

外贸营销俱乐部 万人群




上一期,我们提醒了要抓住春节放假前的最后一波机会对客户进行催单:外贸技巧 | 掌握催单的正确姿势才不会丢单,年底催单必备干货~


春节前工作安排:1、提前通知客户放假时间和重返工作岗位的时间,让其按照相应的进度,安排相应的订单。a 官网同步更新:网站上发布商务和专业性放假内容说明,让新老客户第一时间就能了解具体信息。b 社交媒体同步更新:社交媒体已经被越来越多的外贸人所重视,又更多的优秀外贸人已经将社交媒体变成客户开发与跟进的重要手段,所以社交媒体上的动态更新也一定不能错过。c 入驻外贸平台同步更新:比如阿里巴巴国际站、中国制造网这些已经入驻的外贸平台也要挂上放假通知;d 邮件签名提醒:在邮件签名上简洁清楚的描述春节假期时间和祝福,这样在你与客户进行正常的邮件往来过程中,都能让客户时刻注意到你的假期信息而提前做好计划。2、及时处理出货安排:a 装柜安排(疫情期间,各港口管控政策升级,务必要安排妥当)b 及时收好尾款,及时安排货代放提单,通知客户详细船期ETD,ETA 相应的清关资料详细列出发送给客户以便客户可及时清关。特别是需要产地证的客户或其他必要的清关证书,需提前准备好给客户。c 未能及时赶上年前出货的,需提前和客户沟通年后的船期和到港时间特别提示:最近临近放假,收到订单意向的,当然正常开PI,告诉客户年后优先安排,要求客户付款,并告知客户完工时间和出货时间。不要特意强化告诉客户我们放假会延长你的出货时间。3、报价信息、公司资料、产品信息提前输入客户管理CRM中,没有CRM的话,记得做好资料备份,以备放假期间使用。4、最后复盘梳理好正在谈的客户,邀单!(打样客户,报价客户,往年这两个月下单的客户,在问问客户是否需要产品,可以先备料,年后优先安排订单生产)






Dear XXX:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support all this while. 
Please kindly be advised that our company will be closed from XXX to XXX, in observance of the Chinese traditional festival, Spring Festival.
Any orders will be accepted but will not be processed until XXX, the first business day after the Spring Festival. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 
Thanks & Best regards,XXXCompany NameTel: +86-XXXXXXX



Dear XXX,
Please note we will begin our holiday for Chinese New Year from XXX to XXX. We suggest you place orders in advance, and we could arrange pre-production process accordingly. 
Kindly contact our sales rep for any issues in this period. Sorry for the inconvenience of you!
Best regards,XXXCompany NameTel: +86-XXXXXXX



Dear XXX,
We are pleased to inform you that our Chinese New Year holiday start from XXX to XXX. All the orders placed after XXX will be processed after we come back from holiday.
Hence our office and warehouse are closed during the above period.
Should you need any orders in the near future and/or need any assistance.
Please feel free to contact us before our long holiday so that we can make work for you in advance.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Thanks & Best regards,XXXCompany NameTel: +86-XXXXXXX



Dear valued customer,
According to the coming Chinese New Year, 
I would like kindly to remind you that, the package would be delayed during this time. Owning to the New Year's holiday, the number of shipping package is greatly increasing, while the post office and customs will have holiday off during this time, which directly affect the handling time. 
We appreciate your understanding and patience. You are also welcome to contact us about more solutions.
Yours Sincerely,XXXCompany NameTel: +86-XXXXXXX



Dear XXX,
Thank you for being our customer. We are very grateful for your continued patronage and always treasure loyal customers like you.
As you know the goods are ready for shipment, and we are worried about the freight rates going up towards CNY Holiday, please expedite the payment so we can proceed.
Yours Sincerely,XXXCompany NameTel: +86-XXXXXXX



1. Your mail is well received. Our CNY Holidays last from XXX to XXX. I will get back to you once coming back to work. For anything urgent, please text me on WeChat, WhatsApp or simply call me.

2. Please be informed that our office will be closed from XXX to XXX for the Chinese New Year Holiday. The business will resume from XXX. If you have any urgent support issue during holidays, please contact me at WhatsApp. Thanks for your kind understanding.



假期中工作处理:1、收到客户沟通邮件,能回复的假期期间及时回复。不能解决的,需要公司协助的,告诉客户2月几号给其所需,需要样品的,也可以先安排客户付样品费,年后几天给其样品。2、收到询价, 如果可以请正常回复询盘,假期前准备的资料就用上了。可以进行初步和中度沟通。3、家乡特产,大团聚吃饭的图片,家乡活动,可以拍个小视频,发点照片给你下单的客户们,沟通联络感情。送上诚挚的新春祝福!4、RFQ, 访客营销 利用刷朋友圈的时间,偶尔用手机刷刷,看看有没有高质量的RFQ。一般你的竞争对手,此时红海,俨然假期期间如果你愿意,你就能抢占先机,先人一步!5、Facebook、Linkedin等社交媒体,如果有时间,可以继续持续给客户点赞,培养基础信任以便后续深度开发客户。

春节后工作安排:1、及时撤换放假通知,改为开工通知;2、及时和货代沟通处理假期前没赶上船期的出货安排。3、年内客户沟通邮件需要协助处理,当天回到公司解决。4、节假期间需要样品和订单的,样品和订单对内安排事宜。5、假期内询盘沟通后的再次跟进。6、以往打样客户,许久未联系的客户邮件群发来一波,并告知客户已经正式上班,网页,社交媒体实时更新,撤换放假通知7、年内RFQ, 访客营销客户再次跟进。

附:放假通知例文一:Dear xxx:We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support all this while. Please kindly be advised that our company will be closed from XXXX to , in observance of the chinese traditional festival, Spring Festival.我们想借此机会感谢您一直以来的友好支持。为庆祝中国传统节日春节,我公司将于XXXX至关闭,敬请告知。Any orders will be accepted but will not be processed until 星期, 月. 日期, the first business day after the Spring Festival. Sorry for any inconvenience caused。任何订单都将被接受,但直到星期X, X月X日, 春节后的第一个工作日。很抱歉给您带来不便。谢谢并向XXX先生致以最良好的问候Thanks & Best regards

放假通知例文二:Dear Mr/Ms XXX:The traditional Chinese holiday Spring Festival is approaching and our company has planned a holiday time from xxxx-xxxx, total 10 days.中国传统节日春节即将来临,我公司计划从xxxx xxxx开始放假,共10天。In order not to affect your work, the company will arrange employees to be on duty during the holiday so that your problem you may confront can be solved in time.为了不影响您的工作,公司将安排员工在假期期间值班,以便及时解决您可能遇到的问题。I am one of the staff on duty who will continue to serve you during the holiday, If you need help during our holiday please feel free to contact me.我是值班人员之一,假期期间将继续为您服务,如果您在假期期间需要帮助,请随时与我联系。Office landline:xxxxx (9:00-18:00)Cellphone:xxxxxx(24 hours)whatsup:xxxxxx(24 hours online)skype:xxxxx(24 hours online)I sincerely hope that our cooperation will be smoother in the new yearRegards!Tess办公室固定电话:xxxxx(9:00-18:00)手机:xxxxxx(24小时)whatsup:xxxxxx(24小时在线)skype:xxxxx(24小时在线)我衷心希望我们的合作在新的一年里更加顺利

就地过年例文一:Dear Customers,Please be informed that our company will be closed from  XXX to XXX for Lunar New Year holiday. Normal business will resume on XXX.请注意,因欢度春节我司将于(假期起止日期)放假。年后开工时间为(开工第一天)。Any orders placed during the holidays will be produced by 复工开工时间. To avoid any unwanted delay, please place your order in advance, and the shipping cut-off date is 货运截止日期.春节期间的任何订单将于(开工时间)再生产。为避免不必要的延误,请您提前订购,货运截止日期是(截止日期)。What's new this year, in a bid to prevent transmission and control the pandemic, our governent encourage companies to make flexible arrangements for the holiday and guide employees to spend the vacation in their workplace.与往年不同的是,为了控制以及防止疫情传播,我国政府鼓励企业灵活安排假期,引导员工“就地过年”。In response to the call of the governemrent, some of us decide to stick to our post,so if you have any emergencies during the holidays, please feel free to contact us at 紧急联系方式.为响应国家号召,我司部分员工将坚守岗位,所以如果您在假期期间有任何紧急情况,请随时联系我们。Thank you for your understanding and support. Wewish you the very best for the New Year!感谢您的理解和支持,祝您新年快乐!

就地过年例文二:Dear Customers,The Lunar New Year is just around the corner.中国农历新年即将来临。What's new this year, in a bid to prevent transmission and control the pandemic, our governent encourage companies to make flexible arrangements for the holiday and guide employees to spend the vacation in their workplace.与往年不同的是,为了控制以及防止疫情传播,我国政府鼓励企业灵活安排假期,引导员工“就地过年”。In response to the call of the governemrent, some of us decide to stick to our post,so we will only reduce production capacity rather than completely shut down during the holidays. It is rest assured to palce orders while the holidays will not affect your delivery cycle.为响应国家号召,我司部分员工将坚守岗位,所以我们的产线只会缩减产能,并不会完全停工。因此请放心下单,今年的假期不会影响您的交货周期。

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at 紧急联系方式, and we are happy to provide any assistance.


Thank you for your understanding and support. We wish you the very best for the New Year!









2. 从“小三”到“正妻”,三招取代“原配”搞定土耳其大客户3.外贸销售之如何开发大客户?搞定大客户大订单需要哪些思维和条件?


外贸营销生态系统 搭建顾问领航者








