
视频&双语全文 | 刘鹤华盛顿就美方加征关税 中美贸易谈判答记者问实录


I come here with sincerity. Under the current special circumstances, I hope to engage in rational and candid exchanges with the U.S. side. 


China believes that raising tariffs is not a solution to the current problems. It’s harmful to China, to the United States and to the whole world. 


So we should find a principled and better way to solve the reality. Cooperation should be the only way out. 


I come here under pressure to show China’s greatest sincerity. We hope to solve some of the differences frankly, confidently and rationally. I think there is hope. 



Question: Some American critics said the Chinese economy will suffer more than that of the United States if no agreement is reached during the trade consultations. What’s your comment on this?


Liu He: First, as I just said raising tariffs is not beneficial to either side. To some extent, the Chinese economy and American economy make up a complete industrial chain. www.kouyi.org Raising tariffs will hurt both economies. Now some difficulties occurred in the consultations, but we should not harm the benefits of people. If so, we feel regrettable. So we hope to find the best solution.  


China-US relations are of great importance. Economic and trade relations serve as the ballast and propeller of the overall China-US relationship, and matter not only to bilateral ties, but also to world peace and prosperity. Cooperation is the only right choice for the two sides, but it has to be based on principles. China will never make concessions on major issues of principle.


The Chinese delegation came to Washington for the latest round of talks with sincerity, and held candid and constructive exchanges with the US side. The two sides agreed to continue to push forward the consultations. China strongly opposes US tariff hikes, which are harmful not only to China and the United States, but to the world at large, and China will have to take necessary countermeasures.


Any agreement must be equal and mutually beneficial. The two sides have reached important consensus on many aspects, but there remain three core concerns of China that must be addressed.


The first is to remove all the additional tariffs, he said, adding that the levy of those tariffs is the starting point of the ongoing bilateral trade dispute, and must be totally revoked if the two sides were to reach a deal.


The second is that the amount of purchases should be realistic, he said, adding that the two sides reached consensus on the volume in Argentina, and should not change it randomly.


The third is to improve the balance of the wording of the text, he said, adding that every country has its dignity, the text must be balanced, and more discussions are needed on some critical issues.


It is just normal that there have been some ups and downs in bilateral consultations since 2018. It is irresponsible to casually accuse one party of “backtracking” while the two sides are still in the process of negotiation.


As for China, the most important thing is to focus on its own business. China enjoys huge domestic market demand, the implementation of the supply-side reform will comprehensively boost the competitiveness of Chinese products and enterprises, and there is still ample room for fiscal and monetary policy maneuvers. The Chinese economic prospect is very optimistic.


It is a good thing for a major country to encounter some twists and turns in its development, as they can serve as an ability test. As long as the Chinese people have firm confidence and make joint efforts, China is not afraid of any difficulties, and will certainly be able to maintain the good momentum of sustained and sound economic development.














