
Spring has Sprung! Here's Where to See Blossoms in Beijing

Katie Coy theBeijinger 2023-04-07

Today (Mar 21) is traditionally celebrated as the official start of spring and if you've been out and about recently you might have noticed that Beijing's blossoms have begun to arrive.It's been a rather tumultuous March so far with days of warmer spring weather suddenly followed by plunging temperature drops and there still may be a few more cold days to come, but with the blossoms out you can take it as a sure sign that spring has, finally, sprung. 

Right now it's still a little early to see cherry blossoms, generally the best time to see the blossoms in Beijing is towards the end of March and beginning of April, though this depends on the weather. In preparation we’ve put together a list of the best places in Beijing to go and see the blossoms.

Yuyuantan Park

Located in west Beijing, Yuyuantan Park is the number one spot to go and see the cherry blossoms, as it hosts its own annual cherry blossom festival. At the center of the park is a large lake, edged with pink cherry blossoms along its bank and the Beijing TV Tower in the background it definitely makes for some Instagram worthy photos.  

Be warned it does get extremely busy during peak season when the annual Cherry Blossom Festival -- the first of Beijing's three big flower festivals -- is in full swing so you may be fighting for space to take that classic selfie in the blossoms. (When I went a few years ago it was towards the end of the cherry blossom season and was still quite busy but not overwhelming, however there were fewer cherry blossoms.)

Yuyuantan Park

10 Xisanhuan Lu,Haidian District
Opening times: 6am-9.30pm
Entry: RMB 10 (RMB 15 during cherry blossom festival)

Summer Palace

Another good spot to go to avoid crowds, because it’s so large, is the Summer Palace. In spring you’ll find plenty of blossom tress spread around the lake, in the courtyards and on the hilltops. The Summer Palace is also a great place for viewing magnolia blossoms. Plus, as you walk around the park, you’ll be blessed with a pleasant whiff of their beautiful fragrance. 

Summer Palace

Yiheyuan Lu, Haidian District

Opening times: 6am-8pm

Entry: RMB 30

Botanical Gardens

It should come as no surprise that Beijing’s Botanical Gardens are home to some of the capital's prettiest cherry blossoms. Along with these you can also experience peach blossoms and other springtime flowers such as tulips. A big event to watch out for is the Peach Blossom Festival that takes place every year from April-May and is another one of the three big flower festivals in Beijing.

Given the large size of the Botanical Gardens this is a pretty good spot to avoid major crowds and completely immerse yourself in some of Beijing’s beautiful blooms. They also host an annual peach blossom festival, the date of which varies year to year.

Botanical Gardens

Wofo Si Lu, Xiangshan, Haidian District
Opening times: 8am-5.30pm
Entry: RMB 10


Haitang Huaxi

One of the ten scenic spots in The Yuan Dadu City Wall Ruins Park, Haitang Huaxi is the best place for seeing begonias in Beijing. The begonias here bloom around mid-April and there are over 5,000 of them making it the largest begonia garden in Beijing. It’s a great place to stroll around and take in views of the old Yuan Dadu city walls and scenic waterways.

Haitang Huaxi

100, Beitucheng Donglu, inside Yuan Dadu Ruins Park, Xicheng District
Opening times: 6am-10pm
Entry: Free

Beihai Park

If you’re looking for a more centrally-located park to enjoy the blossoms, then Beihai Park is the place for you! Just northwest of the Forbidden City, Beihai’s relatively large size means that even during the peak blossom period it shouldn’t get too crowded. A great idea is to rent one of the boats and take in the view of the White Dagoba surrounded by blossoms on the Jade Flowery Islet.

Beihai Park

1 Wenjin Jie, Xicheng District
Opening times: 6.30am-8pm
Entry: RMB 10

Jingshan Park

Jingshan Park not only has spectacular views of the Forbidden City, but is also home to over 20,000 peonies. These bloom a little later then cherry blossoms and are best viewed mid-April to early May, however they are a sight worth waiting for! Jingshan Park holds an annual Peony Festival during this time and you can enjoy over 560 different varieties of peony.

Jingshan Park

44 Jingshan Xijie, Xicheng District
Opening times: 6.30am-8pm
Entry: RMB 2

Temple of Heaven

A beautiful place to visit no matter the time of year, the Temple of Heaven is especially pretty during spring when the lilac trees are in bloom. There are over 240 lilac trees in Temple of Heaven Park, making it the biggest lilac clove in Beijing. You can find the lilac clove by the Hall of Prayer.

Temple of Heaven

Yongdingmen Dajie (West Gate), Chongwen District
崇文区永定门内大街 (天坛西门)
Opening times: 6.30am-9pm
Entry: RMB 15


Drinks Fit for Spring at Buona Bocca, Nina & Voyage by HUI

Images: Uni You, Li Yiming


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