因为财政收入由当前增长决定,而增长率太低了。所以财政部面临两难选择。一方面,如果继续实施扩张性财政政策来支持经济增长, 财政状况就会进一步恶化。另一方面,如果不想继续实施扩张性财政政策,试图减少政府支出,那么增长率就会下降。这会形成一个恶性循环。
钱颖一:Our conference today is also the Fourth Annual Conference of the Pushan Foundation. The Pushan Foundation was launched by the Shanghai Finance Institute in 2016, in memory of the Chinese economist Pushan, Professor Yu Yongding, the chairman of the foundation, was under professor Pushan’s supervision for his research as early as in the 1980s. Our second dialogue today will feature Professor Yu and Mr.Jean-Claude Trichet, chairman of Bruegel Institute, and former president of the European Central Bank, Mr. Trichet, and the China Finance 40 Forum Chairman Chen Yuan have long been friends. And he is also among the first to join the Bund Summits International Advisory Committee. We are very much look forward to this conversation across the continent. Mr. Trichet is in France, and Professor Yu is here in Shanghai.Here are some questions for both Professor Yu and Mr. Trichet. The first set of questions is about the short term or short run monetary policy. In response to COVID-19 pandemic, many countries have rolled out massive stimulus plans, adopted very expansionary monetary policies, such as aggressive interest rate cuts.Let me first turn to Mr. Trichet. You mentioned in your speech in March, that acoordinated interest rate cut could induce a panic and wasn t warranted. How is the pandemic impact different from that of the financial crisis in 2008. In the last few months, developed economies such as that of the US, Europe and Japan have all introduced unconventional, highly expansionary monetary policies. Do you agree with such measures? We d like to hear your thoughts on this.Trichet:Thank you, thank you very much. It s a very, very important question, of course, first, I would say these crisis we have to cope with at a global level is the worst, certainly, since World WarTwo, probably the worst in the history of humankind, and certainly in my opinion, much worse than what happened in 1929-1930 in the last century. So the dimension of the action of the central banks all over the world seems to be appropriate and commensurate to the drama which was looming.So you see, I am positive on the measures which were taken, not only on the measures taken by the ECB itself, and you know, which kind of gigantic action took place in Europe with a 1,350,000,000,000 euros to cope with the pandemic, but also in the US, in China and in all the countries in the world. So, that s for sure.Second, the problem we have with the pandemic is that it comes on top in the advanced economy of a problem which was existing since the last crisis of Lehman brotherand the like, namely, the fact that the level of inflation was too low, the level of potential growth too low, the level of real neutral equilibrium interest rates much too low. So all these has created before the pandemic that cumulation of highly accommodative monetary policy. And of course, these complicated considerably the task on the governors of central banks all over the world, and particularly, as you say, in the advanced economy, it was not the case in China. It was is the case in all advanced economies Japan, the US,Europe and the like, so, again, a very, very important challenge, which is adual challenge, not a single challenge.钱颖一:So you re seeing this is not one challenge or in a double jeopardy in a situation, in view of this, do you think that policies so far have achieved the expected results or not?Trichet:Yes, to the extent that we protected ourselves from dramatic depression. So in that standpoint, yes, of course, it is. The goal has been achieved. Still, of course, we are in the middle of the crisis, we have to see where we go, I have to say that in Europe, in particular, the fact that we have a new wave of pandemic is something which is extremely alarming. I don t pronounce on other continents, I see that we have problems also in the US in this respect. But all taken into account, I have to say that the task of the central bankers never seemed to me to be as acute,difficult and demanding, as in the present case, because we will have to get out of this dramatic situation, including, of course, the very abnormal behavior of advanced economy in the present period.钱颖一:Thank you.Now, I turned to Professor Yu. You said that the United States has significantly increased currency issuance and monetized its deficit, which diluted the value of the US dollar, and will eventually cause inflation. So what s your assessment of the impact of quantitative easing in the US?余永定:Thank you for this question. To be honest, in April, I was really horrified by this so called unlimited QE,actually, in just five days, Federal Reserve printed the 500 billion USdollars, not really horrible, the consequence will be dialed in the future, but on the other hand, I entirely agree with Mr. Trichet and many others. This is an action the Federal Reserve has to take.I think all the major central banks, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Federal Reserve, the Central Bank of Europe, are doing the right thing. Because now the biggest challenge we are facing is recession, the worst recession, we have to deal with the first, then we can think about the consequence later, when I was young, I tend to think for the long run, but then grow older, I tend to think in short term.钱颖一:So you agree with each other, you think this is absolutely necessary for this very unusual, expansionary monetary policy, right? And not only the US, but the governments around the world toactually did the right thing, is that right? Okay, so we have agreement nowhere. I turned to the second set of questions about long run. In a short run,we all agree the policy is necessary. Now how about the long run monetary policies?The USdollar index has been falling since April, and the Fed put forward the average inflation targeting framework in August. In its September meeting, the Fed indicated that the US monetary policy will continue to be expansionary for along time, and the interest rates will remain near zero through 2023. This is a longer term. So what impact will the excess dollar supply have on the International Monetary System and the global economy? I will first turn to Mr.Trichet. Can you comment on the extremely expansionary monetary policies maintained by the US for a longer term? And what do you think of this impact of unlimited quantitative easing moves on the Euro, on the RMB, and on the International Monetary System in the medium to long term? Please.Trichet:Well, again, a very good question.First, I think that we are in a transitory period. I don t tell us that we can eternally have this level of accommodating monetary policies, because it would only mean that all our economies are not behaving properly, that they are permanently very close to the possible materialization of a deflationary risk,and that it calls the central banks to continue to be eternally, incredibly accommodating. So my working assumption is that we will get out of that situation.Now, it s true that it does not rely upon the central banks only. It s clear that if we have these very abnormally low levels of inflation, and this very abnormally low level of anchoring of future expectations of inflation, it is because the functioning of our economy is not correct. And that depends on governments, on parliament s on the measures they have taken, and also on the private sector.So I expect that the other partners, the partners, other than the central banks, will do their job in all countries in all continents. And that will alleviate the burden, which presently is very abnormally on the central bank,only in some respect. So we will see what happens. But I don t trust that any central bank sees the present situation as normal, and as a sustainable long term situation.钱颖一:So it is transitory. This is a transitional time period, this is a not normal period. And back to the notion you mentioned about dual problem. And before the pandemic, already, the economies are facing the face the problems that not addressed now. So therefore, that in the longer term, we need to address all of these issues together.Trichet:Yes, indeed, it s absolutely necessary. And of course, you have to get, and I m speaking particularly of the advanced economies, better level, of growth potential, better level of productivity progress, because they have been going down very, very rapidly since the last crisis, a better level, all taken into account of the, I would say, fight against inequalities, because it s also part of our problem, that the level of wages and salaries increases at an average is too low in many advanced economies.So we have a lot of problems, it s a multi-dimensional issue. And in case we don t solve all those issues, then we will have an ultimate catastrophe, because at the time,it continues and goes on eternally, as you said, then we have a big problem. SoI am confident, I trust that we will find out ways to get out of that situation. And I take it that it is normal for the central banks of the advanced economy, to say, we will be relieved when we have solidly anchored our inflation expectations at the level of 2%,which, as you know, are the terms of reference for Bank of Japan, the Federal Reserve, the ECB, Bank of England, and if I dare say, also of China, because when I discussed with my friend, he recently told me, well, 2% is also something we have in mind in China. So I mentioned five currencies, because they are in the basket of the SDR, those five currencies that are issued by those five central banks.钱颖一:Thank you. Now I turn to Professor Yu,in addition, on your thoughts on the impact of the US monetary policy on theglobal economic land scape, I also like to hear from you about China s macroeconomic policy, you mentioned that China s future monetary policy maytend to be expansionary in order to coordinate with expansionary fiscal policy.So all this I like to hear your thoughts.余永定:I think, firstly, we have to congratulate the Chinese government, and Mr. Yi Gang and Mr. Liu Kun for their very good job, because probably this year, China s growth rate will be something like 2%, that s something marvelous compared with other countries.But I m not coming here to really to say some nice words to them. Okay. I think China can do an even better job. For example, last quarter China s growth rate is 4.9%.Right? According to the envelope calculation it is very easy to find that if China wants to get the growth rate something like a 2%. So the fourth quarter China s growth rate be something like a 5.4%. Not is something not very difficult to get. But if China wants to get the growth rate to go 2.5%, then in the fourth quarter, China s growth rate should be something like 7%. Which is possible, but not very likely.And here, even China can get the growth rate above 2.5%, ideally, but I don t think that s good enough. There are at least two questions. Number one, job creation,according to official statistic, the situation is very good.And this year, 9 million new jobs. And we have already finished something like 99.8% of this target.But I have some doubt about this statistic. Because there s a question of the quality of job creation, it is not that difficult in China to hire more workers to do less work. Right? So I would like to emphasize the importance of the quality of the job creation. And how about the labor productivity?the result of the job creation should not at the expense of labor productivity. And also we see the growth rate formigrant workers into cities actually decreasing, and lots of graduates from Peking University and Tsinghua University, they are trying to find jobs in a for social work in neighborhood.I think that s not right. So what I m trying to say that the job creation should based on economic growth. Without decent economic growth, we should not be able to accomplish the target of job creation, this is one thing. Second is China s fiscal position. According to the Ministry of Finance, this year, China s general budgeted revenue should be something like 21 trillion RMB, 21 trillion.Budget deficit should be something like 3.67 trillion RMB. So this accounted for 3.6% of GDP,which implies that China’s nominal growth rate should be for this year 5.4%,nominal GDP growth 5.4%. It s very easy to calculate. And we are facing problems, because as I said, ideally, this year we can achieve growth rate something like 2.5 ,s not very likely, ideally 2%. And I think the GDP deflator something like 1%. So in total less than 3%. I think that is not really good for China. So get a revenue of 21 trillion is not very likely.Because revenue is a function of the current growth, so the growth rate is too low. So Minister of Finance is facing a dilemma. On the one hand, if you continue to use expansionary fiscal policy to support economic growth, then the fiscal position would be worsening. If you don t want to continue expansionary fiscal policy, you try to reduce government expenditure, then the growth rate will fall. It will form sort of avicious circle.So this is very serious challenge for Chinese fiscal authority. My view is that we have to choose a less evil. So I don t care too much about the worsening of the fiscal position, the leverage ratio,so on so forth. The important thing is growth. So I entirely agree this famous maxim by Deng Xiaoping, growth is the hard truth.So growth is important, extremely important. So China should use more expansionary fiscal policy to stimulate economy, especially support the infrastructure investment. And then People s Bank of China should use more expansionary monetary policy to support expansionary fiscal policy. By doing this, I think China this year can get even higher growth, higher than 2.5%.钱颖一:So your recommendation is very clear. More expansionary fiscal policy, No.1. No.2, to accommodate that needs stronger expansionary monetary policy.余永定:I even want to, to go further. What? People’s Bank of China can learn from United States to implement a sort of Chinese QE or QE with Chinese characteristics.钱颖一:OK.QE with Chinese characteristics. Very good. So, thank you very much. We have to stop here by the way. Thank you so much for both. Thank you both, Mr. Trichet and Professor Yu for the very stimulating and thoughtful discussions. And we have to stop here. Thank you. Bye-bye.为深入研判疫情对全球经济格局的影响,把脉新经济发展机遇,力争变局中开新局,2020年10月23-25日,中国金融四十人论坛(CF40)联合各组委会成员机构在上海召开第二届外滩金融峰会。
峰会坚持“非官方”、“国际化”、“专业化”定位,聚焦金融开放、金融科技、资产管理等议题, 通过高水平的思想碰撞与观点交锋,分享真知灼见,以对话推动共识,以共识推动合作,为建设开放型世界经济提供高质量的智力支持,助力上海国际金融中心建设再出发。为保障可持续发展,外滩金融峰会设立组委会,组委会是峰会的最高决策机构。峰会组委会主席由十二届全国政协副主席、中国金融四十人论坛常务理事会主席陈元担任,执行主席由中国金融四十人论坛常务理事、上海新金融研究院理事长屠光绍担任。