
互联网知识产权案例要旨汇编 | 法宝双语案例

Mani 北大法律信息网 2019-10-29




互联网知识产权案例要旨汇编Case Summaries of Intellectual Property Cases Involving Internet


Beijing Jinse Qingcheng Technology Development Co., Ltd. v. Wella Aktiengesellschaft (appeal of dispute over domain name)


[Key Terms] internet domain name infringement; registered trademark; malicious copying


[Disputed Issues]  Where a person registers an internet domain name through the malicious copying of the registered trademark of others, has infringement been committed?


[Case Summary] The main function of an internet domain name is to indicate a website's owner and distinguish between different website providers. The function of a trademark is to indicate the source of products or services. Therefore, internet domain names and trademarks are similar in their nature and function but, in terms of legal protection, they are mutually exclusive and competitive. That is to say, an internet domain name is not to infringe upon the rights of a registered trademark, and vice versa. Under Article 4, Paragraph 2 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Application of Laws in the Trial of Civil Disputes over Domain Names of Computer Networks, where a domain name or the main parts of a domain name have duplicated, imitated, translated or transliterated the well-known trademark of others; or where a domain name is the same as or similar to the registered trademark of others, so that the public may mistake it for the registered trademark, it is infringement or unfair competition. Therefore, where a person registers an internet domain name through the malicious copying of the registered trademark of others, if it has the effect of causing mistake by the relevant public, then the act constitutes infringement, and liability for infringement is to be assumed.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.829362(EN)


LeTV Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. v. Guangzhou Zhujiang Digital Media Group Co., Ltd. (dispute over infringement of right to network dissemination of information)


[Key Terms] broadcast right; implementing entity; type of act; object of an act; right to network dissemination of information


[Disputed Issues]  Where an entity of the same nature as a radio station or a TV station relays legally acquired satellite programs using its own cable TV network equipment and allows its users to order and watch the programs, do such acts infringe upon any other entity's right to network dissemination of information?


[Case Summary] The term “broadcast right” refers to the right to publicly broadcast or disseminate works by wireless means, to disseminate broadcast works to the public by wired dissemination or relaying, and to disseminate broadcast works to the public by audio amplifier or other similar instruments for transmission of signs, sounds or images. The broadcast right differs from the right to network dissemination of information because of the uniqueness of the implementing entities allowed to enjoy such a right are limited to radio stations or TV stations. The broadcast right can be exercised in three ways: that is, broadcasting works wirelessly, dissemination in a wired manner, or relaying works that are being broadcast wirelessly and disseminating works that are being broadcast wirelessly by audio amplifier or other similar instruments. Additionally, works disseminated by exercising the broadcast right are only provided to existing users. Where an entity of the same nature as a radio station or a TV station relays legally acquired satellite programs using its own cable TV network equipment and allow its users to order and watch the programs, such acts fully satisfy the aforementioned attributes of the broadcast right and is the extension of the radio and TV business. Thus, such acts shall be deemed as acts of broadcasting and do not constitute an infringement of any other entity's right to network dissemination of information.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.4565013(EN)


Beijing UniStrong v. Microsoft (appellate case of dispute over computer software copyright infringement)


[Key Terms] embedded software; copy; lawful source


[Disputed Issues] The seller of commodities using embedded software bears the burden to prove the lawful source of the copies in use.


[Case Summary] There are two ways to prove that the use of the software by the publisher or producer of the software copies is lawful. The first way is to prove that the software is published or produced with the lawful authorization, and the other way is to prove that the software copies are from legal sources. The genuine label is the common proof of the legal source of copies and its use is a convention in the software industry. It is usually provided by the software copyright owner to prove that the software is copied with the authorization or permission from the software copyright owner. In addition to the genuine label, such numerical passwords as identification codes and activation codes are the proof to the effect that the software copyright owner controls the use of software by the technical means and thus the software is copied with lawful authorization or permission.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.2914383(EN)





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