

2017-05-22 沃领域翻译






All Luciano Faggiano wanted when hepurchased the seemingly unremarkable building at 56 Via Ascanio Grandi, was toopen a restaurant. The only problem was the toilet. Sewage kept backing up. SoMr. Faggiano enlisted his two older sons to help him dig a trench andinvestigate. He predicted the job would take about a week.  “We found underground corridors and otherrooms, so we kept digging,” said Mr. Faggiano, 60. His search for a sewagepipe, which began in 2000, became one family’s tale of discovery.


Lecce was once a critical crossroads in theMediterranean. Severo Martini, a member of the City Council, saidarchaeological relics turn up on a regular basis — and can present a headachefor urban planning. A project to build a shopping mall had to be redesignedafter the discovery of an ancient Roman temple beneath the site of a plannedparking lot.


One week quickly passed, as father and sonsdiscovered a tomb of the Messapians, who lived in the region centuries beforethe birth of Jesus. Soon, the family discovered a chamber used to store grainby the ancient Romans.


If this history only later became clear,what was immediately obvious was that finding the pipe would be a much biggerproject than Mr. Faggiano had anticipated. He did not initially tell his wifeabout the extent of the work. He tied a rope around the chest of his youngestson, Davide, then 12, and lowered him to dig in small, darkened openings. “Imade sure to tell him not to tell his mama,” he said. His wife, Anna MariaSanò, soon became suspicious. “We had all these dirty clothes, every day,” shesaid. “I didn’t understand what was going on.”


After watching the Faggiano men haul awaydebris in the back seat of the family car, neighbors also became suspicious andnotified the authorities. Investigators arrived and shut down the excavations,warning Mr. Faggiano against operating an unapproved archaeological work site.Mr. Faggiano responded that he was just looking for a sewage pipe.


A year passed. Finally, Mr. Faggiano wasallowed to resume his pursuit of the sewage pipe on condition that heritageofficials observed the work. An underground treasure house emerged, as thefamily uncovered ancient vases, Roman devotional bottles, an ancient ring withChristian symbols, medieval artifacts, hidden frescoes and more. Today, thebuilding is Museum Faggiano, an independent archaeological museum authorized bythe Lecce government.


Mr. Faggiano is now satisfied with hismuseum, but he has not forgotten about the restaurant. A few years into hisexcavation, he finally found his sewage pipe. It was, indeed, broken. He hassince bought another building and is again planning for a restaurant, assumingit does not need any renovations. “I still want it,” he said of the restaurant.“I’m very stubborn.”






本研究院下设研究机构,卫星制造厂等,拥有一家上市公司和多家全资子公司,建立了多个国家重点实验室和一家以研究生培养,员工培训,客户培训为中心任务的学院,形成了七个产业基地,拥有空间飞行器总体设计,分系统研制生产,卫星总装测试,环境试验,地面设备制造及卫星应用,服务保障等配套完整的研制生产体系。本研究院拥有员工一万余人,其中包括8名两院院士,12名国家级突出贡献专家和1700多名高级专业技术人才。本研究院已与10多个国家和地区的宇航公司及空间研究机构建立了广泛联系 。


China Academy of Space Technology(CAST),subordinated to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC), was established on February 20, 1968. Through 40-year development, it has become the main development base for space technology and products in China and the most powerful backbone strength for China's space endeavor. It is mainly engaged in such fields as development and manufacturing of spacecraft, external exchange and cooperation in space technology, satellite applications, etc. CAST also participates in formulating the state space technology development plans, studies the technological approaches to exploration, exploitation and utilization of outer space, develops a variety ofspacecraft and ground application equipments, according to users requirements,and provides corresponding services.

CAST has many subsidiariessuch as research institutes and satellite manufacturing factory, also includes a controlling listed company and several exclusively-invested subsidiaries, has set upseveral national key laboratories and a college with its main objects ingraduate education and staff and customer training, formed seven industrial bases, and has established a complete and coordinated set of development andproduction system, including spacecraft systems engineering, subsystem development and manufacture, satellite integration and test, environmentaltest, ground equipments and applications, servicing and supporting system, etc. CAST has more than 10,000 staff members, including 8 members of Chinese Academyof Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering,12 national level experts making outstanding contributions, and over 1700 senior specialists. CAST has been making wide contacts with the astronautical companies and space research institutes throughout overa dozen countries and regions.

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【沃大家】14岁自学中文 22岁来中国留学 在杭州生活25年 去浙大读古代文学硕士 这个瑞士人用了17年时间翻译了《西游记》


