

2016-09-06 策马南京 南京策马翻译








上周三川普又重申其强硬移民政策,新闻中提到其早前关于移民的激烈言论及其后来自相矛盾的讲话。川普本人对国情知之甚少,演说鲜有“reality check”,而且热衷在twitter上抹黑对手,竞选风格诡异的他也算是难得见到的“风景”。小编用红字标注出生词和时政新闻地道用语,蓝字是需重点理解的长难句。

Trump Making Immigration His Top Issue

05 September, 2016

Donald Trump is making America's immigration policy the top issue of his presidential campaign.

At a speech on Wednesday, Trump said illegal immigrants are responsible for many violent crimes. And he said they represent a terrorism threat to the United States.

Trump told a crowd in Arizona that illegal immigration is also an economic threat. He said it can cost Americans jobs or force them to work for lower wages.

Trump, a New York businessman, is the Republican Party's candidate for the presidency. The candidate of the Democratic Party is Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state, senator and the wife of former President Bill Clinton. The U.S. presidential election is November 8.

Some observers expected Trump to moderate (v.节制,缓和)some of thepositions on immigration during the Arizona speech. But that did not happen.

Trump called for a tripling of immigration agents to enforce immigration laws and remove illegal immigrants with criminal records. And he repeated his call(再次呼吁)for building awall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

‘They Don't Know It Yet'

"We will build a great wall alongthe southern border," Trump said. "And Mexico will pay for the wall.One hundred percent. They don't know it yet, but they're going to pay forit."

Hillary Clinton opposes (反对)a border wall. Clinton has said she will push a bill (推动一项法案)in Congress to give immigrants without legal documentation a path toward citizenship.

Stephen Brooks is with the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron in Ohio.

He said Trump continues to appeal tovoters who worry that a long-time goal of many Americans is no longer possible for them and their families. That goal is to hand down a better life for their children.

"Many believe that is out of reachand they blame -- whether fairly or not -- immigration and trade," Brooks said.

Many of these voters are white men, Brooks said. Many live in areas where factories that produced clothing, steeland other products are gone. So are the high-paying jobs those businesses provided.

White, working-class voters helped Trump surprise the experts and defeat 16 other candidates for the Republican  presidential nomination.

Trump's problem is that these votersmay not be enough to win a general election, with an increasingly diverse (adj. different from eachother 不同的,多种多样的)group of voters, Brooks said.

More Hispanic Voters

In 2012, 71 percent of Hispanic voter schose President Barack Obama over his Republican opponent, Mitt Romney. Apublic opinion survey in July found that 82 percent of Hispanic voters havean unfavorable (adj. having a bad opinionof someone 不利的)view of Trump.

Jacob Monty is an immigration lawyer from Texas. He served on the National Hispanic Advisory Committee for Donald Trump. Monty resigned from the committee after the Arizona speech. He said the candidate's immigration positions did not match v. to do the same thing 匹配)what Trump told him and other committee members.

"It's a sad day because I am no fan of (并不喜欢)HillaryClinton," Monty told television broadcaster MSNBC.

A record 27.3 million Hispanics have the legal right to vote, according to the Pew Research Center.

Brooks said Trump is also having trouble with many white college graduates, especially women, who consider Trump's message too divisive(定语从句,口译时需顺句驱动).

Just hours before his speech, Trump traveled to Mexico City to meet with Mexican President (Enrique) Peña Nieto.The candidate used diplomatic language, saying a Trump administration would work together with Mexican leaders to secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

When he first announced his candidacyin June 2015, Trump said Mexico was sending people "bringing drugs,""bringing crime" and "rapists."

'Spectacular, Spectacular Hard-Working Poeple'

In Mexico City, Trump said Mexican-Americans are "spectacularadj. very great 惊人的, spectacular hard-working people."

David Damore teaches political scienceat the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He said it almost seemed as if there were "two Donald Trumps" speaking on Wednesday.

For the Mexico trip, Damore said, it was Trump being civil and reaching out to an important U.S. ally. But in the Arizona speech, Trump sent a strong message to his supporters that he is not backing down (退让,退缩) from strong immigration policies and tough language, Damore said.(但是在亚利桑那州演讲中,川普对支持者发出强烈信息,他并未在强有力移民政策和强硬言语上让步,Damore说道。)

Writer and political commentator AnnCoulter had expressed concern that Trump was no longer calling for toughpolicies against illegal immigration.(作家和政治评论家Ann Coulter曾经担心川普不再呼吁对非法移民采取强硬政策。)But she praisedhim after the Arizona speech.

"I hear (former British Prime Minister Winston) Churchill had a nice turn of phrase, but Trump's immigration speech is the most magnificent (adv. very great 伟大的)speech ever given," she wrote on Twitter.

But Damore and Brooks said the language Trump used in his Phoenix speech turns off(赶走了)many wealthy and well-educated white voters.

I'm Bruce Alpert.

Bruce Alpert reported this story for VOA Learning English. ­­­­­­George Grow was the editor.

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