
地铁车厢现争议广告,是“童言无忌”吗?丨Grow up, advertisers, where are your ethics?

CD君 CHINADAILY 2020-08-25


The catch-line of an advertisement pasted on the floors of a subway car in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, triggered a raging debate on social networking sites on Wednesday after someone made a short video of it and shared it. 

"Daddy, I want to marry you when I grow up," the catch-line said.

Such was the furor that the subway management company withdrew it by end of business hours on Wednesday. The advertisement had been around since early July. The authorities pointed at the commercial advertisement section of English-teaching agency New Oriental. 

In an interview to thepaper.cn, New Oriental said it had forwarded the scenario they wanted — children expressing their love for parents — to their marketing department and did not expect it to go the way it did. They admitted that the text could lead to misunderstandings.

There are so many better ways to showcase one's love for parents. Just why would one come up with such a controversial logo?

Now that the advertisement has been withdrawn, it is also hoped that the subway management and the company that made the advertisement are more careful while reviewing their products in the future.

Words meant for public consumption must be chosen very careful and should not be misleading.

Some micro bloggers who joined the debate online also pointed out that although the viral video was shot inside a female-priority subway car, there were more men seated on the seats inside, leaving girls and women standing. Thepaper.cn quoted a passenger as saying the "female-priority" was a misnomer. Maybe the authorities need to look at both the ads and people that get into their cars.


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