来源:Stata Manual: [R] estimates、The Stata Journal《Making regression tables simplified》,作者:Ben Jann
esttab不仅仅是estout的简化版本。另一方面,esttab提供完整的estout功能,因为所有的estout选项都是允许在esttab中。 另一方面,esttab也扩展了功能。例如,esttab支持与WORD、Excel、Latex、Html结果。
一、Basic syntax and usage
esttab [namelist] [using filename] [, options]
与estout(或官方Stata的估计表)一样,基本程序是首先存储多个模型,然后将esttab应用于这些存储的估计集以组成回归表。 但是,esttab和estout之间的主要区别在于,如果在没有选项的情况下应用,esttab会生成一个完全格式化的表。
The default in esttab is to display raw point estimates along with t statistics and to print the number of observations in the table footer. Furthermore, the output displays asterisks denoting the statistical significance of coefficients. All this can be changed. To replace the t statistics with standard errors, add the adjusted R-squared, and omit the significance asterisks; for example, type
esttab, se ar2 nostar
t统计量也可以用p值(p),置信区间(ci)或 估计中包含的任何参数统计信息(请参阅aux()选项)。更多信息请参考esttab的option选项。
esttab, beta not
Furthermore, the plain option produces a minimally formatted table with all display formats set to Stata’s %9.0g quasistandard, and compress reduces horizontal spacing to fit more models on screen without line breaking. Other options are, for example, label, which causes variable labels to be used, and mtitles(), which specifies that model titles be printed in the header above the model columns. For example,
esttab, se ar2 nostar brackets label title(This is a regression table) > nonumbers mtitles("Model A" "Model B") addnote("Source: auto.dta")
esttab, b(%9.0g) p(4) r2(4) nostar wide
use "E:\stata\data\盈余管理新版.dta", clear
reg dacc rid tm size debt14 eps
esttab da qin daqinxueshu using daqinxueshu14.rtf, ///
mtitles("model 1" "model 2" "model 3" ) ///
title("This is the Second regression table") ///
append star( * 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01 ) staraux r2 nogaps