
MCJ活动|迎着春光,登山露营:MCJ爱丁堡公爵奖户外探索 DoE Practice Expedition

MCJ 米德尔顿学校金华校区 2024-01-11

Photographers|Josh Tomlinson and MCJ students

Editor|Julie Li


Last weekend, MCJ students led by six teachers hiked 4km up and down a mountain with all of the equipment they needed for 2 days and 1 night, set up their own tents and cooked their own food outdoors.

由Cathy Huang同学制作的活动视频


Myddelton College Jinhua has officially joined the The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award global community. This is a non-formal education framework which operates in more than 130 countries and territories. There are 1.3 million young people currently completing their own unique programme around the world regardless of ability, experience or culture. The International Award is a leading, strucured youth developement programme that aims to empower all young people aged 14-24 to explore their full potential and find their purpose, passion and place in the world, regardless of their location or circumstance. 

登山户外探索 Hiking

搭建营地 Camping


MCJ has always attached importance to promoting the personal development and growth of young people through learning outside the classroom. The content of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award perfectly complements our academic curriculum and our philosophy. This award requires participants to perform: voluntray service, physical recreation, skills, expedition and a residential project.

营地生活 Activities in the Campsite


We expect MCJ students to develop through participating in the project and our other extracurricular activities. Young people who participate in the International Award are equipped and empowered to achieve their personal best. They learn to take responsibility for their goals and choices. They become connected to and actively engaged within their immediate community and make a real difference to society through their positive contributions and involvement. They also learn to persevere and overcome barriers to success, learn important life skills and inrease their career opportunities.


Thanks to all the wonderful photographers.


For more detailed introductions of MCJ, please click the links below:


MCJ活动|迎着春光,登山露营:MCJ爱丁堡公爵奖户外探索 DoE Practice Expedition

