
欢迎参会| 27位海外演讲嘉宾简介-第三届中国脑胶质瘤学术大会暨中国医师协会脑胶质瘤专业委员会第三届年会 3月14-16日 西安

主办方授权 神外前沿 2022-04-17


欢迎报名参会,报名方式和日程请见:最新日程| 第三届中国脑胶质瘤学术大会暨中国医师协会脑胶质瘤专业委员会第三届年会 | 3月14-16日 西安



Patrick Y. Wen M.D.






Patrick Y. Wen教授是成人脑肿瘤协会联合负责人,神经肿瘤学协作组治疗反应评估委员会委员,是神经肿瘤临床试验研究领域的权威专家,在国际上拥有很高的知名度。曾主持NIH资助项目及常春藤资助项目20余项,以通讯或第一作者在CA-Cancer J Clin、Cancer cell、Nature Medicine等国际知名学术期刊上发表了70余篇高水平研究论文,曾担任著名学术期刊Neuro-Oncology的主编。2010年荣获美国Dana-Farber 肿瘤研究所授予临床科研优秀奖、2016年获美国伯明翰及妇女医院授予杰出神经肿瘤临床医师。

Patrick Y. Wen M.D.

Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

Director of the Center for Neuro-Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 

Director of the Division of Neuro-Oncology, Department of Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Executive Editor of Neuro-Oncology


Professor Patrick Y. Wen is Co-PI of the Adult Brain Tumor Consortium, member of the Executive Committee of the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology Working Group. He has presided more than 20 projects funded by NIH and Ivy League. He has published more than 70 papers in famous international magazines, such as CA-Cancer J Clin, Cancer Cell and Nature Medicine and used to serve as editor-in-chief in Neuro-Oncology. He was awarded the Excellence Award in Clinical Research by the American Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in 2010, and the Outstanding Neurological Oncology Clinician by Birmingham and Women's Hospitals in the United States.


Do-Hyun Nam, M.D., Ph.D







Do-Hyun Nam, M.D., Ph.D

Professor of the Department of Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine

Director of the Samsung Institute for Refractory Cancer Research

Director of the Center for Experimental Therapeutics of Samsung Cancer Research Institute

Director of the Research Center of Future Medicin


After obtaining medical degree, Professor Nam started his career as a clinical and research fellow at Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University Hospital and Samsung Biomedical Research Institute. He continued training for a career in cancer biology as a postdoctoral fellow at University Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. During his prolific career in Samsung Medical Center(SMC), Professor Nam has held several prestigious appointments such as the Director of Division of Quality Assurance at the Clinical Trial Center and the Director of the Caner Stem Cell Research Center. Professor Nam has extensive experience and expertise in the field of brain tumor research. He has authored over 200 peer-reviewed articles and has received numerous awards for his scientific accomplishments. 


W. K. Alfred Yung




Margaret & Ben Love临床癌症护理协会主席



Yung教授既任美国M.D.安德森癌症中心神经肿瘤科主任,兼任德州大学肿瘤生物学教授。同时他还担任Margaret & Ben Love临床癌症护理协会主席。


W. K. Alfred Yung, M.D.

Chair Emeritus, Neuro-Oncology Department, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Special Advisor to the CEO, National Brain Tumor Society

Margaret and Ben Love Chair of Clinical Cancer Care

Member, Moon Shots Program™ Executive Committee


W. K. Alfred Yung is professor and chair of Neuro-oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, where he holds the Margaret and Ben Love Chair of Clinical Cancer Care and dual appointment as professor of cancer biology. 

Dr. Yung aims to develop new therapeutic approaches to block the regulatory mechanisms of brain cancer cells. His many significant contributions to his field include leadership of the study that led to FDA approval of temozolomide for glioblastoma and co-leadership of the registration study which led to approval of the drug bevacizumab for recurrent glioblastoma. Respected nationally and internationally, Dr. Yung has served his profession in numerous leadership roles, including editor-in-chief of Neuro-Oncology, the flagship journal of the Society of Neuro-Oncology, from 2007-2014, and co-chair of the NCI Brain Malignancy Steering Committee since 2011.


Timothy Cloughesy M.D.

美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 肿瘤神经学项目主任

美国脑肿瘤协会 医学顾问团副主席


Timothy教授致力于神经肿瘤领域的临床研究,他作为首席研究员开了80多个临床试验,招募了800多名患者参加试验,为大量抗肿瘤疗法的临床转化做出了重大贡献。近年来,Timothy教授致力于发展基于病理组织的临床试验,研究治疗反应的分子决定因素和药物抵抗机制,并将新的影像学方法整合到临床试验中。Timothy教授已有大量研究成果发表在《Cancer Res》、《Neuro-Oncology》、《Oncogene》等知名期刊。鉴于他在临床领域的突出贡献,Timothy教授连续多年被评为美国最佳医生。

Timothy Cloughesy M.D.

Director of UCLA Neuro-Oncology Program, USA

Vice Chair of Medical Advisory Board, National Brain Tumor Society, USA


Professor Timothy is committed to clinical research in the field of neuro-oncology. He has opened over 80 clinical trials as Principal Investigator and enrolled over 800 patients into trials. Recent years, his particular emphasis has been on developing tissue-based trials that provide insight into molecular determinates of response and mechanisms of resistance as well as integrating novel imaging approaches in to clinical trials. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as Cancer Research, Oncogene, Neuro-oncology and Cancer. In view of his outstanding contributions, Professor Timothy has been recognized on the list of "The Best Doctors in America" many times.


Vinay K. Puduvalli, MD






Puduvalli 教授的学术兴趣是针对以患者为导向的临床前,转化和临床研究。他已经开始全面研究针对恶性胶质瘤靶向治疗的表观遗传学调控。Puduvalli 教授的实验室致力于通过鉴定神经胶质瘤中的表观遗传变化来描述神经胶质瘤和胶质瘤干细胞(GSC)中与临床相关的表观遗传学改变。这些研究旨在为神经胶质瘤的表观遗传学和耐药提供新的见解。研究结果发表在Clinical Cancer Research,Oncogene等高水平期刊。

Vinay K. Puduvalli, MD

Professor and Director, Division of Neuro-oncology

Sanford and Rife Family Endowed Chair in Neuro-oncology

Medical Director, Neurological Malignancies Service Line

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center


Dr. Puduvalli's academic interests are directed towards patient oriented research in preclinical, translational and clinical studies. He has initiated a comprehensive effort to study epigenetic modulation of targeted therapies against malignant gliomas. These studies are aimed at providing new insights into epigenetics and drug resistance of gliomas. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as Clinical Cancer Research,Oncogene, and so on.


Daniel J. Brat, MD






Brat教授领导着一个基础和转化研究实验室,研究胶质瘤进展的机制,包括缺氧、遗传学、肿瘤微环境和干细胞的贡献。胶质瘤进展的特点是肿瘤坏死,严重缺氧和血管生成。他的实验室还研究了胶质瘤干细胞(GSC)特殊生物学特性的机制,重点研究它们不对称分裂的能力和它们适应低氧微环境的能力。在Cancer Research,N Eng J Med,Proc Natl Acad Sci等高水平杂志上发表多篇研究论文。

Daniel J. Brat, MD

Professor of pathology

Vice Chair, Translational Programs, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Director, Cancer Tissue and Pathology Core, Winship Cancer Institute Northwestern University


Dr. Brat directs a basic and translational research lab that investigates mechanisms of glioma progression, including the contributions of hypoxia, genetics, tumor microenvironment and stem cells. Glioma progression is characterized by tumor necrosis, severe hypoxia and angiogenesis. His lab also studies mechanisms that confer specialized biologic properties to glioma stem cells (GSC) in GBM, including their ability to divide asymmetrically and their ability to home to hypoxic micro-environments. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as Cancer Research,N Eng J Med and Proc Natl Acad Sci.


Antonio Iavarone, MD





Iavarone教授的课题组主要研究项目是针对高级别脑胶质瘤蛋白互作网络及脑胶质瘤恶性表型转化的研究。目前的研究领域包括FGFR‐TACC融合蛋白致癌转化的机制,小鼠胶质母细胞瘤基因融合的验证和建模,以及与维持脑肿瘤表型可识别亚型相关的驱动基因改变的识别。这项工作提供了人类GBM中致癌和复发基因融合的第一个例子,并将我们的研究引向个性化癌症转化的目标。在Nature, Nat Med, Nat Genet 和Science等高水平杂志上发表多篇研究论文。

Antonio Iavarone, MD

Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology and Neurology

Member of Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center

Columbia University


Dr Iavarone’s research program is the dissection of the role of proteins and networks (master regulators) that drive phenotypic states in normal and cancer cells of the brain. Current areas of research include the mechanism of oncogenic transformation by FGFR‐TACC fusion proteins, validation and modeling novel glioblastoma gene fusions in the mouse and identification of novel driver genetic alterations relevant to the maintenance of phenotypically recognizable subtypes of brain tumors. This work provides the first example of an oncogenic and recurrent gene fusion in human GBM and leads our research towards the goal of personalized cancer translation. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as Nature, Nat Med, Nat Genet and Science.


Kenneth Aldape M.D.

美国国家癌症研究所 病理学实验室主任

美国德州大学MD安德森癌症中心 病理学系主任

加拿大大学健康网络 病理学系主任

加拿大玛嘉烈公主癌症中心 病理学系主任



Kenneth Aldape教授是世界著名的神经病理学家,擅长于颅脑及脊髓肿瘤的病理诊断。他大力推动了二代测序技术的病理学临床应用,为神经病理学分子诊疗的进展做出了突出贡献。他同时从事神经肿瘤学的临床转化试验研究,改进了诊断和预后预测方法,并将研究成果用于临床工作。


Kenneth Aldape M.D.

Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, USA. 

Department of Pathology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Department of Pathology, University Health Network, Canada.

Department of Pathology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada.

Editor-in-chief of Neuro-Oncology


Professor Kenneth Aldape is a world-renowned neuropathologist specializing in the pathological diagnosis of brain and spinal cord tumors. He has vigorously promoted the pathological clinical application of the second-generation sequencing technology, and made outstanding contributions to the progress of molecular diagnosis and treatment of neuropathology. He is also engaged in clinical transformational trials of neurooncology, focusing on diagnostic and prognostic prediction methods and the development of new diagnostic methods for clinical work. 

In view of his remarkable achievements, he was hired as a member of the WHO guidelines development team. He participated in the development of updated guidelines for the classification of brain tumours ("WHO blue book").


Anna Dimberg

瑞典乌普萨拉大学 免疫学系副教授


  Anna Dimberg副教授是一名年轻有为的神经科学家,长期致力于肿瘤微环境及神经影像领域的研究。她自2002年至今一直工作于瑞典乌普萨拉大学遗传病理学系免疫学实验室,目前为该实验室副教授。她的研究不仅揭示了肿瘤血管生成的特殊机制,也发现了基于肿瘤血管的新式抗肿瘤方法。此外,她在神经影像领域也取得瞩目的成就,为脑胶质瘤磁共振影像数据的深入解读提供了全新的方式。Anna Dimberg教授已有50余篇文章发表在《Clin Cancer Res》、《Neuro-Oncology》等知名期刊。

Anna Dimberg

Department of Immunology, Uppsala University, Sweden.


Associate Professor Anna Dimberg is a young and promising neuroscientist who has long been working on the field of tumor microenvironment and neuroimaging. As an Associate Professor, she has been working in the Immunology Laboratory of the Department of Genetic Pathology at Uppsala University in Sweden since 2002. Her research not only revealed a special mechanism of tumor angiogenesis, but also discovered new anti-tumor methods based on tumor blood vessels. In addition, she has made remarkable achievements in the field of neuroimaging, providing a new way for the in-depth interpretation of glioma data of glioma. Professor Anna Dimberg has published more than 50 articles in famous journals as Clin Cancer Res, Neuro-Oncology, and so on. 


Hans-Jakob Steiger





  Hans-Jakob Steiger教授毕业于苏黎世大学和日内瓦大学医学院。在瑞士、美国和加拿大完成了神经外科医师的培训。曾任伯尔尼大学医院神经外科副主任,研究课题获得瑞士国家科学基金会的资助。1994年担任慕尼黑路德维希马克西米大学教授,以及神经血管外科部门负责人。从2002年起,担任德国杜塞尔多夫大学附属医院成人及儿童神经外科主任。Hans-Jakob Steiger教授在成人与儿童的神经肿瘤以及脑血管病等方向均有广泛、深入的研究,发表SCI论文100余篇。

Hans-Jakob Steiger, M.D.

Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery, National Academy of Sciences of Germany

Chairman of the Neurosurgical Center of the German Neurosurgical Association

Director of Neurosurgery, Düsseldorf Medical School


Professor Hans-Jakob Steiger studied medicine at the University of Zurich and Geneva. Accomplished the clinical training for neurosurgeon in Switzerland, the United States and Canada. He used to be the deputy director of neurosurgery at the University Hospital Bern, and his research project was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. In 1994, he was invited to be the professor of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, as well as the position of the Head of the Section of Neurovascular Surgery. Since 2002, he has served as Director of Adult and Pediatric Neurosurgery at the University Hospital of Düsseldorf, Germany. Professor Hans-Jakob Steiger has extensive and in-depth research in the fields of neuro-oncology and cerebrovascular disease both in adults and children, and has published more than 100 SCI papers.


Ulf D. Kahlert


德国杜塞尔多夫大学医学中心 神经外科


德国癌症转化研究协会 研究员

北京市神经外科研究所 名誉副教授



Ulf D. Kahlert Ph.D.

Head of Preclinical Oncology, Neurosurgical Clinic, University Medical Center Düsseldorf 

Principal Investigator, German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) 

Adjunct Associate Professor, Beijing Neurosurgical Institute


Dr. Ulf D. Kahlert is the head of preclinical oncology in the neurosurgical clinic of University Medical Center in Düsseldorf. He is also a principal investigator of German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), working with cancer stem cell metabolism. The central paradigm of his work is to understand the biology of stem-like cells and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in brain tumors, drawing particular caution on the phylogenetically conserved stem cell signaling cascades Notch and Wingless (WNT). He has received numerous international research funding, including the Heinrich-Heine University young investigator fund of Strategic Research Fund, Brigitte and Dr. Con-stanze Wegener Foundation, etc. Most of his work was published in high-level magazines.


Manfred Schwab理学博士

《Cancer Letters》主编





Schwab教授是《Cancer Letters》杂志主编,兼任德国癌症中心肿瘤遗传学研究室主任。Schwab教授重点研究神经母细胞瘤的生物学及遗传学转化。他在神经母细胞瘤中率先发现了MYCN基因的扩增现象并探明了其作用机制,将其推广成为了人类肿瘤诊疗史上的第一个遗传学分子标记物。他的众多优秀学术成果发表于《Lancet Oncology》、《Nature》、《Trends in Genetics》等国际一流期刊。因此,他被授予了德国肿瘤学优秀研究奖、格哈德·多马克奖等奖项。

Manfred Schwab 

Editor-in-chief of Cancer Letters

Director of the Division of Tumor Genetics at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Chairman for Europe and Russia Region, International Board and Member of Executive Committee on Advances in Neuroblastoma Research


Manfred Schwab is the editor-in-chief of Cancer Letters and the director of the division of tumor genetics at German DKFZ. He focused on the biology and genetics of neuroblastoma. The amplification of MYCN-gene and the MYCN-protein transforming functions were first found by him in neuroblastoma. And now amplified MYCN is the very first onco-genetic molecular marker for human cancer.

Numerous of outstanding researches were published by Dr. Schwab, including Lancet Oncology, Nature, Trends in Genetics, Advances in Cancer Research, etc. He was awarded Deutscher Krebspreis (National Cancer Award) and Gerhard Domagk Award for his remarkable achievements. 


Clark C. Chen, MD, PhD

Lyle French神经外科主席,教授和系主任,



Clark C. Chen是国际著名的神经外科医师,放射外科专家,著名的脑肿瘤研究学者。他的研究兴趣集中在探索正常脑细胞与脑肿瘤细胞之间的相互作用以及为脑肿瘤患者开发新的治疗方法。Chen教授本科就读于斯坦福大学的生物学系,硕士就读于哥伦比亚大学,博士就读于哈佛医学院。Chen教授曾担任加州大学圣地亚哥分校神经外科副主席和哈佛医学院医疗中心外科神经肿瘤科主任。Chen教授是美国国立卫生研究院资助的调查学者,并获得多个享有盛誉的奖项。 

Clark C. Chen, MD PhD

Lyle A. French Chair of Neurosurgery,Professor and Department Head

University of Minnesota


Clark C. Chen is an internationally recognized neurosurgeon, radiosurgery expert, and a renowned brain tumor researcher. His research interest is focused on understanding the neuroscience how normal brain interface with brain tumor cell and on developing new treatments for brain cancer patients. He received his B.S. in biology from Stanford University, M.S. from Columbia University, and M.D., Ph.D. from Harvard Medical School. Dr. Chen used to serve as the Vice-Chairman of Neurosurgery at the University of California San Diego and the Director of Surgical Neuro-oncology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. Dr. Chen is an NIH funded investigator and the recipient of highly regarded awards.


Min Li Ph.D. 








李敏教授是美国俄克拉荷马医学院副院长,国际胰腺病学会(IAP)理事,肿瘤学核心期刊Cancer Letters的副主编,同时也是《Clinical Cancer Research》及《BMC Medicine》编委,及80余个杂志的特邀审稿人。他是美国国家癌症研究所国家基金会和中国国家自然科学基金会的特邀评审专家。他致力于胰腺癌及颅脑肿瘤的发病机制和个体化治疗研究,研究进展处于国际领先水平,被誉为国际胰腺疾病研究的华人领袖,2007年他的名字被收入《美国名人录》。

Min Li Ph.D.

Assistant Dean for International Research Collaboration, College of Medicine

Director of International Association of Pancreatology (IAP)

Professor of Medicine, Surgery, and Cell Biology

Virginia Kerley Cade Endowed Chair in Cancer Treatment

Director of GI Cancer Research, Department of Medicine

Vice Chair for Research, Department of Surgery

Co-Leader, Preclinical Translational Cancer Research (PTCR) Program, Stephenson Cancer Center, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center


Professor Li is the Assistant Dean for International Research Collaboration, College of Medicine, Director of International Association of Pancreatology, editor-in-chief of Cancer Letters, and is also on the editorial boards of Clinical Cancer Research and BMC Medicine. He is also the guest reviewers of more than 80 magazines. He is the invited evaluation expert of NIH/NCI national foundation and Chinese National Natural Science Foundation. His work is focused on basic research of nosogenesis and personal treatment of pancreatic cancer and brain tumor. His research progress is at the international advanced level, and known as the Chinese leader of international pancreatic disease research. In 2007, his name was included in the "American Who's Who".


张文波 教授





Wenbo Zhang M.D.


MSI Center at Minnesota Epilepsy Group and United Hospital

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Dept. of Neurology, University of Minnesota


Dr. Wenbo Zhang spent a couple of years at Yale University, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and University of Minnesota performing research on epilepsy and functional imaging with magnetic source imaging (MSI) and functional MRI. Now he is the director of MSI Center at Minnesota Epilepsy Group and the adjunct assistant professor at Dept. of Neurology, University of Minnesota. He is also the members of the American Epilepsy Society, the American Academy of Neurology, the American and International Society for Clinical Magnetoencephalography. He performed research on epilepsy and functional imaging with magnetic source imaging (MSI) and functional MRI. He has scores of publications in neuroimaging, especially in epilepsy and functional imaging in English and Chinese. His research funded by: NSFC, NIH, University of Minnesota, State of Oklahoma, United Hospital Foundation,Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Foundation of Minnesota.


Shi-Yuan Cheng, PhD

美国芝加哥西北大学 神经学教授

美国华人抗癌协会(USCACA) 主席

中美癌症研究协会(ACACR) 主席

美国西北脑部肿瘤研究所 主任

Lurie H. Robert综合癌症中心 主任

中山大学中山医学院 仁济医院 上海交通大学医学院 客座教授


Cheng教授是美国芝加哥西北大学范伯格医学院神经学的终身教授,同时兼任美国华人抗癌协会(USCACA)和中美癌症研究协会(ACACR)的主席,致力于促进中美两国癌症研究人员和医生之间的合作。Cheng 教授实验室主要研究项目是针对人类肿瘤发展通过靶向分子途径开发抗癌治疗的新方法。Cheng教授在Cancer Cell, Nature Communications, Cancer Research, Proc Natl Acad Sci, Neuro-oncology等高水平期刊发表多篇研究论文。

Shi-Yuan Cheng, PhD

Professor of Neurology in Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL USA

President of US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (USCACA)

President of Association of Chinese American in Cancer Research (ACACR)

Associate Scientific Director of Northwestern Brain Tumor Institute

Co-leader of Neuro-Oncology Research Group at the Lurie H. Robert Comprehensive Cancer Center


Dr. Cheng is currently a tenured Professor of Neurology in Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL USA. Dr. Cheng was the President of US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (USCACA) and Association of Chinese American in Cancer Research (ACACR). He is aimed at facilitating collaborations among cancer researchers and physicians in US and China. The primary goals of research projects in Cheng laboratory is to develop novel approaches for anti-cancer therapies by targeting molecular pathways by which human tumors develop and progress. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as Cancer Cell,Nature Communications, Cancer Research, Proc Natl Acad Sci, Neuro-oncology.


郭德良 PhD




郭教授长期致力于肿瘤代谢组学方面的研究。郭教授团队最近发现了SREBP-1因子,一种控制脂肪酸合成途径的主要转录因子,介导PI3K / Akt信号传导驱动的葡萄糖和Myc驱动的谷氨酰胺代谢进行脂质合成,同时进一步证明SREBP-1是一个良好治疗癌症的分子靶点。最近,他们进一步发现癌细胞通过上调LDLR导入大量胆固醇以支持其恶性生长,并且该过程直接受PI3K / Akt / SREBP-1途径调节。这一发现,为寻找肿瘤代谢途径上的治疗靶点的起到了重要的引领作用。

Deliang Guo, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Radiation Oncology

The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center and College of  Medicine


Metabolism reprogramming is the hallmark of cancer. Dr. Guo's lab recently revealed SREBP-1, a master transcription factor to control fatty acid synthesis pathway, mediates PI3K/Akt signaling-drived glucose and Myc-drived glutamine metabolism to lipid synthesis, further demonstrate SREBP-1 is a good molecular target to treat cancer. Recently, they further discovered cancer cells import a large amount of cholesterol to support its malignant growth through upregulation of LDLR, and this process is directly regulated by PI3K/Akt/SREBP-1 pathway. Dr. Guo's lab's long term goal is to determine the key molecular targets in cancer metabolism and translate it to clinic.


王吉光 Ph.D




王吉光教授为香港科技大学杰出的青年科学家,毕业于哥伦比亚大学。目前主要研究领域为生物信息挖掘,肿瘤基因组学和精准医疗,特别是在开发高通量的生物/临床数据的计算方法方面。目前已在计算生物学领域已在Nature, Cell, Nature Genetics等国际知名杂志发表论文超过40篇。2018年10月,首都医科大学北京市神经外科研究所、附属北京天坛医院江涛教授团队、香港科技大学王吉光教授团队与北京师范大学樊小龙教授团队合作,在国际顶级学术期刊CELL(五年影响因子33.796)杂志发表题为“Mutational Landscape of Secondary Glioblastoma Guides MET-Targeted Trial in Brain Tumor”的论文。

Jiguang Wang Ph.D.



Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Dr. Wang is an outstanding young scientist of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology who is graduated from Columbia University. His research interests involve Biological information mining, cancer genomics and precision medicine—particularly, developing computational methods to explore high-throughput biological/clinical data. He has published more than 40 papers in high-level magazines, such as Nature, Cell and Nature Genetic. In October 2018, the team of Professor Jiang Tao of the Beijing Tiantan Hospital, the Beijing Institute of Neurosurgery, Capital Medical University, and the team of Professor Wang Jiguang of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the team of Professor Fan Xiaolong of Beijing Normal University, published in the international top academic journal CELL magazine entitled Paper for "Mutational Landscape of Secondary Glioblastoma Guides MET-Targeted Trial in Brain Tumor".


巴素娟 博士

国家癌症研究基金会(美国) 总裁兼首席运营官

适应性创新医疗高影响力倡议转化研究基金 创始总裁兼首席执行官

亚洲癌症研究基金(香港) 首席执行官和创始人



巴素娟博士被公认为是国际发展研究所全球卫生项目中“全球卫生领域最优秀的300名女性领导者之一”。 巴博士负责NFCR的科学资助、全球战略伙伴关系和联盟、公共筹款以及财务规划的战略决策和实施。在巴博士的领导下,NFCR在美国、欧洲和亚洲建立了强大的研究实验室网络,使NFCR的科学家能够专注于癌症研究。由于她突出的贡献,巴素娟博士先后荣获中国医师协会神经肿瘤学分会首届杰出贡献奖,中美生物制药协会公共服务奖。她还在2011年被选为CRS女性科学奖获得者。

Sujuan Ba, PhD

President and COO of National Foundation for Cancer Research (US)

founding President and CEO of AIM-HI Translational Research Fund

CEO and Founder of Asian Fund for Cancer Research (Hong Kong)

co-founded and founding board member of the Global Coalition for Adaptive Research(GCAR)


Dr. Ba is recognized as one of the “Top 300 Women Leaders in Global Health” by the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.Dr. Ba oversees the strategic directions and implementation of NFCR’s scientific funding, global strategic partnership & alliances, public fundraising, and financial planning. Under Dr. Ba’s leadership, NFCR has established a powerful network of research laboratories in the United States, Europe, and Asia – a network which has enabled NFCR Scientists to focus on critical aspects of cancer research. She received the inaugural award from Society for Neuro-Oncology of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association for her outstanding contribution to international cooperation in March 2017. She was awarded the 2014 Public Service Award from the Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association–USA for her long term devotion and distinguished service to the global biopharmaceutical community. She was also selected to receive the CRS WOMEN IN SCIENCES award in 2011.


Dongxia Feng, MD

德克萨斯A&M大学医学院Baylor Scott & White医学中心神经外科



Dongxia Feng,医学博士,得克萨斯州坦普尔市神经外科专家,他同时隶属于斯科特和怀特纪念医院。Dongxia Feng 博士于1989年从医学院毕业,拥有超过30年的丰富临床从业经验,尤其擅长神经外科的诊治工作。Dongxia Feng 博士与包括斯科特和怀特诊所在内的众多医疗机构的医生开展合作,共同开展临床和科研工作。Dongxia Feng 博士的学术兴趣主要涉及脑出血以及其他神经外科疾病,并在许多高水平杂志如Transl Stroke Res、Curr Neuropharmacol 等发表许多研究论文。

Dongxia Feng, MD 

Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center, Texas A&M University College of Medicine

Texas A&M University System Health Science Center


Dongxia Feng, MD, is a Neurosurgery specialist in Temple, Texas, and he is also affiliated with Scott and White Memorial Hospital. Dr. Dongxia Feng attended and graduated from medical school in 1989, having over 30 years of diverse experience, especially in Neurosurgery. Dr. Dongxia Feng cooperates with other doctors and physicians in medical groups including Scott And White Clinic for clinical and scientific research. His academic interests involve Intracerebral Hemorrhage and other neurosurgery disorders. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as Transl Stroke Res, Curr Neuropharmacol.


Brandon Foreman,MD


神经病学及康复医学临床助理教授, 神经重症研究中心副主任



Brandon Foreman,医学博士,辛辛那提大学加德纳神经科学研究所神经病学和康复医学助理教授,辛辛那提大学医学中心UCHealth神经重症监护专家。Foreman 博士毕业于得克萨斯大学西南医学院,是一名得到广泛认可的神经学家,并在位于纽约的哥伦比亚大学医学中心长老会医院完成了临床神经生理学和神经重症监护的专业培训。Foreman 博士的临床工作和研究方向主要聚焦于急性脑损伤:癫痫发作、血压血流变化和去极化扩散如何影响大脑的功能和创伤后恢复。

Brandon Foreman MD

Assistant Clinical Professor of Neurology & Rehabilitation Medicine

Associate Director for Neurocritical Care Research

University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute, Neurocritical Care Program, Neurotrauma Center, Epilepsy Center


Brandon Foreman, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute and serves as neurointensive care specialist with UCHealth at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Dr. Foreman received his medical degree from University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and he is a board-certified neurologist and completed specialty training in both Clinical Neurophysiology and Neurocritical Care at NewYork-Presbyterian’s Columbia University Medical Center in New York. Dr. Foreman’s clinical and research focus is on acute brain injury: how seizures, changes in blood pressure and flow, and spreading depolarizations affect the brain’s functioning and recovery.


Ekokobe Fonkem D.O, S.B

Heyond the Horizon的创始人兼首席执行官



Baylor Scott and White Health神经肿瘤学主任


Ekokobe Fonkem毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,是神经肿瘤学家和神经科学家,致力于原发、转移脑肿瘤及其并发症的基础、转化和临床研究。Ekokobe博士目前是Baylor Scott and White Health神经肿瘤学主任、德克萨斯A&M大学健康科学中心外科副教授。近年来,他在Journal of America Chemistry Society、EBioMedicine上发表关于脑肿瘤的高分研究论文。此外,Fonkem博士还是非盈利组织“Heyond Beyond my Horizon”创始人和首席执行官。

Ekokobe Fonkem DO, S.B

The CEO and founder of Heyond the Horizon 

Associate Professor of Surgery, Texas A & M University Health Science Center

Executive of American Society of Clinical Oncology

System Director of Neuro-Oncology, Baylor Scott & White Health


Ekokobe Fonkem graduated from Ohio State University and is a neuro-oncologist and neuroscientist, dedicated to basic, translational and clinical research on both primary and metastatic brain cancers as well as their neurological complications. Dr Ekokobe Fonkem is currently the Director of the Baylor Scott and White Health System Neuro-Oncology Program, and an Associate Professor of Surgery at the Texas A & M University Health Science Center. In recent years, he has published many research papers in Journal of America Chemistry Society and EBioMedicine in respect of brain tumors. Dr Fonkem also serves as the CEO and founder of a non-profit organization “Healing Beyond our Horizon”. 


Jay-Jiguang Zhu M.D., Ph.D.


德州大学健康科学中心Vivian L. Smith神经外科主任




Jay-Jiguang Zhu教授毕业于麦吉尔大学,是神经肿瘤专家。作为德州大学健康科学中心Vivian L. Smith神经外科主任,Zhu教授致力于对包括恶性胶质瘤,脑膜瘤、中枢神经系统淋巴瘤等脑肿瘤的有效化疗鉴定的临床转化研究。他是Memorial Hermann-Texas医疗中心的42名医生之一,也是TIRR Memorial Hermann的34名医生之一。近年来,通过与临床医生和研究科学家的合作,他将临床数据与分子检测和影像技术相结合,为原发性和转移脑肿瘤开发新的治疗方案,先后在JAMA,Clinical Cancer Research,Neuro-oncology等高水平杂志上发表研究论文。

Associate Professor of Neuro Oncology

Director of Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery at University of Texas Health Science Center

McGovern Medical School

Mischer Neuroscience Associates


Professor Jay-Jiguang Zhu is a graduate of McGill University Faculty of Medicine. As a specialist of Neuro Oncology and the director of Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery at University of Texas Health Science Center, professor Zhu performs translational researches on identification of effective chemotherapies for brain tumors including malignant gliomas, meningiomas, and PCNSL. He is one of 42 doctors at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center and one of 34 at TIRR Memorial Hermann who specialize in Neurology. In recent years, through collaboration with clinicians and research scientists, professor Zhu combines clinical data with molecular assays and imaging techniques to formulate individualized and novel treatment plans for primary and metastasis brain tumors. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as JAMA,Clinical Cancer Research,and Neuro-oncology.


Bill Doyle S.B, MBA



WFD Ventures有限公司任事股东


William(Bill)Doyle毕业于麻省理工学院材料科学与工程专业,并持有哈佛大学商学院MBA,是Novocure的执行主席。Novocure是一家商业阶段的肿瘤学公司,目前正在开发低场强电场实体肿瘤治疗方法。最近,Novocure公司完成了针对新发胶母细胞瘤的电场联合替莫唑胺治疗进行临床研究,共招募700名受试者。此外,他还是私人风险投资公司WFD Ventures有限公司的任事股东。早年间,Doyle先生担任过麦肯锡公司医疗保健集团的管理顾问,强生公司消费药品和医疗器械集团运营委员会成员及许可和收购副总裁。

Bill Doyle S.B, MBA

Executive Chairman of Novocure

Member of the Investment Team of Pershing Square Capital, L.P

Managing Partner of WFD Ventures LLC


Bill Doyle is a graduate of materials science and engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. Mr. Doyle is the Executive Chairman of Novocure, a company commercializing a new therapeutic modality for solid tumors using low-intensity electric fields. Recently, Novocure completed clinical trial in respect of electric field together with Temozolomide therapy in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme,and enrolled 700 patients into trials. In addition, Mr. Doyle has also been the Managing Partner of WFD Ventures LLC, a private venture capital firm. In the early years, Mr. Doyle served as a management consultant in the healthcare group of McKinsey & Company, a member of Johnson & Johnson’s Consumer Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Group Operating Committee and Vice President, Licensing and Acquisitions.


Maciej M. Mrugala






Maciej教授是亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市的一名神经病学家,他隶属于该地区的多家医院,包括梅奥诊所和华盛顿大学医学中心。执业20余年来,他担任梅奥诊所神经肿瘤科主任及华盛顿州神经病学主席,专攻颅内肿瘤及神经病学,曾多次被评为华盛顿州最佳医生。近年来,Maciej教授参与梅奥诊所神经肿瘤项目并对颅内原发肿瘤及颅内转移瘤进行研究,研究成果多次在The Journal of Clinical Investigation,Neuro-oncology等高水平杂志中发表。

Maciej M. Mrugala


Director of Neurology, Mayo Clinic

President of the Washington State Neurological Society

Chairman of the 20th International Symposium on Blood Brain Barrier Signal Transduction


Dr. Maciej is a neurologist in Scottsdale, Arizona and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Mayo Clinic-Phoenix and University of Washington Medical Center. He has been in practice for more than 20 years and served as Director of the Neuro-Oncology, Department of Neurology of the Mayo Clinic and President of Washington State Neurological Society. He is Specializing in brain tumors and neurology, awarding Best Doctor in Washington State many times. In recent years, Professor Maciej has been involved in the Mayo Clinic Neuro-Oncology Program and has done many research in primary brain tumors and metastatic disease. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as The Journal of Clinical Investigation,Neuro-oncology.


Ron Weitzman,MD



Ron博士是美国培训委员会认证的医学肿瘤学家,自1999年以来一直在生物制药行业工作。在他的职业生涯中,他参与了临床药物研发进展的所有领域,包括一期、二期和三期临床试验。他有固体和血液恶性肿瘤药物的研发经验,并与FDA、EMEA、加拿大和日本卫生当局有广泛的联系。在Exelixis药物研发公司工作期间,他负责监督卡博替尼(cabozantinib, XL184)在前列腺癌中的进展,并且正在进行两项3期的注册研究。

Ron Weitzman,MD

Chief Medical Officer, Quadriga Bio Company


Ron is a US trained board-certified medical oncologist having worked in the biopharmaceutical industry since 1999. Over his career, Ron has worked in all areas of clinical development including phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials. He has drug development experience in both solid and hematological malignancies and has interacted extensively with FDA, EMEA, Canadian and Japanese health authorities. In his most recent role at Exelixis Drug Discovery Company, he oversaw cabozantinib's (XL184) development in prostate cancer with two ongoing phase 3 registrational studies underway.


Kuo-Chen Wei





Kuo-Chen Wei 教授的学术兴趣如下:1.神经外科; 2.脑肿瘤标志物的系统分析; 3.开发创新型脑肿瘤治疗系统。所获荣誉及奖项:中国肿瘤协会Chien-Tien Hsu 癌症研究奖;第十二届全国生物技术与医药研究创新奖。在高水平的学术期刊如Radiology,Neurosurgery等上发表了多篇研究论文。

Kuo-Chen Wei

Associate professor

Deputy Director of Cancer Center of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Chang Gung University


Dr. Kuo-Chen Wei's academic interests are as follows: 1. Neurosurgery; 2. Systemic analysis of brain tumor markers; 3. Development of innovate brain tumor treatment system. Major Honors and Awards:Chien-Tien Hsu’s Cancer Research Award, The Chinese Oncology Society;Academic Research Category of the 12th National Innovation Award, the Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry. He has published many research papers in high-level magazines, such as Radiology,Neurosurgery, and so on. 


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[人物]神经肿瘤基因组学治疗领军人物 麻省总医院BATCHELOR

[人物]国际公认的肿瘤代谢领域领军人物 M.D.安德森癌症中心吕志民

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[人物]推动TTF电场技术发明与胶质瘤临床应用的Novo Cure执行主席Doyle 


[人物]国际神经肿瘤临床试验领域权威专家 美国哈佛医学院Wen教授


[人物]演讲者风采之一: 世界抑癌基因研究领域开拓者Cavenee院士

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