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A Woman Doctor-Lina


Born in a pigs’ nest, Lina led a poor  life in her childhood. She was looked down upon by the children of her generation. But she intended to become a doctor after she came across Lin Qiaozhi by chance, who was delivering medical courses to an audience crowding around her. Before moving off, Lin inspired her to carry on her study. With Lin’s support, Lina entered an institute and studied hard sparing no time for entertainment. Her being outspoken and modest won respect for her. Her excellent arguing skills and observation ability put others into the shade.


Now, Lina has become a specialist in human beings’ emergency sickness. Her kindness and considerate behavior to the poor were well known. The organization she founded carried out campaigns and welfare projects to help cut the death rate for the poor. Her job was hard but worthwhile. She often refers to the connection between her achievement and Lin Qiaozhi, and says that her poor childhood is the bond between her and the poor.



nest 英 [nest]   美 [nɛst]  n.(鸟)窝;温床;(套叠在一起的)一套物件;藏匿处vt.筑巢;嵌套vi.筑巢

lead a life 过着…的生活

childhood 英 [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd]   美 [ˈtʃaɪldˌhʊd]  n.童年,儿童时代;早期

look down upon 看轻;蔑视,瞧不起;鄙夷;掩鼻而过

look down upon 英 [luk daun əˈpɔn]   美 [lʊk daʊn əˈpɑn]  看轻;蔑视,瞧不起;鄙夷;掩鼻而过

intend 英 [ɪnˈtend]   美 [ɪnˈtɛnd]  vt.意欲,计划;为特殊目的而设计;为特定用途而打算;意或意味vi.怀有某种意图或目的

come across 偶遇;偶然发现;使产生…印象

by chance 碰巧;偶然地,意外地;无意之中;偏巧

deliver 英 [dɪˈlɪvə(r)]   美 [dɪˈlɪvɚ]  vt.交付;发表;递送;使分娩vi.传送;投递

audience 英 [ˈɔ:diəns]   美 [ˈɔdiəns]  n.观众;听众;读者;接见

crowd 英 [kraʊd]   美 [kraʊd]  n.人群;群众;一群vi.拥挤,聚集vt.挤满;将…塞进;催逼

move off  v.离开,死,畅销

inspire 英 [ɪnˈspaɪə(r)]   美 [ɪnˈspaɪr]  vt.激励;鼓舞;启迪;赋予灵感vi.吸,吸入

carry on 经营;<非正>继续进行;争吵;吵闹

support 英 [səˈpɔ:t]   美 [səˈpɔ:rt]  vt.支持;支撑;帮助;维持n.支撑;支持者;[数学]支集;支撑物

institute英 [ˈɪnstɪtju:t]   美 [ˈɪnstɪtu:t]  vt.建立;制定;开始;着手n.学院;协会;学会;(教育、专业等)机构

entertainment英 [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt]   美 [ˌentərˈteɪnmənt]  n.娱乐节目;娱乐,消遣;招待,款待

outspoken 英 [aʊtˈspəʊkən]   美 [aʊtˈspoʊkən]  adj.坦率的;直言的;毫无保留的;心急口快

modest 英 [ˈmɒdɪst]   美 [ˈmɑ:dɪst]  adj.谦虚的,谦逊的;适度的,适中的;端庄的;羞怯的

respect 英 [rɪˈspekt]   美 [rɪˈspɛkt]  vt.尊重;尊敬;关心;遵守n.敬意;尊重,恭敬;某方面

argue 英 [ˈɑ:gju:]   美 [ˈɑ:rgju:]  vt.坚决主张;提出理由证明;说服,劝告;表明,证明vi.争论,辩论;提出理由

observation 英 [ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn]   美 [ˌɑ:bzərˈveɪʃn]  n.观察;观察力;评论;观察所得

put into the shade 使逊色, 使相形见绌

specialist 英 [ˈspeʃəlɪst]   美 [ˈspɛʃəlɪst]  n.专家;专科医生;行家

human being n.人类

emergency 英 [iˈmɜ:dʒənsi]   美 [iˈmɜ:rdʒənsi]  n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻adj.紧急的,应急的

sickness 英 [ˈsɪknəs]   美 [ˈsɪknɪs]  n.疾病;恶心;呕吐;弊病

kindness 英 [ˈkaɪndnəs]   美 [ˈkaɪndnɪs]  n.仁慈,善行;友好的行为

considerate 英 [kənˈsɪdərət]   美 [kənˈsɪdərɪt]  adj.体贴的,体谅的;深思熟虑;到;慎重

behavior 英 [bɪ'heɪvjə]   美 [bɪˈhevjɚ]  n.行为;态度;(机器等的)运转状态;(事物的)反应

organization 英 [ˌɔ:gənaɪˈzeɪʃn]   美 [ˌɔ:rgənəˈzeɪʃn]  n.组织;机构;团体adj.有组织的

campaign 英 [kæmˈpeɪn]   美 [kæmˈpen]  n.运动;战役;竞选运动;季节性竞赛vi.作战;参加[发起]运动,参加竞选;参战,参加战役

welfare 英 [ˈwelfeə(r)]   美 [ˈwelfer]  n.福利;幸福;繁荣;安宁

project 英 [ˈprɒdʒekt]   美 [ˈprɑ:dʒekt]  vt.计划;放映;发射;展现,使突出vi.伸出,突出n.项目,工程;计划,规划;(学生的)课题

rate 英 [reɪt]   美 [ret]  n.速度;比率;等级;(利息等的)费率vt.估价;值得;责骂;定级vt.& vi.认为,把…算作vi.被评价;被认为;被列入;申斥

worthwhile 英 [ˌwɜ:θˈwaɪl]   美 [ˌwɜ:rθˈwaɪl]  adj.有价值的;值得做的;合算;值得花时间的

refer to 参考;指的是;涉及;适用于

connection 英 [kəˈnekʃn]   美 [kəˈnɛkʃən]  n.连接;联系,关系;连接点;亲戚

achievement 英 [əˈtʃi:vmənt]   美 [əˈtʃivmənt]  n.完成,达到;成就,成绩

bond 英 [bɒnd]   美 [bɑ:nd]  n.债券;纽带;联系;保释金v.使结合;建立互信关系;与…紧密联系;与…黏合

Practice: Cloze Test

(1)            ( bear) in a pigs’ nest, Lina led a poor life in her childhood. She was looked down upon by the children of her generation. But she intended to become a doctor after she came across Lin Qiaozhi by chance, (2)            was delivering medical courses to an audience crowding around her. Before moving off, Lin inspired her to carry on her study.(3)            Lin’s support, Lina entered an institute and studied hard (4)            (spare) no time for entertainment. (5)              

being outspoken and modest won respect for her. Her excellent arguing skills (6)                       observation ability put others into the shade.

Now, Lina (7)            (become) a specialist in human beings’ emergency sickness. Her (8)    (kind) and considerate behavior to the poor were well known. The organization she founded carried out campaigns and welfare projects to help cut the death rate for (9)            poor. Her job was hard but worthwhile. She often refers (10)            the connection between her achievement and Lin Qiaozhi, and says that her poor childhood is the bond between her and the poor.


1. Born  2. who    3. With   4. sparing      

5.Her     6. and     7. has become    

 8. kindness    9. the        10. to

1. 上帝是个女孩《God is a girl》

2 . 汉城奥运会主题曲《Hand in hand》

3 . 我心永恒(电影泰坦尼克主题曲)My heart will go on

4.  唱首忧郁的歌 Song Sung Blue

5 . 老橡树上的黄丝带Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree

6 . 雨韵 Rhythm of The Rain

7 . 如果你爱我 If You Love Me

8 . 雨中哭泣 Crying In The Rain

9.  寂静之声 The Sound Of Silence

10.  柠檬树 Lemon Tree

11.  花落何处 Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

12.  顺其自然 Let It Be

13.  昨日重现 Yesterday Once More

14.  甜心 Dear Heart

15.  棉花田 Cotton Field

16 . 松树耳语Whispering Pines

17 . 世界末日 The End Of The World

18 . 我的家乡 My Hometown

19.  大江东去 The river of no return

20.  田纳西华尔兹 Tennessee Waltz

21.  旧金山 San Francisco

22 . 恶水上的大桥 Bridge Over Troubled Water

23.  我想与它同在Let It Be Me

24 . 小白花 Edelweiss

25.  无法停止爱你 I Can't Stop Loving You

26.  只有你 Only You

27 . 七个寂寞的日子 Seven Lonely Days

28 . 我在雨中Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

29.  我爱的… Somewhere My Love

30. (恋爱百分百的英文版)Stop! Stop! Stop!

31.  来!跳舞!女孩 Dance On, Little Girl

32 . 爱你无语More Than I Can Say

33 . 玫瑰之恋 Rose, Rose, I Love You

34.  黄河镇Yellow River

35 . 往日情怀 The Way We Were

36.  北上阿拉斯加 North To Alaska

37.  只有你 Only You

38.  乡村路带我回家 Take Me Home Country Roads

39.  邮差先生 Please Mr. Postman

40.  你偷走巨厦 The Mansion You Stole

41.  放开我 Release Me

42.  最后华尔兹 The Last Waltz

43.  孤枕难眠 I Don't Like To Sleep Alone

44 . 想象 Imagine

45.  不再坠入情网 I'll Never Fall In. Love Again

46.  轻歌销魂 Killing Me Softly With His Song

47 . 热爱着你 Devoted To You

48.  雪鸟 Snowbird

49.  随风飘荡 Blowing In The Wind

50.  情感 Feelings

51.  只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream

52.  奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody

53.  今日 Today

54.  无须说爱我 You Don't Have To Say You Love Me

55.  奔放的旋律 Unchained Melody

56.  与我吻别Kiss Me Goodbye

57.  只有寻梦去 All I Have To Do Is Dream

58. 交换舞伴 Changing Partners

59.  借你肩膀 Put Your Head On My Shoulder

60.  黄鸟儿 Yellow Bird

61.  全为了一个女孩的爱 All For The Love Of A Girl

62.  细语言爱Speak Softly, Love

63.  温柔地爱我 Love Me Tender

64.  你照亮我的生命 You Light Up My Life

65.  给约翰的一封信 A Dear John Letter

66.  月亮河 Moon river

67.  清晨 In The Morning

68.  (挥着翅膀的女孩英文原装版)Proud of you

69.  不再 No More

70.  太年轻 Too Young

71.  婚礼 The Wedding

72.  玫瑰花园 Rose Garden

73.  亲爱的 Sugar, Sugar

74.  七天孤独 Seven Lonely Days

75.  破晓 Morning Has Broken

76.  我不知如何爱他 I Don’t Know How To Love Him

77.  世界之顶 Top Of The World

78.  我参加你的婚礼 I Went To Your Wedding

79.  爱的细语There's A Kind Of Hush

80.  阳光季节 Seasons In The Sun

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