
Zhang Yimou's Wife Goes Public About Olympics Pressures

Irene Li theBeijinger 2022-05-07


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One of the many good things to come from the Beijing 2022 Olympics and Paralympics, it's that the opening and closing ceremonies, all helmed by acclaimed Chinese film director Zhang Yimou, have proven – and will most likely continue to prove – that they are absolute works of art.

But despite the work Zhang has poured into the events, there are some who are worried about the pressure they've exerted on the director. One such person is Zhang's wife
Chen Ting, who recently took to Weibo to voice her concerns about her husband's health.

“Perhaps there isn't a single person besides me who secretly wishes the ceremonies could all just be over,” she wrote. “I’m sorry that I really don't have any great vision, nor do I share any sense of purpose, but I never wanted him to be the director of the ceremonies in the first place.”

Chen said that people are wholly unaware of how much the workload affected Zhang, adding that she is constantly worried it might cause the director's health to completely deteriorate.

“Zhang occupies his entire day with work and will even get up in the middle of the night if work is on his mind,” Chen wrote. “Not only that, [Zhang] barely eats, acting as if he hasn't consumed enough energy already. He won't even rest after walking over five kilometers, even if his body is telling him it needs a break."

Even Zhang's own daughter has been asking about when Zhang will be free

Chen believes that Zhang is slowly killing himself due to such an extreme workload. She even said the pressure had become so debilitating that he struggles to talk without the help of medication.

"Zhang had a high fever for a few days and had to cover himself in two layers of blankets, but that wasn't enough to encourage him to cut down on his workload. His success comes at the cost of a normal life and good health."


How are netizens reacting?

Chen's intention to simply vent her anger on social media soon drew a lot of attention, with her post receiving more than 35,000 comments as of Mar 2, and reactions being surprisingly divided.

Some are supportive of what Zhang has done and are empathizing with Chen's situation. "I did my math and I am so surprised to find out that Zhang Yimou is already 72 years old! Zhang is the only person who can handle a major sporting event like this and I am truly proud of him. There are only a few days left until the ceremony is done, so please let our director have enough rest once this is over. A huge thumbs up for your entire family!" one commenter wrote.

Some netizens expressed empathy towards Zhang's family

Others criticized her behavior for going public. "I understand how you feel, but I really don't understand your [decision to post this]… This is something that Zhang wants to devote his life to…It's not even free labor considering Zhang will get paid and recognized internationally," wrote another.

Others called the act inappropriate

Chen's reaction

A week after Chen poured out her emotions on Weibo, netizens found that she had revoked her verification on Weibo as Zhang's wife. "A staff at the studio kindly applied for the verification for me so that my name wouldn't be confused with someone else. It wasn't my intention and I have withdrawn the verification," she explained.

Chen always identified herself as Zhang's wife, but she has withdrawn the verification.

Such an act, once again, sparked heated debate among netizens. Many support the decision. "Why should we define ourselves as someone else's belongings?" one asked. "She was an individual woman before she was Zhang Yimou's wife," stated another.

But clearly, Zhang was too busy to deal with all the online drama, as he has been overseeing the final touches to the Paralympics opening ceremony, due to take place in a few days. Zhang has revealed that his team has worked to ensure that wheelchair-bound Paralympians will be able to navigate the arena easily. Many have high expectations that the ceremony will be another unforgettable visual feast.

As soon as Zhang was done with the Olympics closing ceremony, he began work on the Paralympics opener

Some netizens have jokingly said perhaps it's time for Zhang to take a break, as his wife is eagerly waiting for them to spend more quality time together.


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Images: 美言不闻娱乐社, 搜狐, 网易


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