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GESS pilot camp 

Full Review ▲


On the afternoon of July 16th, GESS Pilot Camp 2021 ( The Yangtze River Delta International Entrepreneurs Summer School) ended. As time goes by, five days are fleeting. From July 12 to July 16, 23 international entrepreneurs from 10 different countries spent a short but fruitful summer school time in Tongji University. The campers combined with the current hot spots, focused on the frontier development of disciplines, exercised interdisciplinary and international vision, and conducted simulation training around the core elements of enterprises, projects and teams, Through a practical research, two enterprise visits, three innovative thinking workshops and four lectures, we learned the cutting-edge knowledge of circular economy, discussed the innovative mode of sustainable development, and concluded a deep friendship between Chinese and foreign students. We have become the most powerful youth force of innovation and entrepreneurship in response to the call of "double carbon".


Yan Aihua, Deputy Director of External Affairs Office, Liu Yang, Deputy Secretary of Youth League Committee, Su Yiyi, Associate Professor of SEM, Liu Jia, Deputy Director of National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of School of Environment, and mentors of four groups attended the closing ceremony.



In the 5-day course, the trainees conducted a comprehensive study on the concept of "circular economy" through corporate visits, group discussions, practical learning, teacher-student exchanges, etc., explored the innovative path of sustainable development, and created a business model that is both feasible and influential. The 5-day learning results are displayed at the moment of the roadshow, let us witness the demeanor of international entrepreneurs!

GROUP 1 · Machine Learning


该小组以《智能建筑解决方案平台》为主题,从商业模式、实现方式以及使命价值观等方面进行展示。他们希望使用预制结构(装配式建筑)、信息化服务平台等来减少建筑污染,提高建筑效率,从而达到“循环经济” 的“4R”原则(Recycle、Reduce、Reuse、Replace)。

With the theme of "Smart Construction Solution Platform", the group  demonstrated from the aspects of business model, realization method, mission and values. They hope to use prefabricated structures (fabricated buildings), information service platforms, etc. to reduce construction pollution and improve construction efficiency, so as to achieve the "4R"(Recycle、Reduce、Reuse、Replace) principle of the "Circular Economy".

GROUP 2  · Capital Market



The presentation theme of this group is "Develop Circular Economy with the Power of Capital Market". The trainees started with the definition of circular economy and capital market, pointed out the difficulties in the process of promoting the development of circular economy, and led to the solutions to the financial difficulties. The group combined the learned theories with actual cases, and take Aihuishou which they visited on the second day, as an example to further explain how the capital market supports the development of circular economy.

GROUP 3 · Big Data &  AI


该组以《Easy Eat》为主题,从目标客群的的生活、特征、需求以及存在问题分析入手,整个过程围绕使用者、产品、市场以及财务展开,展现了他们为中高端单身青年群体打造一款快捷便捷的新鲜食品配送APP的创意,生动形象,令人眼前一亮。

With the theme of "Easy Eat", the group started with the analysis of the life, characteristics, needs, and problems of the target customer group. The whole process revolved around users, products, markets, and finances, and the APP was created for the mid-to-high-end single youth group. The creative and vivid image of a fast and convenient fresh food distribution APP is eye-catching.

GROUP 4 · Carbon Reduction

Group 4


The theme of this group is "Smart Lamp of Carbon Reduction Lights Up the Silk Road-Starting from Pakistan".They explained the important link between carbon emission reduction and global warming, and used real cases to explain the benefits of smart lighting. Through videos, data charts and other forms, the related products of Smart Lighting and its overseas plans are vividly described. This product is both practical and international, which is impressive.




At the closing ceremony, Liu Yang, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Tongji University, awarded four mentors (Associate Professor Qi Peng from Tongji CEIE, Li Haiying and Guo Yuchen from Tongji SEM, and Tongji alumnus Xu Hao) to thank them for providing professional guidance to the campers. It is precisely because of their tireless dedication that we can enjoy such a wonderful international double-creation feast.



According to the performance of each group, and after joint discussions between judges and guests, this roadshow has selected The Excellence Award, The Best Team, The Best Creativity, and The Best Popularity Awards. Finally, group mentors, award-presenting guests and group members took a group photo.



Disney and Wang Zhe made speeches as student representatives. They feel very honored to be able to participate in this summer school activity and thank the organizer for their organization. At the same time, they have a better understanding of the "Circular Economy" and a more in-depth concept of innovation and entrepreneurship through a variety of forms in these five days. At the same time, they also deeply feel that as the young people born in the new era, should shoulder the important task of sustainable development and make due contributions to the development of mankind.

最后,主办方准备了一个个印制营员合照的纸箱,由师生共同协作拼制出属于2021届营员的GESS图样,展现了2021年GESS 先导营的精彩瞬间。随着照片墙搭建完成,GESS先导营及长三角国际创业者暑期学校圆满闭营。

Finally, the organizers prepared cartons for printing group photos of the campers, and the teachers and students worked together to produce GESS drawings for the 2021 campers, showing the wonderful moments of the 2021 GESS pilot camp. With the completion of the photo wall, GESS pilot camp and Yangtze River Delta International Entrepreneur summer school were successfully closed.


The selection of the carton puzzle as the closing ceremony means that the GESS pilot camp is concerned about environmental protection and emphasizes recycling. At the same time, it also greatly mobilizes the initiative of the campers and draws a successful end to the wonderful five-day GESS memory.



7月12日晚 同济创业谷

Tongji Venture Valley

来自十个国家的23个营员与GESS pilot camp相遇,在欢声笑语中,拘谨渐渐消融,在沟通交流中,创意的种子开始萌芽。

23 campers from ten countries met  in Tongji Venture Valley. In the laughter, the restraint gradually melted away. In the communication, the seeds of creativity began to sprout.

713 丨开营 - 爱回收 - 讲座

7月13日 爱回收 同济大厦A楼 

Aihuishou Tongji Building A


The opening ceremony of the GESS Pilot Camp was successfully held in the alumni company All Things Renew ( Aihuishou). In the wonderful lectures given by Qian Jingbo, senior director of the internal audit and internal control department of the company, and Su Yiyi, Associate Professor from Tongji SEM, everyone gained valuable experience and broadened their innovative ideas.


7月14日  企业参访(黎明 & 圣戈班)

Corporate Visiting (Liming& Saint-Gobain)



Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and there are also huge economic benefits in environmental protection. Shanghai Liming Ecological Park has realized the diversified utilization of garbage, which provides a good idea for reducing environmental protection pressure and creating economic benefits.

Saint-Gobain is an enterprise with advanced technology, large scale and full of social responsibility. Its success in the glass production process reminds us that science and technology are the primary productive forces and the key to the success of a modern enterprise.


7月15日  崇明岛“椿庭朴门”生态有机农场

"Chunting Pumen" Ecological 

Organic Farm on Chongming Island


Led by the owner of the farm, the trainees visited the farm with beautiful scenery and rich in the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. They conducted team building, and personally experienced projects such as making meals, sewing sachets, and kayaking together. In the laughter and joy, They have integrated ecological sustainability thoughts into their hearts.


7月16日 同济大厦A楼  Tongji Towel A


1、Listen to the lecture delivered by Xu Tao, associate professor of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.


Associate Professor Xu Tao has thoroughly explored the methods, theories and practical results of innovation and entrepreneurship from the dimensions of the real situation, case analysis, and innovative methods of design thinking. Through vivid cases such as "Piano Steps" and "Home Design", he gave students a deep understanding of the concept of "design thinking". "Teaching people how to fish is not as good as teaching people how to fish." By introducing "design thinking", Mr. Xu allows every student to realize his own entrepreneurial ideas. The atmosphere was warm and the students benefited a lot. The teaching method that combines theory and practice has enabled students to have a better understanding of developing their own entrepreneurial ideas. It is believed that they will be able to better practice the "four innovations" concept in the future.


2. Under the guidance of the mentors, carry out the project road show, fully demonstrated the elegant demeanor of each group in the PK competition, and gained the camp closing certificate and group awards.


  Knowledge learning is a down-to-earth process of continuous blessing. It is hoped that students can apply what they have learned, realize their vision, and be the ones who define the future.

