
雨果·德维切尔最新创作及近期美术馆展览 | ARTIST NEWS - HUGO DEVERCHÈRE


雨果·德维切尔 Hugo Deverchère | la Isla de las Siete CiudadesMagnetite #02 展览现场 Intsallation View | Viva Villa - Les vies Minuscules, Collection Lambert, Avignon, France, 2020 | Image ©Hugo Deverchère


· Viva Villa! - Les Vies Minuscules, Lambert Collection,阿维尼翁,法国

· 梦想宇宙(Rêver l’univers),邮政博物馆(Musée de la Poste),巴黎,法国

· 摇晃基质(Bercer la Matrice),La Traverse当代美术馆,阿尔福威尔,法国

Lambert Collection以及La Traverse当代美术馆的群展中,艺术家展出了在Casa de Velazquez学院(法兰西学院位于西班牙马德里的高等学院)艺术家驻留项目中完成的最新系列 la Isla de las Siete Ciudades (七城之岛) 。

Galerie Dumonteil would like to share with you Hugo Deverchère's most recent participation in the following institutional group exhibitions, including:

· Viva Villa! - Les Vies Minuscules, Collection Lambert, Avignon, France; 

· Rêver l’univers, Musée de la Poste, Paris, France;

· Bercer la Matrice, CAC La Traverse, Alfortville, France.

It is noteworthy that the artist's most recent creations regarding la Isla de las Siete Ciudades (The Island of Seven Cities), featured in the group shows at Collection Lambert and CAC La Traverse, are conceived during his residency at Casa de Velazquez - Académie de la France in Madrid, Spain. 


Viva Villa! - Les Vies Minuscules
群展 Group show策展人 Curated by Cécile DebrayCollection Lambert, Avignon, France2020.10.24 - 2021.01.10展期已延长 | Duration Extended



la Isla de las Siete Ciudades - Magnetite #02

七城之岛 - 磁石 02


187 cyanotype prints mounted on Dibond


340 x 520 cm

©Hugo Deverchère


Strange worlds are drawn from our own, they are neither real nor fake, and Deverchere's landscapes tell us these stories. 

七城之岛(La Isla de las Siete Ciudades)探索了伊比利亚生物群落,这些生物群落可能是神话中七城之岛故事的起源,而这七座岛屿组成的幽灵群岛的确切位置则一直具有争议——15和16世纪的航海家在地图上标注幽灵群岛的位置天差地别。 在作品中,一块磁铁矿的样品被剧烈炸开,展现出其内部铁泡的同时,在蓝晒的作用下显示出马赛克式的纹理,将光具象成了宝石般的蓝。在地球上罕见的物质状态——等离子体的辐射下,它从磁铁矿转化成了一块陨石:我们自己的世界也因此被“虚化”了,借此契机我们得以重新了解它的全部。

La Isla de las Siete Ciudades explores the lberian biotopes that might have been at the origin of the story of the mythical Seven Cities of Gold, ghost islands whose precise location varies considerably across 15th and 16th century maps. Here, enormously blown up in a way that reveals its internal iron bubbles, a sample of magnetite spreads out as a mosaic of cyanotypes, with its royal blue materializing light.  Radiating with plasma, a rare state of matter on Earth, it is transmuted into a meteorite: our own world, "derealized" to let us behold it anew, in its entirety.

︎ Aurélie Cavanna,摘自2020年Artpress双年展目录,MAMC+ Saint-Étienne,法国
︎ Aurélie Cavanna, extract from the Catalog of the 2020 Artpress Biennale, MAMC+ Saint-Étienne, France


Rêver l’univers
(梦想宇宙 Dreaming the Universe)

群展 Group Show
策展人 Curated by Céline Neveux

 Musée de la Poste, Paris, France

2020.09.01 - 2021.02.08



Video ©Musée de la Poste and the artists, edited by Olivia Xie
《万象》艺术家导览 | Cosmorama Introduction by the Artist

Cosmorama 万象

4K Video, 5.1 sound
21 min
Produced by Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, 
with the supportof Neuflize OBC
© Hugo Deverchère



Cosmorama observes the world as it does not appear. Conceived like a journey from our close environment to the distant and unknown horizons of the cosmos, it reveals an imperceptible stratum of the light spectrum. The film questions our common perceptions and representations, it reintroduces notions such as the unknown, the uncertainty, and oddity in our relationship with the world.

Shot in the surroundings of an observatory (in a lava desert where the NASA tested Martian rovers) and in a primitive forest which gives us an overview of the state of the world 50M years ago, the film uses a near-infrared imagery process with which astronomers usually observe the deep reaches of the universe. It also makes audible the light pulsations emitted by distant stars and galaxies by transposing radio-telescope data into sound. By disrupting our usual spatiotemporal markers, Cosmorama allows the emergence of a sensitive and collective experience of pure perception. 


Bercer la Matrice(摇晃基质 Rock the Matrix)

群展 Group Show 策展人 Curated by Bettie NinCAC La Traverse, Alfortville, France即将展出 | Upcoming



 “七城之岛”系列作品 - 细节图 

La Isla de las Siete Ciudades series - Details

(制作中的作品 | In Production)

Image ©laurentlafolieatelier



雨果·德维切尔此次参展的作品灵感来自于具有独特地质风貌的地区,在他的装置作品 "La Isla de las Siete Ciudades"中,我们发现了矿物学实验室般的氛围和无限的细节。他的图像由最先进的设备捕捉,将"肉眼不可见 "的世界带到了我们的视觉和意识范围内,并提醒我们,即使我们的肉眼看不见,它们对我们来说仍然是存在的,脆弱的。

The exhibition views these soils as multi-faceted ecosystems; objects of geological research; friable, fibrous, or sticky fertile matter; witnesses of passage of time, or storage areas for the most diverse substances...

Hugo Deverchère borrows from scientific research its particular aesthetics. Inspired by territories with fascinating geologies, we find in his installation "La Isla de las Siete Ciudades" the atmosphere of the mineralogy laboratories with infinite details. His images, captured by ultra-innovative devices, bring the so-called "invisible" worlds within reach of the eye and the consciousness and remind us that even if they are not visible to our naked eyes, they are still present and vulnerable.



© Diane Arques / ADAGP, Paris, 2018

雨果·德维切尔 (Hugo Deverchère) 1988年出生于法国里昂,从国立高等装饰艺术学院毕业后,他于2016年-2018年进入位于图尔宽的法国国立当代艺术中心(Le Fresnoy - National Studio for Contemporary Arts)进修,以“研究院杰出贡献”称号荣誉毕业。德维切尔的作品曾在巴黎东京宫,法国当代艺术基金会(敦刻尔克),上海明珠美术馆,鹿特丹国际电影节,哥本哈根国际纪录片节(CPH:DOX),奥地利林茨电子艺术中心(Ars Electronica)以及蒙特利尔的新电影艺术节等机构展出。





Born in 1988 in Lyon, France, Hugo Deverchère graduated from ENSAD Paris (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs) and from Le Fresnoy - National Studio for Contemporary Arts. His work has recently been exhibited and screened in Palais de Tokyo (Paris FR), FRAC Grand Large (Dunkirk), Pearl Art Museum (Shanghai), the International Film Festival Rotterdam, CPH:DOX (Copenhagen), Ars Electronica (Linz)  and the Festival du nouveau cinéma (Montreal).

Driven by an almost scientific approach, Hugo Deverchere’s work attempts to set up a body of experiences that are just as many ways to question and evaluate our relationship with the world. Whether based on stories, collected data, captured or simply found images, his research often involves processes such as modelization, conversion, and transposition.

The resulting forms act as a prism between reality and its representations, revealing the interval which separates our perception of the world and the knowledge and awareness we have of it. By questioning the role of imagination and collective memory in our approach to reality, the artist wishes to highlight phenomena and events which by their very nature are intangible and therefore remain subject to doubt and uncertainty. 



「聚焦」:雨果·德维切尔 | 我所看到的只是这个世界微不足道的一部分

杜梦堂艺术家雨果·德维切尔近期美术馆展览 | News About HUGO DEVERCHÈRE

艺术家访谈 INTERVIEW | 雨果·德维切尔 Hugo Deverchère - 万象 Cosmorama


