

Dow Jones 道琼斯风险合规 2022-03-20

Makan Delrahim oversees the Justice Department’s antitrust division. 美国司法部负责反垄断部门的副部长Makan Delrahim。 图片来源:CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES

The U.S. Justice Department will begin rewarding companies that have systems in place to prevent antitrust crimes at the time a breach occurs, according to a senior official.


A company that can show it had a strong compliance program can receive discounts off fines and a more lenient type of settlement, Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim, who runs the department’s antitrust division, said in prepared remarks for a corporate compliance event Thursday at New York University’s law school.

美国司法部负责反垄断部门的副部长Makan Delrahim在为纽约大学法学院一次企业合规活动准备的演讲稿中称,如果一家公司能够证明自己有强大的合规机制,就可以获得罚款减免和更宽容的和解方式。

The department also has released written guidance on how it evaluates such programs, he said in the prepared remarks.


The announcement, which Mr. Delrahim foreshadowed during a speech in May, extends a policy for crediting companies that develop programs for preventing corruption offenses. It is the latest effort by the Justice Department to incentivize companies to invest in programs that prevent crimes before they happen.


The policy also introduces significant changes to the Justice Department’s antitrust leniency program. Under that 25-year-old program, the first company to report an illegal cartel can receive immunity from criminal prosecution. Other members of the cartel could be rewarded for cooperating but were traditionally required to plead guilty and pay fines.


Such an “all-or-nothing philosophy” approach was a product of a time when the leniency program was the antitrust division’s most important investigative tool, Mr. Delrahim said.


“The time has now come to improve the antitrust division’s approach and recognize the efforts of companies that invest significantly in robust compliance programs,” he added.


Companies that aren’t first to disclose under the department’s leniency program may now be able to negotiate a deferred prosecution agreement, Mr. Delrahim said.


Under a deferred prosecution agreement, prosecutors agree to dismiss criminal charges after a period if a company makes certain changes. Such agreements have proliferated at the Justice Department as a way to punish companies for committing crimes without harming shareholders and employees with no relation to the misconduct.


Previously, the Justice Department only gave credit to companies that strengthened their compliance program after a violation was discovered and before reaching a settlement with prosecutors. The department’s manual will be edited to reflect the new policy, Mr. Delrahim said.


Mr. Delrahim stressed that companies aren’t guaranteed deferred prosecution agreements simply because they had a compliance program in place at the time of a violation. Other factors, such as whether a company had cooperated with prosecutors, also will be taken into account, he said.


Dylan Tokar




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