
特讯 |苏丹教授获颁意大利国家勋章

四面空间 四面空间 2024-04-21

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2023年6月2日,意大利国家勋章授予仪式在意大利驻华大使馆举行,当天也是意大利国庆日。意大利新任驻华大使安博思(Massimo Ambrosetti)代表意大利政府为苏丹教授颁发意大利之星骑士勋章,以及意大利总统亲笔签发的授勋证书,以表彰他为中意文化交流所做出的重要贡献。On June 2nd 2023, the very day of  Italian National Day,  The Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Beijing hosted the medal-conferring ceremony of OSI–ORDINE DELLA STELLA D'ITALIA. On behalf of the Italian government, the Ambassador of Italy to the People's Republic of China, Mr. Massimo Ambrosetti, conferred the OSI–ORDINE DELLA STELLA D'ITALIA and an honor certificate signed by the Italian president on Professor Su Dan to honor Professor Su Dan's contribution to the cultural exchange between China and Italy.



Throughout his long academic and professional career, Professor Su Dan has devoted himself to contemporary design research, education and development. His close ties with Italy have not only contributed to the study and understanding of the traditional Italian design in China, but also promoted communication and cooperation between institutions, researchers, designers and artists from both countries.


As a professor at Tsinghua University, one of China's most prestigious universities, Su Dan has directly contributed to the launch of a collaborative teaching and research project between Tsinghua University and Politecnico di Milano. Over the years, he has maintained communication and academic cooperation with institutions such as the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti di MILANO, the Domus Academy, the Triennale di Milano and the Politecnico di Torino. During his term of leading the Tsinghua University Art Museum, he has actively contributed to the cooperation between Italian and Chinese museum institutions, expanding the areas of cooperation and facilitating the implementation of several cultural and artistic exchange projects.


For this, the Italian Republic awarded Professor Su Dan the OSI–ORDINE DELLA STELLA D’ITALIA

苏丹教授自2006年多次组织、推动中意两国间的学术交流与合作。2007——2012年担任清华美院环境艺术设计系主任期间,经过他不懈的努力,促成了清华大学与米兰理工大学的双学位联合培养项目。2016年,他被聘请成为米兰新美术学院、多莫斯设计学院客座教授,并受邀在米兰、都灵、佛罗伦萨等地的多个院校、博物馆、文化机构发表学术讲座。他也曾在中国多个知名刊物上发表数十篇意大利文化相关的学术文章。Since 2006, Professor Su Dan has organized and participated in numerous cultural events and educational communications between Italy and China. After years of hard work during 2007-2012 as the chief of Dept. of Environmental Art Design,Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, a joint master’s program between Tsinghua University and Politecnico di Milano was finally achieved. Professor Su Dan has been the visiting Professor of Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano and Domus Academy since 2016 and has been invited to give speeches in many academies, museums and cultural institutions in Milan, Turin, Firenze, etc. He also published dozens of academic articles about Italian culture on numerous well-known publications in China.
2010年以来,苏丹教授在意大利策划多个具有影响力的展览项目,他曾加2010威尼斯建筑双年展、2016年第二十一届米兰国际三年展,担任2015年意大利米兰世博会中国馆设计项目总负责人,2019米兰国际三年展中国馆总策展人。其中,米兰世博会中国馆项目获得国际展览局颁发的“米兰世博会大模块建筑奖铜奖”,以及意大利Class Editori 传媒集团颁发的“世博展馆遗产大奖”循环利用杰出奖。Professor Su has Curated multiple exhibitions and participated in various Italian cultural events since 2010. He has attened the 2010 Mostra di Architettura di Venezia, 2016  La Triennale di Milano. he was the Chief Designer of the China Pavilion of Milan Expo 2015 and chief curator of china pavilion of 22nd La Triennale di Milano. And the Milan Expo 2015 China Pavilion has been awarded the bronze medal in the architecture category by the BIE (Bureau International des Expositions) and the heritage award by Class Editori.       
“意大利之星勋章”由意大利外交部报请,意大利总统确认颁发,是意大利共和国为嘉奖在文学、艺术、经济、人文交流等领域推动意大利与其他国家友好关系做出突出贡献的人士的最高荣誉之一。OSI–ORDINE DELLA STELLA D' ITALIA is requested by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, confirmed by the president of Italy. It is one of the highest awards to people who have made an outstanding contribution to promote friendly relations between Italy and other countries on literature, art, economy, and humanity.


  • 2022年,清华大学艺术博物馆,未来派的宇宙:意大利马西莫和索尼娅·奇鲁利基金会收藏策展人

  • 2021年,清华大学艺术博物馆,与亚历山德罗·格里罗联合策划展览“设计乌托邦 1880-1980:百年设计史 / 比亚杰蒂-科尼格收藏

  • 2020年,清华大学艺术博物馆,“窗口2020——疫情时期图像档案展”策展人

  • 2020年,延安桥儿沟教堂,皮影实验剧《长至归》总策划

  • 2019年,意大利米兰三年展博物馆,第22届米兰国际三年展中国馆“设计中的环境意识”总策展人

  • 2016年,意大利佛罗伦萨国家档案馆,展览“土地·乡情·记忆文献展”策展人

  • 2016年,意大利米兰三年展博物馆,联合米兰新美术学院、多莫斯设计学院共同策划展览“21世纪人类圈——一个移动和演进的学校”参加第21届米兰国际三年展

  • 2015年,意大利米兰,展览“流水席”策展人

  • 2015年,意大利米兰,与米兰新美术学院联合出品舞剧PUZZLE ME(《谜》),并担任总策划

  • 2013年,中国上海,与米兰新美术学院合作,策划展览“都市丛林计划”参加2013上海艺术设计展

  • 2013年,意大利米兰,与米兰新美术学院合作,策划展览“Happiness: Being & Doing ”参加米兰设计周

  • 2006-2011年,多次作为负责人带领清华大学美术学院团队,组织展览参加米兰设计周

Exhibitions relating to Italy  :

  • 2022, Tsinghua University ArtMuseum, Curator of “Future Universe:Selections from Fondazione Massimo e Sonia Cirulli Collection”

  • 2021, Tsinghua University Art Museum, cocurated with Alessandro Guerriero the exhibition “Design Utopia 1880-1980: 100 Years of Design History / The Biagetti-Koenig Collection”

  • 2020, Tsinghua University Art Museum, Curator of “Documenta 2020 – Windows In Pandemic”

  • 2020, Yan’an Qiaoergou Church,Chief Planner of the Experimental Shadow Play Chang Zhi Gui

  • 2019, Triennale Design Museum,Italy,Chief Curator for China Pavilion of the 22nd Milan Triennale “Environmental Consciousness inDesign”

  • 2016, Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Italy, Curator of the exhibition “Terra, Nostalgia, Memoria”

  • 2016,Triennale Design Museum, Italy, cooperated with Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti and Domus Academy to plan the exhibition “Noosphere XXI – A Mobile and EvolvingSchool” and attended the 21st Milan Triennale

  • 2015,Milan, Italy, Curator for the exhibition“Endless Feast”

  • 2015,Milan, Italy, cooperated with Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti to produce the dance drama PUZZLE ME, and acted as the Chief Planner

  • 2013, Shanghai, China, cooperated with Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti to plan the exhibition “City Jungle -Social Forest” and attend Design Shanghai 2013

  • 2013, Milan,Italy, cooperatedwith Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti to curate the exhibition “Happiness: Being& Doing” and attend the Milan Design Week

  • 2006-2011, led the team of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University to organize the exhibition and attended the Milan Design Week for many times


  • 2022年,北京常青画廊,意大利当代艺术日:与劳瑞斯·切克尼的当代艺术对话

  • 2021年,上海民生现代美术馆,在镜面和空间中认识皮斯托莱托

  • 2021年,线上活动,参加由都灵理工大学主办的“中意城市质量论坛”并担任发言嘉宾

  • 2021年,清华大学艺术博物馆,担任“设计乌托邦”开幕研讨会——“历史视野下的设计现代性”学术主持

  • 2019年,米兰,策划第22届米兰国际三年展中国馆公众活动——“复杂的都市环境”国际研讨会,并担任学术主持

  • 2018-2019年,与意大利国宝艺术家Michelangelo Pistoletto合作制作视频栏目《四面谈:第三天堂》,视频节目在北京地铁媒体平台以及知名视频平台优酷播出

  • 2018年,清华大学米兰艺术设计学院,发表讲座《理性与浪漫的交织:意大利设计的过去与未来》

  • 2018年,意大利米兰,应意大利Class Editori传媒集团与新华社邀请,作为发言嘉宾参与“一带一路”主题研讨会——“梦之路-来自丝绸之路的经历、情感和前景”

  • 2015年,意大利佛罗伦萨中意设计交流中心,发表讲座《双城记》

  • 2015年,意大利米兰,受邀担任Domus设计学院主办的Metaphysicalclub荣誉会员,参加两期Club主题活动并担任发言嘉宾

  • 2015年,意大利都灵大学孔子学院,发表讲座《大屋顶—一种中国文化的表达》

  • 2010年,意大利威尼斯,作品《约会的建筑——前门大街》参加第十二届威尼斯建筑双年展

Art Activities relating to Italy  :

  • 2022, Gallery Continua, Beijing, attended "Italian Art Day: Conversations on contemporary art with Loris Cecchini ", acted as the speaking guest.

  • 2021, Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum, gave a lecture named "Get to Know Michelangelo Pistoletto in Mirror and Space".

  • 2021, online activity,attended “China-Italy City Quality Forum” hosted by Polytechnic University of Turin, and acted as the speaking guest

  • 2021, Tsinghua University Art Museum, acted as the academic host of the Opening Seminar of “Design Utopia” – “Design Modernity under the Historical Perspective”

  • 2019, Milan,organized the public activities for China Pavilion of the 22nd Milan Triennale –International Seminar on “the Complicated Urban Environment”, and acted as academic host

  • 2018-2019, collaborated with the Italian national treasure artist Michelangelo Pistoletto to produce the video program Four-Face Talk: The Third Paradise has been presented on Beijing Metro media platform and well-known video platform Youku

  • 2018, Tsinghua Arts and Design Institute in Milan,  gave a lecture named Rationality and Romance:The Past and Future of Italian Design

  • 2018, Milan, Italy, at the invitation of Class Editori Media Group and the Xinhua News Agency, attended the Thematic Seminar of “Belt and Road Initiative” – “The Road of Dreams – Experience,Emotion and Prospect from the Silk Roads”

  • 2015,Sino Italian Design Exchange Center in Florence, Italy, gave a lecture named The Twin City

  • 2015, Milan, Italy, acted as the honorable member of Metaphysical Club hosted by Domus Academy, attended theme activities of the Club for two times, and acted as the speaking guest

  • 2015,Confucius Institute, University of Torino, gave a lecture named Grand Roof –An Expression of Chinese Culture

  • 2010,Venice, Italy, the work Dating Architecture – Qianmen Street was selected for the 12th Mostra di Architettura di Venezia


  • 《设计的课》,中国建筑工业出版社,2023年

  • 《黑白之城》,文汇出版社,2023年

  • 《闹城》,花城出版社, 2020年

  • 《1001页:苏丹艺术与设计微言集》,中国建筑工业出版社,2018年

  • 《迷途知返—中国环艺发展史掠影》,中国建筑工业出版社,2014年

  • 《工艺美术下的设计蛋》,清华大学出版社,2012年

  • 《意见与建议》,中国建筑工业出版社,2010年



  • Design Class;China Architecture Publishing&Media Co., Ltd.; 2023

  • The Black and White City;WENHUI PRESS Publishing Consulting (Beijing)CO.,Ltd;2023

  • Vigorous Land; Huacheng Publishing House; 2020

  • 1001 Pages: Collections of Su Dan’s Art and Design Microsoft Language; China Architecture Publishing&Media Co., Ltd.; 2018

  • The Way – Sketch of China’s Environmental Art Development History; China Architecture Publishing&Media Co., Ltd.; 2014

  • Design Eggs under Industrial Art; Tsinghua University Press; 2012

  • Advice and Suggestions; China Architecture Publishing&Media Co., Ltd.; 2010

Published dozens of academic articles about Italian culture on numerous well-known publications in China over the past decade, such as The Past And Present of A “Ghost Town” – A Travelto Matera, Forms of Taste – A Tour to Italian Chateau I, Wheeler-dealer– A Tour to Italian Chateau II, Reasons Why Designers Must Visit Venice,and so on.



Su Dan, born in 1967 , from Taiyuan, Shanxi.He is the Deputy Director of China Traditional Culture Museum, the Professor/Doctoral supervisor of Tsinghua University the Academy of Arts & Design. He was the Deputy Dean of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University (2012-2018), Deputy Director of Tsinghua University Art Museum.Renowned designer, design educator, critic and art curator. Mainly engage in research on curatorial theory of contemporary art museum, creative protection of intangible cultural heritage and industrial heritage.

任   职:



2016 年,米兰新美术学院、多莫斯设计学院客座教授

2015 年至今,国际学术组织“形而上俱乐部”荣誉会员

2013 年至今,北京市政协委员

2021 年至今,北京市人民政府参事室特约研究员


2021-now: the Deputy Director of China Arts and Crafts Museum-China Intangible cultural heritageMuseum

2006-now: Professor of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University

2016-now: Visiting Professor of Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano and Domus Academy

2015-now: Honorable Member of the international academic organization “Metaphysical Club”

2013-now: Member of Beijing CPPCC

2021-now: Contract Research Fellow of the Advisory Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality




一面自我  |  二面周遭
三面历史  |  四面未来







北方依旧而群体已去非遗的价值与非遗的品牌大地的皮相黑白之外的灰——读苏丹的《黑白之城》断裂:历史中的未来主义●京城建筑的帽子戏法——光华路旧事之十三大江东去——《我的大学系列》番外篇终结章艺系的传家宝 ——上世纪九十年代的8只悬臂椅


