
中英日对照 | 疫情期间老板们该如何发工资(江苏篇·快报)

协力法讯 2022-11-17

上海 |北京 |苏州 |长沙 |南通 |无锡 |徐州 |郑州 |厦门 |南京 |杭州 |大连 |济南 |福州 |大阪 |福冈 |东京 |米兰 |巴黎 |新加坡 |柏林 |日内瓦


  1.  企业延迟复工期间,企业经与职工协商一致,可使用带薪年休假。

  2. 企业延迟复工期间,对企业要求职工通过远程办公等形式提供正常劳动的,仅支付正常工资即可,无须支付加班费(休息日除外)。

















Further Suggestions on Clarifying Problems Related to Labor Relations During the Epidemic Prevention and Control period


To deal with labor relations during the prevention and control period of a new coronavirus infection, in addition to Notice of General Office of Human Resources and Social Security Ministry on How to Properly Handle Labor Relations During the Prevention and Control Period of New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic (Surenshemingdian [2020] No.5), further suggestions are follows:


I. On wages and other benefits of pneumonia patients, suspected patients and close contacts infected by the new coronavirus during the period of isolation

(1) if pneumonia patients, suspected patients and close contacts infected by the new coronavirus are unable to provide normal labor for the enterprise due to isolation treatment, isolation observation and other isolation measures, they shall be regarded as providing normal labor and their employers shall pay them wages for normal working hours. After isolation period ends, if such employees need further treatment and could not resume work, the enterprises shall pay them sick leave salary according to the medical treatment period concerned regulations.

(2) dispatched workers who are new type of coronavirus infection pneumonia patients, suspected patients and close contacts and who are unable to provide normal labor for the enterprises due to isolation treatment, isolation observation and other isolation measures, shall not be returned by the enterprises who are using them to their dispatching companies according to Article 40 and 41 of Labor Contract Law. Enterprises shall pay those dispatched workers according to corresponding company policies.


II. On wages and other benefits during the period of delay to return to work

According to the requirements of the provincial government, all types of enterprises within the province shall not resume work on or before 24:00 February 9. Enterprises shall pay the wages for the period of delay to return to work (from February 3, 2020 to the day before resumption of work) according to relevant provisions on business shutdown, production stop,  namely, enterprises shall, within a wage payment cycle, pay employees wages in accordance with the standards prescribed by the labor contract. If the delay is longer than one salary payment cycle, enterprises shall pay employees living expenses at least 80% of the local minimum wage. However, enterprises may negotiate with employees to use paid annual leave and other types of leave first, and enterprises shall pay in accordance with the relevant provisions on such leave. Enterprises shall pay wages in accordance with the law for employees who are required by the enterprise to provide normal labor in the form of telecommuting at home. Enterprises that complies with related regulations and are not subject to the restriction of the order to delay the resumption of work shall pay wages to the employees in accordance with the law, if the employees are arranged to work during this period. Among them, the enterprise who arrange work on rest days (Feb. 8 and Feb.9) and who cannot arrange compensatory rest, shall pay employees no less than 200% of their normal hourly/daily salaries. Employees who are subject to special working hours shall be paid according to the relevant regulations of the state and the province.












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