

Dow Jones 道琼斯风险合规 2022-03-20

Huawei says it has been selectively targeted for punishment using legislation in its suit against the U.S. government; two new Huawei Mate 30 smartphones. PHOTO: MICHAEL DALDER/REUTERS 华为表示控告美国政府利用法律手段选择性地将华为作为惩罚对象。图为两部华为Mate 30智能手机。 图片来源:MICHAEL DALDER/REUTERS

Attorneys for China’s Huawei Technologies Co. argued in court last Thursday that a law barring it from doing business with U.S. government agencies is unconstitutional for selectively targeting the company for punishment using legislation.

华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)的律师上周四在法庭上辩称,一项禁止华为与美国政府机构开展业务的法律违反宪法,因其利用法律手段选择性地将华为作为惩罚对象。

The telecommunications giant filed a lawsuit in March against the U.S. government, seeking to block implantation of certain portions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019.

今年3月,华为对美国政府提起诉讼,试图阻止《2019年度国防授权法》(National Defense Authorization Act of 2019)某些条款的实施。(点击阅读详情)

Huawei has said it amounts to a so-called bill of attainder—an unconstitutional action that finds a person or entity guilty of a crime via an act of legislation.

华为曾表示,该法律相当于所谓的“剥夺公权法案”(bill of attainder),是通过立法判定个人或实体犯罪的违宪行为。

“This law treats Huawei as an agent of the Chinese government,” said Glen Nager, lead counsel for Huawei and a partner at Jones Day. “It censures Huawei on that basis.”

华为首席法律顾问、众达律师事务所(Jones Day)合伙人Glen Nager表示,该法律将华为视为中国政府的一个代理人,并以此为基础指责华为。

U.S. attorneys asked for dismissal of the case, heard in the U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Texas. Attorney Emily Newton with the U.S. Department of Justice argued that Congress had ample national security reasons for the legislation.

美国政府的律师要求驳回在得克萨斯州东区美国地方法院审理的这起案件。美国司法部的律师Emily Newton认为,国会有充足的国家安全理由支持这项法案。

Ms. Newton said that Huawei is under Chinese law and connected to the country, including receiving tax incentives and research funding, providing an opportunity for “exploitation.”


The U.S. has already sought to implement portions of the provisions targeting Huawei.


The case is being heard in a courtroom in a quiet town north of Dallas, not far from Huawei’s U.S. headquarters in Plano, Texas. Judge Amos L. Mazzant III will await briefs from both parties over the next few weeks before issuing a ruling. He noted the magnitude of the case at the small courthouse, saying it’s “not an issue that this court sees very often, if ever.”

这起案件正在达拉斯北部一个小镇的法庭上接受审理,离华为在得克萨斯州普莱诺的美国总部不远。法官Amos L. Mazzant III将在未来几周等待双方提交的意见书,然后做出裁决。他指出,对于这个小法院而言,此案的量级颇大,称该法院很少处理类似的问题。

The sweeping defense policy act, signed into law by President Donald Trump last year, contains several provisions targeting Huawei, including one that seeks to ban federal agencies from buying equipment made by Huawei and other Chinese tech companies. Another provision would ban federal contractors from making significant use of such equipment.

美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)去年签署成为法律的上述国防授权法案包含了几项针对华为的条款,其中一项旨在禁止联邦机构购买华为和其他中国科技公司生产的设备。另一项条款将禁止联邦承包商大量使用此类设备。

Ms. Newton played down the impact on Huawei, saying it can continue to operate in the U.S. as long as federal funds aren’t used. But Judge Mazzant said so much business is touched by federal contracts and grants, and a majority of what the company sells is affected.


“We’re talking billions and billions that flow from the federal government that could be impacted here,” the judge said.


Huawei has repeatedly denied it would ever spy for any government, and says it is the target of a concerted U.S. campaign. Its equipment is effectively blocked from the U.S. market, though it is used around the world.


Judge Mazzant noted that Congress can protect the U.S. from threats, but questioned whether the statute is essentially taking the company out of the market and wondered if there were other alternatives.


Mr. Nager said Huawei has been “severely wounded” by the law. “We’ve now had to lay off half of the employees at Huawei USA since this law has gone into effect,” he said.

Nager称,这项法案让华为受到“严重伤害”。他表示,自该法案生效以来,Huawei USA裁减了一半的员工。

The NDAA is one of several recent actions by the U.S. targeting Huawei. In May, the Commerce Department added Huawei to its “entity list,” restricting its ability to buy U.S. components and software. The White House the same month issued an executive order banning U.S. companies from using telecom equipment made by firms beholden to "foreign adversaries," widely seen as targeting Huawei and other Chinese companies.


Tawnell D. Hobbs










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