

在武汉的 守语者 2022-01-22


The two dimensions of the theme include promotion of deaf people as part of global human diversity as well as recognition of the diversity and richness of the global deaf community itself.

”提升人类多样性”的概念来自於人权的基本原则以及尊重每一个人的多样性,包括语言、 种族、 民族、 性别、 性取向、 社会经济地位、 年龄、 身体机能、 宗教信仰、 政治信仰、 或其他意识形态等面向。这个主题要表达的是去体认差异本身存在的可能性和价值,而不是只把差异认作一种应该被改变的残疾状态。同时还要表达的是去认识到每一个聋人都是独特的,其优势可以对社会产生积极影响。
Strengthening Human Diversity draws upon the basic principles of human rights and respect for all people and diversity with respect to language, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. This theme is about recognising differences as possibilities and assets instead of disabilities that should be changed. It is also about recognising that each deaf individual is unique, with strengths that can make a positive effect on society.

社会大众需要对某个具有差异性的群体有更深入的了解,才能更好地增强其能力同时顾及多样性,并执行有必要的改变。例如,聋人协会可以采取具体的行动,来提高政府官员、 部长、 当局、 主事者,单位领导、 医疗专业人士、 国家的教育专家等人的对聋人文化与手语方面的认识。针对不同的目标群体与目的可以采取不同的手段。比方说,教同事手语、要求和教育部长会晤、投稿到全国性的报章杂志。最终目标是要让手语无论是在在立法、政策或受教权等面向都获得承认。
聋人协会也可以举办研讨会及活动,让聋人了解到自己有权作为双语公民来参与社会,这一切都是奠基于联合国《残疾人权利国际公约》(United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,简称CRPD)所传达的内容。
Society needs to be sensitised so that it can better enhance its capacity to take into account diversity and make needed changes. National associations of the deaf can, for example, take concrete steps to raise awareness among government officials, ministers, authorities, responsible persons at workplaces, medical professionals, national education experts etc. on the richness of deaf heritage, culture, and sign languages. The means to achieve such steps to heighten awareness can vary depending on the target group and objectives; this can involve teaching sign language to work colleagues, requesting a meeting with a minister of education, or writing an article for a national newspaper. The ultimate aim would be to obtain recognition of sign languages in all legislation and policies, the right to receive education in sign language, and so forth. National associations of the deaf can also organise seminars and events to train their constituents on deaf people’s rights as bilingual citizens, based on the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).


