
新书推荐 | 中国高等教育中的角色差异化:政治社会化与学术自主之间的张力

FDDI 复旦发展研究院 2021-04-15



Role Differentiation in Chinese Higher Education

Tensions between Political Socialization and Academic Autonomy


第一章 简介:中国高等教育及其政治责任第二章 理论视角:政治社会化与高等教育第三章 案例大学历史回顾(1903年-2013年)第四章 不同行为者对政治责任的解读第五章 大学对于政治责任落实的保障第六章 在政治规制前提下学术自由与批判性思维的相关实践第七章 在政治规制前提下灵活性和备选空间的相关实践第八章 中国高等教育中的政治社会化:角色差异化战略

本书由Springer出版社出版,将于2021年1月22日公开发售纸质版书籍,目前电子版书籍已在出版社官方网站预售。本书通过八个章节分析了中国高等教育中双重任务——即学术任务与政治任务并存的状态,通过对一个单一的案例高校进行了历时一年半的实地调研,就其历史发展、不同行为者对于政治规制的解读与理解、中国高等教育保有学术自由和批判性思维的空间得出角色差异化战略的相关概念。国际著名比较高等教育专家、中国高等教育研究专家、加拿大安大略教育研究院院长许美德(Prof. Ruth Hayhoe)为本书作序,并认为,本书长处颇多,提供了中国高等教育的一幅深刻、细致的画像,对于国际社会上可能普遍存在的对于中国高等教育的刻板印象是一种挑战和纠偏。

This book examines tensions between the Chinese state and Chinese universities. It looks at the state’s demand for political socialization as a restriction on university autonomy and the university’s promotion of academic development through promoting academic freedom and fostering critical thinkers, using Jour University in PRC, as a case study.


The book focuses on the dynamics and complexity of the interplay between the state, universities, faculty, staff and students in the process of socialization through political education and academic affairs. Theories on political socialization and higher education guide this study. As universities’ socio-political task of imbuing students with a certain type of ideology coexists with their role of promoting university autonomy, examining China’s higher education system provides important insights as different players’ interaction. These present a dynamic picture of role differentiation as a strategy to cope with a politically restricted autonomy, which challenges some common stereotypes that have been put on Chinese universities within the global community.





Dr. Xiaoxin Du works as research assistant professor at Fudan Development Institute. She got her bachelor and master degree at School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University in 2008 and 2012. Her Ph.D. degree was earned in 2017 from Faculty of Education in the University of Hong Kong. She worked as a post-doctoral research fellow in East China Normal University from December 2017 to November 2020. Her research interests include higher education policy, academic mobility, youth studies, political socialization in universities, citizenship education. 


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