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Thales Data Threat Report unveiled
Porsche opens “70 years of the Porsche sports car” exhibition in Berlin
Emirates Investes Refurbish Boeing aircraft
Covestro continues its profitable growth
Thales Data Threat Report unveiled
关键信息系统、网络安全和数据安全领域的领导者泰雷兹公司与分析机构451 研究公司联合发布了《2018泰雷兹数据威胁报告》(全球版)的调研结果。
Thales, a leader in critical information systems, cybersecurity and data security, announces the results of its 2018 Thales Data Threat Report, Global Edition, issued in conjunction with analyst firm 451 Research.
The report finds digitally transformative technologies are shaping the way organizations do business and moving them to a data-driven world, with 94% of organizations using sensitive data in cloud, big data, IoT, container, blockchain and/or mobile environments.
Digital transformation is driving efficiency and scale as well as making possible new business models that drive growth and profitability. Enterprises are embracing this opportunity by leveraging all that digital technology offers.
This rush to embrace new environments has created more attack surfaces and new risks for data that need to be offset by data security controls. The extent and impact of increased threats is most clearly shown in levels of data breaches and vulnerability.
While times have changed with respect to technological advancements, security strategies have not– in large part because spending realities do not match up with what works best to protect data.
This disconnect is also reflected in organizations’ attitude towards encryption, a key technology with a proven track record of protecting data.
Porsche opens “70 years of the Porsche sports car” exhibition in Berlin
Special exhibition devoted to the anniversary in the capital: On June 8, 1948, the first Porsche prototype with chassis number 356-001 received its general operating permit. It was the birth of the brand Porsche.
To mark the occasion, starting on March 20, 2018, the sports car manufacturer will be hosting the first “70 years of the Porsche sports car” special exhibition in Berlin. The exhibition will run until May 31, 2018 at “Drive. Volkswagen Group Forum” and admission is free of charge.
This special exhibition is divided into ten topics. It covers the milestones that have shaped the development of Porsche sports cars since 1948, and also looks at ideas for the future.
When they first enter the exhibition, visitors are greeted by a Porsche 356 “No.1” Roadster show car representing the “Origin of the sports car”.
在“未来跑车”主题区亮相的是保时捷首款纯电动车Misson E,该车型将于2019年量产上市。
Next in line is the topic “Sports cars of the future” featuring the Mission E, the series version of which will be launched on the market in 2019 as the first purely electrically powered Porsche.
Finally, “70 years of passion” is dedicated to the employees who have made Porsche so great. Videos, books and interactive dialogue options round off the exhibition concept in all areas.
The sports car manufacturer is celebrating this anniversary with numerous activities around the world throughout 2018.
Emirates Investes Refurbish Boeing aircraft
The airline has invested over US$150 million to refurbish the 10 existing 777-200LR aircraft in its fleet.
Emirates has unveiled a brand new Business Class cabin and configuration on its Boeing 777-200LR aircraft. With new wider seats laid out in a 2-2-2 configuration for the first time.
Emirates’ newly refurbished 777-200LR aircraft came into service on 6 March to Fort Lauderdale.This is the first of 10 aircraft which will be retrofitted with the new configuration over the course of the year.The refurbished 777-200LR aircraft is planned for several destinations .
Covestro continues its profitable growth
材料制造商科思创日前宣布,2017财年取得出色业绩。受益于市场对高性能塑料的强劲需求以及大幅提升的利润率,科思创集团销售额在2017年达到 141 亿欧元,较上年增长18.8%。
Materials manufacturer Covestro announced an outstanding fiscal year 2017. Driven by a high demand for high-performance plastics and significantly higher margins, Covestro increased Group sales by 18.8% to EUR 14.1 billion over the past fiscal year.
集团层面息税折旧摊销前利润较上年劲增70.6%,达到 34 亿欧元。净利润增长逾一倍,从7.95亿欧元上升至 20 亿欧元。
This was accompanied by an increase in EBITDA at Group level for the year as a whole of 70.6% to EUR 3.4 billion over the prior-year period. Net income more than doubled from EUR 795 million to EUR 2.0 billion.
在此出色业绩基础上,科思创计划向股东支付每股 2.20 欧元的股息(上一年:1.35 欧元)。
As a result of these excellent results, Covestro intends to pay its shareholders a dividend of EUR 2.20 per share (previous year:EUR 1.35).
科思创首席执行官唐佩德表示:“我们在 2017 年取得了令人印象深刻的业绩,远远超出了我们的总体目标。
“We have achieved an impressive result in 2017 and significantly exceeded our overall targets,” said CEO Patrick Thomas.
“Compared with our first year as an independent company, we have once again clearly improved and demonstrated that our success is sustainable.”
“There is one simple reason for that: We have managed to successfully unlock Covestro’s potential even further. We are now in a strong position from which we will accelerate further value creation.”
对于2018 年,科思创预计汽车、家具、建筑以及电气和电子等主要客户行业将稳健增长。
For 2018, Covestro expects solid growth in the main customer industries including the automotive, furniture, construction, and electrical and electronics industries.
Within these industries, Covestro considers in particular the social trend toward greater sustainability as a driver of growth.
In the coming years, Covestro intends to significantly increase its investments to continue to take exceptional advantage of the expected growth in the main customer industries.
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编辑 / 刘辛未
来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)