all aspects of our project. 


Tongues of Fire(J Kyle Gregory)

3C Ensemble

往期 Previously on 3C:

9月21日 CORE

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=z0567xinujr&width=500&height=375&auto=03C: CORE – 倒车

7月11日 SEESAW 

6月28日 Captain Tokunaga's Ocean

这也是著名日裔音乐家 Hideaki Tokunaga 在华从事音乐行业后回国前的告别演出。

6月14日 刘玥三重奏

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=o0522u7z32z&width=500&height=375&auto=03C: 刘玥三重奏

5月25日 Ah-Q Jazz Arkestra4月20日 BAD MONK

3月28日 Moreno Donedel TRIO

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=z0398424ddj&width=500&height=375&auto=03C: MORENO DONEDEL TRIO - BLUE

3月9日 LEELA

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2017年12月14日 21:00 
门票/Ticket: 50(presale)/60(door)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

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