

社会网络研究小组 计量经济圈 2021-09-20



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   作者: 社会网络分析研究小组@微微白苏(学术严谨认真)



设计这份阅读清单的目的有两个:一是试图为社会网络分析的初级爱好者提供一个检视本领域全景的机会;二是试图回应计量经济圈关于《社会网络分析从低到高阅读清单,reading list》的推文,更新本领域的相关文献。



Social Network Analysis:A self-study reference and practice book

Classic and introductory texts

Robins had written in his book Doing social network research,“The now classic text on social network analysis is Wasserman and Faust (1994)”,and“The two Carrington and Scott texts update many topics covered by Wasserman and Faust”. Those are still essential and marvelous,especially The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis,which offers an unrivalled resource including the key concepts, substantive topics, central methods, and prime debates.

Wasserman, S.and Faust, K. (1994) Social network analysis:Methods and applications. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.中文版:斯坦利・沃瑟曼, & 凯瑟琳・福斯特. (2012). 社会网络分析:方法与应用.中国人民大学出版社.

Carrington, P., Scott, J.and Wasserman, S. (eds) (2005) Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

Scott, J.and Carrington, P. (eds) (2011) The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis. London:Sage.中文版:约翰·斯科特等.(2018).社会网络分析手册.重庆大学出版社.


Besides,there are helpful introductory books for those coming to SNA for the first time.

Prell, C. (2012) Social Network Analysis:History, Theory and Methodology. Los Angeles:Sage.

Kadushin, C. (2012) Understanding Social Networks: Theories, Concepts and Findings . NewYork:Oxford University Press.

Scott, J. (2013) Social Network Analysis. Los Angeles:Sage. 中文版:约翰·斯科特.(2016).社会网络分析法.重庆大学出版社.

Fu, X. , etc. (2017). Social network analysis (interdisciplinary approaches and case studies) ||. ,10.1201/9781315369594.


The Development and trends

These texts review the developments and trends of SNA, and explore the social processes that wove all "schools" of network analysis together into a single coherent approach, and go beyond SNA to a more general network science perspective.

Linton C. Freeman (2004).The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science.Empirical Press中文版:林顿·C·弗里曼. (2008). 社会网络分析发展史. 中国人民大学出版社.

Memon, N. , & Alhajj, R. . (2010). From Sociology to Computing in Social Networks. Springer.

Newman, M. (2010). Networks:An Introduction. Oxford:Oxford University Press.

Rokia Missaoui,etc. (2017). Trends in Social Network Analysis:Information Propagation, User Behavior Modeling, Forecasting, and Vulnerability Assessment

Nitin Agarwal,etc.(2018). Emerging Research Challenges and Opportunities in Computational Social Network Analysis and Mining.

Mehmet Kaya, Reda Alhajj. (2019)Influence and Behavior Analysis in Social Networks and Social Media.Springer Vienna.


Some texts have a particular disciplinary focus, such as economic networks and political networks.

Jackson, M. (2010) Social and Economic Networks. Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press.中文版:马修·O·杰克逊.(2011). 社会与经济网络.中国人民大学出版社.

David, E., & Jon, K. (2010). Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World.大卫·伊斯利. (2011). 网络、群体与市场.清华大学出版社

Sciulli, David & Knoke, David. (1991). Political Networks: The Structural Perspective. Social Forces. 70. 551. 10.2307/2580274.


Social theory and social network

Sociologists have made important contributions to the development of social network theory.These contributions include small world theory, Six Degrees of Separation, structural holes theory, Three Degrees of Influence Rule and so on.

Travers, J. , & Milgram, S. (1969). An experimental study of the small world problem. Sociometry, 32(4), 425-443.

Granovetter, M. S. (1983). The strength of weak ties: a network theory revisited. Sociological Theory, 1(6), 201-233.

Burt,Ronald. (1992). Structural Holes:The social Structure of Competition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 中文版:罗纳德·S.伯特. (2017).结构洞:竞争的社会结构.格致出版社.

Watts, D. J.. (2002). Small worlds : the dynamics of networks between order and randomness. ACM.中文版:邓肯·J·瓦茨 . (2006). 小小世界.中国人民大学出版社.

Watts, D. J. . (2003). Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age. W. W. Norton & Company.中文版:邓肯·J·瓦茨 . (2011).六度分隔 .中国人民大学出版社.

Albert-Laszlo Barabasi.(2003).Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life.Plume.中文版:艾伯特-拉斯洛·巴拉巴西. (2013).链接.浙江人民出版社

Nicholas A. Christakis,etc. (2011).Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives, Back Bay Books中文版:尼古拉斯·克里斯塔基斯等. (2017). 大连接:社会网络是如何形成的以及对人类现实行为的影响(经典版). 北京联合出版公司.

Granovetter, M. (2017). Society and economy: framework and principles. 中文版:马克•格兰诺维特.(2019).社会与经济:信任、权力与制度.中信出版社.


As you may have noticed, there are some texts on Guanxi Study in China by边燕杰、罗家德以及罗家德主持的Center for Social Network Research.

边燕杰. (2011). 关系社会学:理论与研究. 社会科学文献出版社.

罗家德. (2017). 复杂:信息时代的连接、机会与布局. 中信出版集团


Graph theory,Power Law Distribution and network science

As branches of Social Networks follow very different aims, approaches and perspectives, it is vital to understand sharing common foundations in mathematics and science.The three most prominent foundations in the area are graph theory,power law distribution and network science.

Zweig, & Katharina, A. (2016). graph theory, social network analysis, and network science. , 10.1007/978-3-7091-0741-6(Chapter 2), 23-55.

Monge, P. and Contractor, N. (2003) Theories of Communication Networks . NewYork:Oxford University Press.中文版:芒戈 (2009) 传播网络理论.中国人民大学出版社

Guido Caldarelli. (2007). Scale-Free Networks. Oxford University Press

Srinivas Virinchi.(2016). Link Prediction in Social Networks: Role of Power Law Distribution.Springer

Wasserman, S.and Robins, G. (2012) Social network research:The foundation of network science. In H. Cooperetal. (eds), APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, Volume 3. Data Analysis and Research Publication (pp. 451–469). Washington, DC:American Psychological Association.

Maarten Van Steen (2010).Graph Theory and Complex Networks: An Introduction. 

Dean Lusher.(2012).Exponential Random Graph Models for Social Networks Theory, Methods, and Applications.Cambridge University Press


Designing social network analysis

These and the next texts are principally intended for social scientists wanting to undertake social network research. Doing social network research is not just a methodological‘add-on’, it involves defining the research problem,specifying the theory,data collecting and date analysis,retesting and reformulating the theory.

Robins, G. L.. (2015). Doing social network research: network-based research design for social scientists.

Hennig, Marina, etc. (2013). Studying Social Networks: A Guide to Empirical Research. Frankfurtam Main:Campus Verlag.

Kawash, J. , etc. (2017). Prediction and inference from social networks and social media. Lecture Notes in Social Networks.


SNA methodology:methods,data and softwares

Here are a number of recent review articles that summarize various aspects of SNA methodology,especially For those with a strong statistical background.

Butts, C. (2008c) Social network analysis:A methodological introduction. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 11, 13–41.

Kolaczyk, E.(2009). Statistical Analysis of Network Data:Methods and Models. New York:Springer.

Snijders, T. (2011b) Statistical models for social networks. Annual Review of Sociology, 37, 131–153.

Robins, G. (2013) A tutorial on methods for the modeling and analysis of social network data. Journal of Mathematical Psychology,57, 261–274.

Robins, G., Lewis, J.and Wang, P. (2012) Statistical network analysis for analyzing policy networks. Policy Studies Journal, 40,375–401.

Borgatti, S., etc. (2013) Analyzing Social Networks. Los Angeles:Sage.

Bradley S. Rees. (2013).The Influence of Technology on Social Network Analysis and Mining.Springer Vienna.

Song Yang.(2016).Social Network Analysis: Methods and Examples.SAGE Publications.中文版:杨松等.(2019).社会网络分析:方法与应用.社会科学文献出版社.


Some readings provide a comprehensive compendium on recent research on the data-centric aspect of social networks, such as data management,big data analysis and machine learning techniques.

Aggarwal, C. C. . (2011). Social network data analytics. Springer .

Mohammad Moshirpour, (2018).Applications of Data Management and Analysis: Case Studies in Social Networks and Beyond. Springer Vienna.

Mehmet Kaya, etc .(2018). Social Network Based Big Data Analysis and Applications

Tansel Özyer, Reda Alhajj (2018).Machine Learning Techniques for Online Social Networks. Springer.


For scholarly analysis tools like UCINet, GUESS, Pajek, ORA, R, networks and python are available.Here are four options for social network analysis

Maksim Tsvetovat. (2011).Social Network Analysis for Startups, O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA中文版:茨韦特瓦 . (2013). 社会网络分析:方法与实践. 机械工业出版社.

Douglas Luke. (2015).A User’s Guide to Network Analysis in R.Springer

Wouter de Nooy (2018).,Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek: Revised and Expanded Edition for Updated Software.Cambridge University Press

Krishna Raj P. M.,etc . (2018).  Practical Social Network Analysis with Python



An encyclopedia tells you everything you need to know about social network analysis and mining

Alhajj, R. ,etc. (2018). Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining.



Finally, some additional readings for those who focus on longitudinal network analysis.

Bender-de Moll, S, etc. (2006) The art and science of dynamic network visualization. Journal of Social Structure, 7,2.

Moody, J. (2002) The importance of relationship timing for diffusion. Social Forces, 81, 25–56.

Sloot, P., etc. (2013) Advances in dynamic temporal networks:Understanding the temporal dynamics of complex adaptive networks. European Physical Journal Special Topics, 222, 1287–1293.

Scott, & John, C. . (2013). Social processes in lobbyist agenda development: a longitudinal network analysis of interest groups and legislation. Policy Studies Journal, 41(4), 608-635.

Manger, M. S., Pickup, M. A., & Snijders, T. A. B. (2012). A hierarchy of preferences. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 56(5), 852-877.

Barnett, G. A. , & Jiang, K. (2016). Resilience of the world wide web: a longitudinal two-mode network analysis. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 6(1), 105.

Steinert-Threlkeld, Zachary C.(2017).Longitudinal Network Centrality Using Incomplete Data.Political Analysis.

Tallarita, etc. (2019). A comparative review of network meta‐analysis models in longitudinal randomized controlled trial.Statistics in Medicine.

另外,如果想要加入“社会网络研究小组”探讨SNA相关议题,请整理一份与SNA相关的文献笔记(各社科领域Top期刊)发送到以下公共邮箱: econometrics666@sina.cn。对于研究生以及高年级特优秀本科生,这是一次难得的学习机会,SNA在21世纪比我们想象的要重要。


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