
爸妈年轻时的梦想,你都知道吗?Making your parents' dreams come true | Chitchat

CD君 CHINADAILY 2019-05-21

You may have returned to your hometown and enjoyed your family reunion during Spring Festival. 

But then you found yourself surprised to see that your neat freak mother left dirty dishes, your father skillful at cooking forgot to put some salt in the meal, and your parents walked with a slower pace despite their efforts to keep up with you.

That's when you started to realize your parents are getting older and older, and you feel concerned about them.

A student skipping along on the road might recall some of your childhood memories. 

When you were at primary school, your parents came to take you home after school every day, perhaps with a gift such as your favorite candy, tiger toy or ice cream. 

They tried to give you almost everything you actually looked forward to as much as they could. 

For some of you, who may have had a dream of becoming a pianist, your parents could have always been pinching and scraping without wasting a single cent to offer you a good piano and education.


Children often take their parents for granted as we do with the sun, the trees or the moon. However, it would be too late to regret when children suddenly lose their parents and then realize what that loss really means.


Now is the time to show your love and care for your parents' needs.

A web user said in a post that during the holiday he traveled with his father, whose dreams of traveling the world were dampened by pressure from family members when he was a young man. 

At the same time, another young woman took her parents to get their first wedding photos done, satisfying her aging mother. 

Here is this week's Chitchat topic:

- Chitchat topic -

 What did you do to achieve your parents' dreams?

Share your stories and we'll publish some of the best next Monday!

Editor: Zhang Xi

Intern: Zhong Wenxing

Click here for audio and translation of the story 

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