
9/13 DDC ▶「月光深处」旅美爵士/灵歌唱作人胡雪薇 (Jazz, R&B)

Line up:

Vocal: 胡雪薇 VIVI (CN)

Piano: Moreno Donadel (IT)

Bass: Daniel Callaghan (IR)

Drums: Anthony Vanacore (US)

ft.Erhu: 张楠 (CN)


外国的月亮到底有没有比较圆?在纽约旅居了三年的雪薇说,没有。在纽约的日子,她逐渐明白不管我们身处中国、美国还是世界上的任何一个地方,我们抬头看见的都是同一个月亮,就像她所喜爱与投入的音乐,不管表达的是什么内容,快乐或者悲伤,挣扎或者顺从,西式或者中式,music is music。



Vocal: 胡雪薇 VIVI (CN)




—— 美国《侨报》

胡雪薇是活跃于纽约的青年歌唱家,作曲家和多个音乐团体的音乐总监,她的原创歌曲 ”Rest In You” 在2018年获得了“全球音乐奖”的“最佳女歌手”,“最佳作词作曲人”和“最佳福音音乐”的殊荣。她致力于国际艺术文化交流。她擅长西方爵士乐,福音音乐和中国传统音乐。她将中国式爵士乐和民间音乐带到现代美国,同时将传统西方福音音乐带给中国观众。通过她的表演和音乐制作,她对于东西方根源音乐融合的热情沉淀成了她独特的声响,她的音乐不断地吸引着来自世界各地的听众。

雪薇 (Vivi) 唯美的声线和灵动的表演风格既保持了传统的美感,又带着现代流行乐的律动,令人联想到著名艺术家 Sade Adu(莎黛). 迄今为止,她的才华在中美两国的重要演出和音乐节中已得到了充分的展现,包括鼓浪屿音乐厅,上海夏至音乐节,太湖 MIDI 音乐节以及纽约的 Silvana Club, Parkside Lounge, 2017皇后图书馆农历新年庆典,纽约市立大学福音音乐节,亚太文化节等等。

Vivi Hu is an award-winning New York-based Chinese vocalist, songwriter, and bandleader dedicated to fostering international arts exchange. Specializing in jazz, folk, and gospel music, she works to bring Chinese jazz and folk music to contemporary America and traditional Western gospel to Chinese audiences. Through her performance and directing, Vivi’s passion for building a cross-cultural appreciation of Eastern and Western music roots results in a distinctive artistic voice that continues to captivate audiences internationally.

Vivi’s vocal and performance styles connect the traditional and the popular that evoke a rhythm and dynamic reminiscent of renowned jazz and gospel artists such as Anita O’Day and Kirk Franklin. To date, she has lent her talents to several high-profile performances and festivals in both China and the United States including Gulangyu Music Hall in Xiamen, the Summer Music Festival in Shanghai, and the Taihu Midi Festival in Suzhou, as well as the Flushing Town Hall, the 2017 Lunar New Year Celebration at Queens Library, the City University of New York Gospel Festival, and Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Festival in New York City, among many others.

Piano: Moreno Donadel (IT)

意大利钢琴家 Moreno Donadel 的音乐灵感来自各种风格的音乐。他的音乐深深受到了爵士乐钢琴家 Chick Corea, Robert Glasper, Fred Hersch,Oscar Peterson 以及古巴音乐、巴西音乐甚至欧洲古典音乐的影响。

The music of Moreno Donadel takes its inspiration from a variety of styles of music that influenced the Italian pianist in his years of study and music career. His music has influences ranging from jazz pianists as Chick Corea, Robert Glasper, Fred Hersch, Oscar Peterson, or several other styls such as Cuban and Brazilian Music until European classical music.

Bass: Daniel Callaghan (IR)

Dan Callaghan 来自爱尔兰都柏林的一位优秀的贝斯手。在过去的六年间,他一直作为一名职业音乐家在各地演出,并且与数名爱尔兰顶尖爵士乐手合作过,他们分别为 Mike Nielson, Hugh Buckley 和 Richie Buckley.

Callaghan is one of Ireland's finest double bass players. He graduated with an Honours BA in Jazz Performance from Newpark Music Centre,Ireland in 2010. He has been working as aprofessional musician for the last seven years and has performed and recorded with many of Ireland's leading jazz musicians including Leopoldo Osio, Dig a Little Deeper, Guiliano Nistri, Mike Nielson, Hugh Buckley and Richie Buckley.

Drums: Anthony Vanacore (US)

Anthony Vanacore 是来自纽约的爵士鼓音乐家,经常在美国及世界各地的重大剧院舞台上演出,拥有丰富的表演与教学经验,现居住于北京。他与许多世界一流的音乐家和乐队演出过。

ANTHONY 和来自世界各地的鼓手,包括 DAVE WECKL、DAVE WECKL、托马斯朗和其他许多人参加了鼓演奏节,目前,安东尼在北京当代音乐学院任教,他教授集体课、鼓和爵士历史课程,完全用普通话授课。安东尼很自豪的是,他是许多优秀乐手的导师,其中包括 GENE JACKSON, MICHAEL LIPSEY, BILLY HART, STEVE JOHNS, SAM ULANO, GLENN WEBER 和 NOEL SAGERMAN.

Anthony Vanacore is a New York City native born musician who has performed around the world and has rich experience in performance and education; he currently resides in Beijing, China. To date Anthony has performed with many world-class musicians and bands.

Anthony has participated in drum festivals with master drummers from around the world including Billy Cobham, Dave Weckl, Thomas Lang and many others. He is a proud endorser of Sabian cymbals, Remo drum heads, Vater sticks and Gretsch drums. Anthony currently holds a position at the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy teaching drum lessons, ensemble classes and drum and jazz history courses entirely in Mandarin Chinese. Anthony is proud to have been a student of many fine teachers and mentors among them.

二胡(ft.): 张楠 (CN)

张楠,旅美青年胡琴演奏家,视觉艺术家以及组合 Strings W 创始人之一。2014年毕业于中国音乐学院取得 BA 学位,2017年毕业于普瑞特艺术学院(Pratt Institute)取得MFA学位。纽约民族乐团 (The Chinese Music Ensemble of New york)、纽约八板乐团 (Ba Ban Chinese Music Society) 及哥伦比亚大学国乐团 (CU Harmony) 成员。她曾受邀在纽约音乐剧节参演外百老汇音乐剧“青城”, 也曾受邀在卡耐基音乐厅、联合国、帝国大厦、Kaufman  艺术中心 Merkin Concert Hall,、纽约时装周表演。除了专业的胡琴表演,张楠还致力于将视觉艺术与中国音乐相结合。

Nan Zhang is a huqin artist, visual artist, and co-founder of the trio StringsW. Nan holds a BA from Chinese Conservatory of Music and earned an MFA from the Pratt Institute after relocating to New York. Nan is a member of the Chinese Music Ensemble of New York. Among her performance appearances, Nan was invited as the erhu soloist in the off-broadway musical “Qingcheng-Dark City”during New York Musical Theatre Festival. Her artistry also led her to landmark venues such as Carnegie Hall, the United Nations, Empire State Building, Lincoln Center, and New York Fashion Week.

活动详情 Event Info:

时间/Time: 2018年9月13日21:00

门票/Ticket:  60(ADV)/80(DOOR)票务:阅读原文)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com 

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