聚集诱导发光研究:通往聚集体科学的铺路石 | NSR专题
□ 赵征、唐本忠
权威《韦氏词典》将分子定义为“保留物质所有属性的最小粒子”,这一定义为分子科学研究奠定了认识论的基础。分子科学本质上属于还原论哲学范畴。与还原论相对应的是整体论。整体论认为整体(如物质)包含着无法通过分析其部分(如分子)而发现或理解的特性。聚集诱导发光(aggregation-induced emission, AIE)是这种整体论哲学的典型范例。单个AIE发光体(AIEgen)分子不发光,但其聚集体受激时却可高效发光。AIE研究开辟了一条通往更高结构层次和更复杂系统的聚集体科学之路。
AIE研究在过去二十年间蓬勃发展,取得了一系列重要突破。《国家科学评论》(National Science Review, NSR)“聚集诱导发光”专题收录了近些年来AIE研究领域所取得的一些重要进展 ▼
Special Topic: Aggregation-Induced Emission
Guest Editors: Zheng Zhao and Ben Zhong Tang
AIE study: a stepping stone to aggregate science
Zheng Zhao and Ben Zhong Tang
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwab079
Light-emitting self-assembled metallacages
Jun Zhao, Zhixuan Zhou, Guangfeng Li, Peter J. Stang and Xuzhou Yan
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwab045
田中一生(Kazuo Tanaka)团队合成了含13族元素的AIEgen配合物并将其作为先进光响应材料加以利用 [nwab049]。
Molecular design and application of luminescent materials composed of group 13 elements with an aggregation-induced emission property
Shunichiro Ito, Masayuki Gon, Kazuo Tanaka and Yoshiki Chujo
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwab049
含13组元素的AIE基元结构 [nwab049]
梁兴杰等人利用AIE活性纳米脂质体研究了细胞的转运机制 [nwab068]。
Transportation of AIE-visualized nanoliposomes is dominated by the protein corona
Yi-Feng Wang, Chunqiu Zhang, Keni Yang, Yufei Wang, Shaobo Shan, Yan Yan, Kenneth A. Dawson, Chen Wang and Xing-Jie Liang
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwab068
王琪和朱为宏等人报道了两亲性AIE基元的结构设计策略。这类AIEgen可以克服传统AIEgen在传感方面的不足,如水介质中由于聚集产生的始终开启状态的荧光信号,以及在亲脂性细胞器中的非特异性聚集信号 [nwaa198]。
Trapping endoplasmic reticulum with amphiphilic AIE-active sensor via specific interaction of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP)
Zhirong Zhu, Qi Wang, Hongze Liao, Ming Liu, Zhenxing Liu, Youheng Zhang and Wei-Hong Zhu
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwaa198
Red blood cell membrane-camouflaged nanoparticles loaded with AIEgen and Poly(I : C) for enhanced tumoral photodynamic-immunotherapy
Jun Dai, Meng Wu, Quan Wang, Siyang Ding, Xiaoqi Dong, Liru Xue, Qingqing Zhu, Jian Zhou, Fan Xia, Shixuan Wang and Yuning Hong
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwab039
A stimuli-responsive pillar[5]arene-based hybrid material with enhanced tunable multicolor luminescence and ion-sensing ability
Xin-Yue Lou, Nan Song and Ying-Wei Yang
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwaa281
Aggregation-induced emission luminogens reveal cell cycle-dependent telomerase activity in cancer cells
Xia Wu, Jun Wu, Jun Dai, Biao Chen, Zhe Chen, Shixuan Wang, Feng Wu, Xiaoding Lou and Fan Xia
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwaa306
Mechanistic connotations of restriction of intramolecular motions (RIM)
Yujie Tu, Zheng Zhao, Jacky W.Y. Lam and Ben Zhong Tang
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwaa260
When aggregation-induced emission meets protein aggregates
Sicheng Tang, Songtao Ye and Xin Zhang
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwab013
Aggregation-induced emission: challenges and opportunities
Wenbo Wu and Bin Liu
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwaa222
Aggregation-induced emission in luminescent metal nanoclusters
Zhennan Wu, Qiaofeng Yao, Shuang-quan Zang and Jianping Xie
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwaa208
Development of aggregated state chemistry accelerated by aggregation-induced emission
Yujun Xie and Zhen Li
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwaa199
AIE基元及其应用,特别是它们独特的室温磷光(RTP)和力致发光(ML)现象 [nwaa199]
在Philip Ball撰写的访谈中,唐本忠谈到了AIE研究领域的起源和发展前景[nwaa266]。
More is different: how aggregation turns on the light
Philip Ball
Natl Sci Rev 2021; 8: nwaa266
唐本忠院士 [nwaa266]