

中间美术馆 北京中间美术馆


Since 1991, more than two hundred monuments have been erected throughout Slovenia with an aim of vindicating or reclassifying controversial figures in the history of the Second World War. As the basic meaning of the word "memory" suggests, memory is related to history, but it is not history as a fact of the past, nor is it history as knowledge. Memory is "a reconstruction of those experiences from a present standpoint (Geoffrey Cubitt)".




Date: October 22, 2023



Material Evidence and Memory of History


Speakers: Oto Luthar, Li Zhiyu


Moderator: Jiang Yiwei



(Please scan the QR code for reservation)


Languages: English, Chinese

(Interpreter will be on site)

北京中间美术馆与北京斯洛文尼亚大使馆共同举办的第五期“北京对话”,将邀请奥托·卢塔尔(Oto Luthar)与李志毓两位历史学家共同讨论记忆的问题。








The fifth Beijing Conversations, co-organized by Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum and the Embassy of Slovenia in Beijing, will invite two historians, Oto Luthar and Li Zhiyu to discuss the issue of memory.

Oto Luthar shows how institutionalized historiography has shaped historical memory according to political needs, and how this process has been detrimental to the plurality of historical memories through his study of revisionist historiography in Slovenia over the last thirty years. Luthar also reminds us that the revision of historical memory is often carried out under the banner of "reconciliation".


The rise of memory theory has forced historians to rethink their positions: historians have to think about their own positions as well as confront intergroup and intergenerational differences. In addition, the tension between public and private memory, one of the greatest dilemmas left to us by the history of the 20th century, needs to be confronted.


The 20th century has left behind a vast amount of material, which is largely determined by technology, especially the development of communication, photographic and media technologies. From states to local governments to familes, a great deal of historical "physical evidence" has been deposited. Unlike the chain of evidence in the judicial process, historiography and the exhibition system can shape the historical discourse according to their own will by arranging the display and exhibition of material evidence; on the other hand, for families and individuals, the significance of the material does not lie in the factual evidence, but rather in the important emotional ties. Luthar and Li Zhiyu will discuss the issues of public and individuals, archive and materials, revision and counter-revision in historical memory.‍


Through the dialog between two scholars, we aim to reflect on how to overcome the limitations of dogmatism and Western-centrism, and to find a paradigm of historical narrative that can face up to our own experience, which is certainly a tough task.



奥托·卢塔尔(Oto Luthar)生于 1959年,是一位历史学家和大学教授。他是斯洛文尼亚科学与艺术学院研究中心(ZRC SAZU)的主任、首席副研究员和教授。


卢塔尔博士的研究重点是历史和历史学、历史哲学、现代思想实践史、历史修正主义、现代思想史和大战文化史。2011 年, 卢塔尔博士被授予奥地利十字荣誉勋章,以表彰他为改善斯洛文尼亚科学与艺术学院研究中心与奥地利机构在历史、艺术史、人种学、斯拉夫学、音乐学和哲学领域的合作所做的努力。




Oto Luthar (b. 1959) is a historian and university professor. He is the director, principal research associate and professor of Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.


In his research, Dr. Luthar focuses on issues of history and historiography, philosophy of history, history of modern intellectual practices, historical revisionism, modern history of ideas and cultural history of the Great War. In 2011, Dr. Luthar was awarded the Austrian Cross of Honour, a recognition of his endeavors for improvement of collaboration between ZRC and Austrian institutions in the fields of history, history of art, ethnology, Slavistics, musicology and philosophy.


Dr. Luthar is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute for Culture Studies and Theatre History of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, External Advisory Board of the Centre for the Study of the Balkans, Goldsmiths, University of London, and the permanent delegation of the Republic of Slovenia for cooperation in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), member of its academic work group; and member of the National Geographic Slovenia Editorial board. His recent publications in English language include LUTHAR, Oto. The Sanitation of Slovenian Post-socialist Memorial Landscape in: LUTHAR, Oto (ur.), UHL, Heidemarie (ed.). The Memory of Guilt Revisited: the Slovenian Post-Socialist Remembrance Landscape in Transition. Göttingen: V & R unipress from 2019, Monuments, Mediatisation and Memory Politics: the Slovenian Post-socialist Memorial Landscape in Transit in: PUŠNIK, Maruša (ed.), LUTHAR, Oto (ur.). The media of memory. Paderborn: F. Schöningh, an imprint of the Brill-Group, cop., pp. 25-42. Balkan studies library, vol. 29 from 2020, and Memory, Revision, Resistance: Reviving the Partisan Monuments along the Slovenian-Italian Border in: KLABJAN, Borut (ed.). Borderlands of memory: Adriatic and Central European perspectives. Oxford [etc.]: P. Lang, pp. 235-251, zvd. Cultural memories, vol. 11. from 2019.


Li Zhiyu is Associate Researcher at the Institute of Modern History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Her research interests include political history in the Republican Era (1912-1949), ideologies and cultural histories on Chinese revolutions. Her publications include Disturb of Strings: Political Career of Wang Jingwei, Petty Bourgeoisie in Chinese Revolutions etc.




Dr. Jiang Yiwei is a doctor of history and an art media practitioner. His doctoral dissertation discusses the rise and fall of "entrepreneurship" in modern China in the process of industrialization of the textile industry in the context of political, revolutionary, ideological, and economic changes. He has been engaged in contemporary art criticism, reporting, and translation since 2014, and his articles have been published in Twenty-First Century, The Art Newspaper China, The Thinker Weekly, Artsy, and other publications or online platforms.


Beijing Conversations


Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum is honored to be partnering with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Beijing in organizing the “Beijing Conversations” series. Starting on December 9, 2022, we will invite 20 distinguished theorists, philosophers, artists, architects, curators, museum directors and historians from Slovenia and China to share their recent academic or artistic practices and engage in one-on-one in-depth conversations. Each invited speaker will present the issues and discoveries they have made in their respective academic or artistic careers from specific cultural and social contexts and will connect and debate through ideas and art during these dialogues. 

文字:姜伊威 翻译:刘欣玥 / 翁裕奇 / 朱雅楠

设计:屈莹 排版:朱雅楠

正在展出 What's On


Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum




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