
杜梦堂艺术家丹尼尔·达维欧作品在巴黎卢浮宫广场展出 | Daniel Daviau at Place du Louvre


Daniel Daviau, Rhinoceros Monumental Sculpture, Place du Louvre, Paris, Image ©Francis Amiand

丹尼尔·达维欧 - 犀牛大型雕塑展

Rhinoceros Monumental Sculpture

Daniel Daviau 

2020.01.14 > 03.04

卢浮宫广场 Place du Louvre

4 Place du Louvre - 75001 Paris

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杜梦堂很高兴宣布丹尼尔·达维欧 (Daniel Daviau) 的大型雕塑作品《犀牛》目前正在巴黎卢浮宫广场 (Place du Louvre) 展出,该项目是今年巴黎1区市政文化项目的重要组成部分,展出时间为2020年1月14日至3月4日。巴黎1区市长Jean-François LEGARET以及艺术家本人共同为作品揭幕。

Galerie Dumonteil is delighted to share with you the display of Daniel Daviau’s monumental sculpture “Rhinoceros” at Place du Louvre, as part of the cultural program of the city hall of the 1st arrondissement, from January 14 to March 4, 2020. The Mayor of the 1st Arrondissement, Mr. Jean-François LEGARET, and the artist Daniel DAVIAU jointly presented the work at the vernissage.


Daniel Daviau, Rhinoceros Monumental Sculpture, Place du Louvre, Paris, Image ©Francis Amiand


This monumental bronze sculpture is an original work created in tribute to the rhino, a critically endangered species. The rhinoceros is in the mind of the general public the most emblematic representative, along with the elephant, of this ecological drama whose main cause is persistent poaching and habitat loss due to the greed and stupidity of certain humans.


Daniel Daviau, Rhinoceros Monumental Sculpture, Place du Louvre, Paris, Image ©Francis Amiand




Daniel Daviau, The Hippo Family on-site views at the sunken plaza of THE HUB, 2019


Hippopotamus, Barnaby & Young Hippopotamus


The father was created first, and it became an immediate success and has been collected in China, France, and the USA. The idea of his wife appear soon but Daniel Daviau wanted to give an impression of the animal in its natural environment. For hippos, being in the water is an important part of its life, which is why “madam” is half in water, swimming. In a very natural way, and to promote the idea of family life, Daniel Daviau adds the young hippo beside his parents.

长颈鹿,2012,铜雕,300 x 180 x 65 cm,上海西云楼,2018

Giraffe, 2012, bronze, 300 x 180 x 65 cm, Xiyunlou, 2018





So elegant, the Giraffe is one of the most delicate artworks created by Daniel Daviau. The work exists in varied dimensions, but this life-size one is definitely the most spectacular.

驼鹿,铜雕,2015, 248x187x177 cm,香港皇后像广场,2015

Canada Moose, bronze, 248x187x177 cm, Statue Square, 2015


Canadian Moose


The artist was thinking to sculpt an animal with a strong symbolism in many countries and the moose fits the profile because of his way of life and his magnificence. It is also an important species associated with many human virtues. This cast has also been exhibited at the Statue Square in Hong Kong during "Le French May" 2015.



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Daniel Daviau (b.1962, Sarlat, France) graduated from the Professional School of Sculpture in Pau before continuing his study of Modeling and Sculpture in Paris. Devoting himself to bronze sculptures, Daviau focuses on the representation of animals, especially the endangered species. Distinctly recognizable, Daviau’s sculptures are humorous, sensitive, strong and original, with pure lines and composed elegance, demonstrating the superb quality of both bronze casting and "patina" handling skills.

鹈鹕, 2013, 铜雕, 艺术家署名, la Plaine 铸造厂, 146 x 113 x 82 cm

Pelican, 2013, bronze with grey-brown patina, signed, La Plaine Foundry, 146 x 113 x 82 cm

达维欧重要展览包括:”万物有灵”,杜梦堂 & 西云楼,上海(2018);“S|2春季展览,探索20世纪和 21世纪的中小型雕塑(罗丹,摩尔,毕加索,卡尔德,菲奥里,卡普尔,昆斯,贾科梅蒂,赫斯特,达维欧)”,苏富比,纽约,美国(2013);“100种动物雕塑,布加迪,蓬蓬,贾科梅蒂……”,三十年代博物馆,布洛涅比扬古,法国(2012);“世纪的方舟”,毕尔巴鄂Biskaia Kutxa基金会,西班牙(2005);“二十世纪艺术中的动物与雕塑家”,钱币博物馆,巴黎,法国(1999);“动物”,自然历史博物馆,奥尔良,法国(1998);“动物寓言”,古董印花博物馆,茹伊昂若萨,法国(1996)等。

His work has been featured in major exhibitions at prominent institutions that include: Animal Beauty, Galerie Dumonteil & Xiyunlou, Shanghai, 2018; S|2’s, spring exhibition explores non-monumental sculpture of the 20th and 21st centuries (Rodin, Moore, Picasso, Calder, Fiori, Kapoor, Koons, Giacometti, Hirst, Daviau), Sotheby’s New York, 2013; 100 Animal Sculptures, Bugatti, Pompon, Giacometti…, Musée des Années 30, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 2012; El Arca del Siglo, BBK, Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Foundation, Bilbao, Spain, 2005; The Sculptures and the Animals in 20th Century Arts, Monnaie de Paris, France, 1999; The Animals, Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, Orléans, France, 1998; Bestiaire, Musée de Jouy-en-Josas, France, 1996, etc. 

 刺猬, 2009, 铜雕, 艺术家署名, Bodin 铸造厂, 13 x 16 x 12.5 cm

Hedgehog, 2009, bronze, Bodin Foundry, 13 x 16 x 12.5 cm

2000年,达维欧被授予了动物雕塑领域的最高奖项“爱德华-马塞尔·桑度斯奖”(Edouard-Marcel Sandoz Prize)。其他重要奖项包括“法国国家美术协会金奖”(Société Nationale des Beaux Art, 2013),“艺术科学与文学学会银奖”(Académie Arts Science et Lettre, 1999),和“法国艺术家协会银奖”(Société des Artistes Français, 1998)等。2001年,达维欧被任命为法国动物艺术家协会(Salon National des Artistes Animaliers)的副主席。

In 2000,  Daviau was awarded the Edouard-Marcel Sandoz Prize, the most important distinction to an artist of the animal contemporary movement Les Animaliers. Other notable awards include a gold medal from the ‘Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts’ in 2013, a silver medal from Académie Arts Science et Lettre in 1999, and Société des Artistes Français, 1998, etc. In 2001, Daviau became the vice-president of the ‘Salon National des Artistes Animaliers’. 

罗拉, 2014, 铜雕,Rosini 铸造厂,62.5 x 91.5 x 58.5 cm

Lola, 2014, bronze, Rosini Foundry, 62.5 x 91.5 x 58.5 cm

目前已有超过250件达维欧的雕塑作品被欧洲、美国、中东和亚洲的艺术基金会和私人藏家纳入收藏。达维欧自 2011 年开始为世界各地的文化基金会与公共空间铸造大型动物雕塑,艺术家长期由杜梦堂独家代理。

More than 250 Daviau's sculptures have been included in private collections and foundations in Europe, America, Middle East, and Asia. Since 2011, the artist has been working on monumental sculptures for worldwide cultural foundations and public spaces. Daniel Daviau is exclusively represented by Galerie Dumonteil.

Daniel Daviau, Image ©JJYPHOTO



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Animal Beauty, Galerie Dumonteil Shanghai

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Animal Beauty, Xiyunlou, Shanghai

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Monumental Sculptures, THE HUB, Shanghai


