330金属音乐节 的消息相信昨天已经刷爆了大家的朋友圈和微博!Defeated Sanity的亚洲巡演将经历中国大陆、香港、台湾在内的十七个国家和地区,演出将超过二十五场!本次北京现场,他们将与十四支优秀的中国金属乐队齐聚330金属音乐节!毫无疑问,这将成为Defeated Sanity今年整个亚洲巡演当中最重要的演出!各位死硬派!今年330现场一睹他们风采的同时,请让他们见识一下中国金属乐迷的能量!
点击下方链接,了解Defeated Sanity中文历史!
欧 陆 残 酷 死 亡 金 属 头 把 交 椅
Defeated Sanity | 2010 - 2014
2010年的残酷死亡金属界可谓是繁荣无比!我国的暗狱戮尸、人彘、败血症、解剖等乐队就在当时发行了各自的唱片。同时西方世界中,Decrepit Birth、Cerebral Effusion、Inherit Disease、Pathology、Disentomb、Vulvectomy、Cerebral Bore、Waking the Cadaver、Hour of Penance、Arkaik等等这些新老乐团纷纷发表唱片。层出不穷的新乐队和众多优秀的唱片此时集中涌现,而Defeated Sanity这张唱片的突出表现此时也显得尤为精彩。https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=n0377onmy7p&width=500&height=375&auto=0
Defeated Sanity - Engulfed In Excruciation
当时乐队与现如今风光无限的美国死亡金属厂牌Willowtip Records开始合作,当时这个厂牌拥有Macabre、Impaled、Malignancy这些极端金属历史上的经典团体。而Defeated Sanity的加入无疑让Willowtip Records得以从全球众多厂牌中得以捕获更多乐迷的眼球。同时瑞典Visceral Bleeding、荷兰Severe Torture、意大利Putridity和Fleshgod Apocalypse这一批在现如今的呼风唤雨的重量级乐队的加入,也开辟了Willowtip Records一个全新的时代!
2010年Defeated Sanity的新专辑Chapters Of Repugnance一经发表,再次震撼到残酷死亡金属界!这是前Disgorge主唱A.J. Magana在乐队三年中唯一参与过的专辑。即便2007年的第二张专辑Psalms of the Moribund所奠定的位置达到了一个无法企及的高度,但新专辑依旧展现出乐队扎实的技术、精湛的编曲!这不得不让人联想到地球上最经典的死亡金属乐队Suffocation!美式气息愈发浓重的同时,新派残酷死亡金属的味道同样令乐迷大呼过瘾!
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=j0377bzx1a5&width=500&height=375&auto=0德国 Deathfeast Open Air 2010
于是在夏季即将到来之前,Defeated Sanity再次走上了巡演道路!这次巡演与他们结伴的,正是美国大牌单人残酷死亡金属Putrid Pile、刚刚发表首张专辑的女主唱残酷死亡金属Cerebral Bore和风头正盛的Scatorgy两支来自英国的年轻乐队。同时德国本土久负盛名的死亡金属/碾核音乐节Death Feast Open Air 2010也再度向乐队发出邀请。所有的一切已经明确体现出,此时的Defeated Sanity在人类的极端音乐世界里的王者风采!在Defeated Sanity的作品列表中有两张作品集,一张是Collected Demolition、一张是早期小样1993-1998。泰国本土的极端厂牌Sick Chainsaws Productions率先捕捉到乐队在当前死亡金属界的重要性,抢先一步拿下了乐队的唱片发行权。于是2000年、2005年、2007年的十二首小样,附加乐队2003至2009年期间在瑞士、英国、德国的六个现场视频,促成了作品集Collected Demolition的发行。接下来,Defeated Sanity的又一个三年计划开始了。
Defeated Sanity | Consumed By Repugnance | 2010
熟悉Defeated Sanity的朋友会发现,从2004年乐队第一张专辑开始,每张专辑都是间隔三年。就是按照这个传统习惯,乐队发行了四张正式专辑,每次都在刷新着对听众们耳膜的攻击。于是带着新专辑持续的高温,Defeated Sanity再一次展开美国巡演,同时重返马里兰的超级金属音乐节Maryland Deathfest的舞台。与2009年不同的是,他们这次被安排在室内舞台Inquisition、Hooded Menace、Acid Witch之前,整个演出的倒数第四个出场。
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=r0377a40vtk&width=500&height=375&auto=0美国 Maryland Deathfest IX 2011
美国籍主唱A.J从2009年开始为这支乐队效力,稳定的四人阵容在两年时间内完成了一份高分答卷。因为Defeated Sanity已经牢牢占据了欧洲残酷死亡金属圈的头把交椅,巡演自然也成为他们的日常工作。由于过度奔波,A.J没有继续担任乐队主唱,期间偶尔顶替他完成欧洲演出的歌手Konstantin真正加入进来,再一次让Defeated Sanity形成了历史上又一个经典阵容!在一个新局面开启之前,我们先来看看各大金属乐媒体对乐队这个时期和专辑的评价。Sputnik Music:But really, Chapters of Repugnance is the sonic companion piece to The Inferno, and furthermore, the soundtrack of perpetual torment. Of course, this is a comparison that many death metal bands receive throughout their career, and one that is usually considered an innate quality of the genre. Defeated Sanity however, amplify any presuppositions one might have of Hell and turn it ten-fold. With Chapters, they provide a vision inimical to the typical, and capture, unapologetically so, the darkest facets of human depravity.The Metal Observer:Most brutal death bands tend to go way too far in one direction—too breakdown swamped, too technically self-indulgent—but Defeated Sanity hit the quota for each in stride. At a little over a half-hour long, the caliber of the band’s musicianship and the super-set weight-gain structure delivers a grueling display of top-notch death metal not for the squeamish or the faint of heart.TechnicalDeathMetal.com:In the case of Defeated Sanity’s ‘Chapters Of Repugnance’ however, I not only contend that hideous is the only accurate description of this madness but I also maintain that in totally and utterly embracing hideousness, these Germans have simultaneously embraced brilliance. The sensation of listening to this album in one sitting is equivalent to being assimilated into a volcanic structure comprised entirely of the entrails, bones and souls of former human beings. As your consciousness, physical form and humanity are twisted and broken to expand this sentient force of destruction, your screams of anguish are the only solace you can take in your last tormented moments of living as an individual. This album is that dark, brutal and fantastic.Metal Reviews:Little hints of genius are constant, the genuinely disturbing sample in Blissfully Exsanguinated helping the track to be one of the heaviest and nastiest on the album. No, readers, this won’t replace whatsoever obscure Melodeath band is currently popular as the proggiest and most headbangable Death Metal out there – it’s far too murky and gnarly to have wide appeal. But if, like me, you’ve been listening to as little Brutal Death as possible to ensure that the deepest and darkest works its full effect, then we can count ourselves as happy as the proverbial pig in shit with this. Defeated Sanity may not be as mind-bending and out-there as, say, Wormed, but until those Spanish freaks get a new album on the go, this is where it’s at for your Brutal Death fix.
Metal Music Archives:The music on the album is US influenced brutal death metal ( Early Suffocation is my first thought). The vocals are particularly brutal and completely undecipherable. They vary between deep guttural growling and various processed forms of growls. The music is quite acrobatic when it comes to tempo changes which happens just about every second or so. Blast beating, then fast playing, blast beating again, then a heavier section. One of the assets of the album is the high level of musicianship in display. One of the lowpoints is how the musicians chose to spend their talents. I don´t lie if I say that the 31:53 minute long album feels like an eternity to me. There´s not a single hook or memorable part to hold on to.
下一章,我们将从2011年,讲述新任主唱Konstantin加入后,与鼓手Lille Gruber、贝斯Jacob Schmidt、吉他Christian Kühn产生的一系列故事。中国巡演日程已经全部公布,乐队将从3月23号起,经过深圳、广州、北京、上海四个城市!北京之外的三个城市巡演均有强大的嘉宾乐队助阵!目前预售票已经全部开启,点击下方【阅读原文】即可进入秀动网Showstart.com购买!
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