公众号 /随手传福音(ID:suishouchuanfuyin)
Gitt: 如果我以圣经为出发点,那就是几千年。
第一天,地球以及空无一物的宇宙被创造。到了第四天,这个空荡荡的宇宙才被星星“填满”。这就是说,所有的星星都是在一天之内创造出来的。 因此,所有的星星都应该是同一个年龄,只有地球比我们的行星系统的其余部分和宇宙的所有星系都要大三天。如果根据圣经提供的数据来确定它们的年龄,那么按照所列出的家谱来估算出来的并不是一个确切的年龄,但我们可以给出一个框架,这可能是一万年左右,我们并不能得到非常确切的数字。 无论如何,它永远不会是数百万年。
Gitt: If I start from the Bible, it's a few thousand years. On the first day of creation the earth and the otherwise still empty universe were created; with the stars it was "filled" on a single day, namely on the fourth day of creation. That is, all the stars were created on a single day. All the stars are therefore of the same age; only the Earth is three days older than the rest of our planetary system and all the galaxies of the universe. If one tries to determine their age on the basis of biblical data, the following results are obtained on the basis of the genealogies listed are not an exact age, but we can give a framework, and this is in the order of perhaps ten thousand years, without now committing ourselves to an exact number of years. In any case, there will never be millions of years.
这种所谓的间隙理论或恢复神学认为,在创造的实际日子之前,已经有一个完整的居住世界。那个世界的创造发生在《创世记》第1章第1节,被标记为“起初”的时刻。然后是撒旦的堕落, 那时候的世界灭亡,从而被描述为“荒凉而空虚”,这种状态成为创造论的实际起点,生命在地球上再次被创造或被恢复。这个理论解释了撒旦坠落造成的古老化石。但是,根据几处圣经经文,我们必须拒绝这个理论:
(1)在《出埃及记》20:11中,我们读到上帝在六天内创造了天地; 也就是说,整个宇宙和地球是在这么短时间内被创造的,因此任何理论的任意长时间都无法在这里得到适应。
(2)《以赛亚书》14:12-17和《以西结书》28:11-17的经文被解释为对路西法案件的描述。间隙理论则基于如下的假设:即撒旦的这个案例在空间上被放置在地球上,然而在时间上则归入创世纪第一章第1节和第2节之间。耶稣自己的话“我看见撒旦像闪电一样从天上坠下”(路10:18)和“现在是这世界受审判的时候,世界的王要被赶出去了”(约12:31),以及其它相关经文 (约14:30和启12:7-9)都不允许这种解释。
(3)化石作为亚当之前的那个时期的遗留,这样的解释不能以圣经来证明; 另一方面,我们会发现一次世界范围内的水灾是造成所有生命遭到破坏的原因。今天的地质层的结构和化石的存在都归因于这场大洪水和伴随发生的灾难。
Gitt: The gap theory was established by believers. At that time they were confronted with a superior power of representatives of evolution and were looking for a way to justify the long periods of time demanded by evolution with the Bible. They thought they had found a solution by believing that between the first two verses of the Bible they could find a space to play with, in order to accommodate arbitrarily desired times.
This so-called gap theory or restitution theology states that there was already a finished and inhabited world before the actual days of creation. This creation took place at the time which is marked "beginning" in verse 1. Then came the fall of Satan; the world of that time perished and is described as "desolate and empty”. This is the starting point of the actual creation account, according to which life will be created or restored once again on earth. This theory explains the fossils as a result of the satanic fall. However, we must reject them for several biblical reasons:
(1) In Exodus 20:11, we read that God created heaven and earth in six days; that is, the entire universe and the earth were created within of this stated short time span, so that any long period of time for any theory whatsoever cannot be accommodated here.
(2) The biblical passages Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:11-17 are interpreted as a description of the case of Lucifer. The gap theory is now based on the assumption that this case of Satan is placed locally on earth and is to be classified chronologically between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 1. The words of Jesus in Luke 10:18; John 12:31; John 14:30 and Revelation 12:7-9 do not permit this interpretation.
(3) The interpretation of the fossils as remnants of a pre-Adamic period cannot be proved in biblical terms; on the other hand, we will find the worldwide water catastrophe as the cause of the destruction of all life. Today's geological strata and fossils find a comprehensible explanation in the Flood and the subsequent disasters.
Gitt: Because the Big Bang theory is neither scientifically comprehensible nor sustainable. The Russian physicist Lev Landau once said, Cosmologists worked with little known facts, but with even greater conviction that their ideas about what was going on in the universe were correct. As soon as facts emerge that speak against the Big Bang, new assumptions are made in order to make the theory to hold.
I remember the dark matter. It is a constant flight from the new facts, because they teach something different. The astrophysicist Reinhard Breuer aptly described the behavior of the Big Bang followers when he formulated: "It's like a fairy tale: From the ashes of the burnt ideas, it is hoped, the new standard model can rise from the Big Bang." One gets the impression that all these efforts stem from the desperate attempt to understand the cosmos without the concept of a plan, but new "plans" are always created.
Why has one so one-sidedly stiffened oneself on this Big Bang model? The answer can be easily given: Godless scientists do not accept a model that needs a creator. One has dedicated oneself to methodical atheism. Due to their limited resources, none of the natural sciences is in a position to answer questions of origin.
We can only measure, weigh and observe, collect and evaluate data and facts. After all, we are never in a position to explain how a cell, a brain or a universe emerges. Evolution is not a useful answer, because it already violates basic principles of our daily experience. Neither a pin, a pair of scissors nor a watch, a car or even the Cologne Cathedral were created on their own. Everything needs an idea generator and a manufacturer. It is my conviction that all future ideas about questions of origin are mental dead ends if they try to get by without a creator. Only the one who has made the universe, the earth and life can give us the binding answer. It is the Creator of whom the Bible speaks. So I fully trust the account of creation.
Gitt:哈勃望远镜为我们提供了比迄今为止提供的更准确的数据和更好的恒星系统照片。 特别是,遥远星系的图像可以以更好的分辨率拍摄。 空间观察的新时代已经到来,现在我们已经可以看到以前看不到的。 然而,并非这些事实令人信服地支持宇宙大爆炸理论,情况恰恰相反。
Gitt: The Hubble telescope provides us with much more accurate data and better photos of the stellar systems than it has provided so far. In particular, images of distant galaxies could be taken with much better resolution. A new era of space observation has dawned, and the unknown has now become available to us. However, it is not the case that these facts convincingly support the Big Bang theory, the opposite is true.
(1)来自波恩天文学家Hans-Jörg Fahr写了一本书,“Der Urknall kommt zu Fall”。
(2)来自开姆尼茨工业大学的Josef Lutz写了一本书,“Ratlos vor der grossen Mauer - das Scheitern der Urknall-Theorie”,在书中他论证了所发现“长城”,即一个如此大的连贯星系结构,是与大爆炸理论所依据的假设不相容。
(3)天体物理学家Reinhard Breue写了一本书,“Immer Ärger mit dem Urknall - Das kosmologische Standardmodell in der Krise”。
(4)美国人James Trefil写了一本“世界不可能存在的五个原因 - 暗物质的天体物理学”(Fünf Gründe, warum es die Welt nicht geben kann – Die Astrophysik der Dunklen Materie)。
Gitt: It is taught because it has become widely accepted and is represented by many. The triumph of the theory of evolution is not scientifically justifiable. Rather, strong intellectual currents such as the Enlightenment had prepared the ground for an atheistic interpretation of the world. The fact that Darwin's book on the origin of species was already completely out of print on the day of publication proves the desire of people for an explanation of the world without God. Since to this day most people want to live without God, evolution is a welcome lesson for them. If there were a worldwide great awakening to faith, evolution would be blown away in no time.
Fortunately, more and more literature is coming out in our time which, from a scientific point of view, deals critically with the Big Bang. I would just like to mention a few books here: From the Bonn astronomer Hans-Jörg Fahr: "The Big Bang will fall". Another title is called "Ratlos vor der grossen Mauer - das Scheitern der Urknall-Theorie" ("At a loss in front of the Great Wall - the failure of the Big Bang theory"). Due to the large accumulation of stars, which looks like a huge wall, the author Josef Lutz describes that the Big Bang theory cannot actually work. Astrophysicist Reinhard Breuer wrote the book "Immer Ärger mit dem Urknall - Das kosmologische Standardmodell in der Krise". And the American James Trefil wrote: "Five reasons why the world cannot exist - the astrophysics of dark matter". These are books in which the authors put forward numerous arguments against the Big Bang model. In their lectures they also hold this view. So it is not correct to claim in general that the Big Bang and evolution are taught everywhere.
如今已82岁高龄的Werner Gitt教授将于2019年8月2日至4日在Bad Teinach-Zavelstein 进行演讲,并将于8月18日至20日Karlsbad-Langensteinbach进行演讲。