
《商标审查审理指南 (2022新版) 》上编解读及双语版

期待为你赋能的 AI秘塔







“申请手续基本齐备或者申请文件基本符合规定,但是有以下情形需要补正的, 通知申请人予以补正。(1)申请人为自然人,未按要求填写身份证件号码的。(2)申请书中申请人地址与身份证明文件不一致的, 或者未详细填写地址的。(3)申请书中申请人名称或地址中含有非中文简化汉字的。例如申请人名称、 外国申请人的国内接收人名称中含有繁体字、日文文字的,或是外国申请人中文名称未完整翻译为中文的。......(10)声明申请注册集体商标或证明商标, 未附送相关文件的, 或者附送相关文件不齐备的。(11)申请事项中存在依照《商标法》 及其实施条例规定应补正的其他情形。”


“If the application formalities are basically complete or the application documents basically comply with the provisions, but supplementation or correction is required in any of the following circumstances, the applicant shall be notified to make supplementation or correction.- (1) where the applicant is a natural person and fails to fill in the identity document number as required;- (2) where the address of the applicant in the application is inconsistent with that in the identity document, or no details are provided;-(3) The name or address of the applicant stated in the application form contains non-Chinese simplified Chinese characters. For example, the name of the applicant or the name of a foreign applicant's domestic recipient contains traditional Chinese characters or Japanese characters, or the Chinese name of a foreign applicant is not fully translated into Chinese.......-(10) where an application for registration of a collective mark or certification mark is being made, the relevant documents have not been submitted or the relevant documents have not been submitted are complete.-(11) other circumstances which require supplementation or correction pursuant to the provisions of the Trademark Law and its Implementation Regulations exist in the application matter.”



“已经受理的异议申请, 发现不符合受理条件或出现了不符合受理条件的新情况时,予以驳回并书面通知当事人。”

“Wheret he application for objection that has been accepted is found not to comply with the acceptance conditions or to have new circumstances that do not comply with the acceptance conditions, it shall be rejected and the parties concerned shall be notified in writing.”


“Under normal circumstances, the date of expiry of the rejection period for international registration of a trademark in China shall be the date of expiry of a three-year period from registration of the said trademark. ”
“For international registration of a trademark made pursuant to the Madrid Agreement for international registration of a trademark, the date of expiry of the rejection period shall be 12 months from the "date of notification"stated on the application documents received by the trademark registration authorities; for international registration of a trademark made pursuant to the"Protocol Relating to Madrid Agreement for international registration of atrademark", the date of expiry of the rejection period shall be 18 months from the "date of notification" stated on the application documents received by the trademark registration authorities. For signatories who are both signatories to the "Madrid Agreement for international registration of a trademark" and the "Protocol Relating to Madrid Agreement for international registration of a trademark", pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 6 of the Protocol, the date of expiry of the rejection period shall be 12 months from the "date of notification" stated on the application documents received by the trademark registration authorities. ”
“In the event of a partial rejection in the territorial extension procedures, the approval of partial commodities or services therein shall commence from the date of expiry of the rejection period for the said partial commodities or services extended to China. ”
“Where the application is still under rejection review or opposition related procedures at the time of expiry of the rejection period, the period shall commence from the date on which the decision on approval of registration takes effect.”
“Where the decision on approval of registration made prior to expiry of the rejection period for rejection review or opposition related procedures has taken effect,the period shall commence from the date of expiry of the rejection period. ”


“Inorder to increase the percentage of actual effective service and protect therights and interests of trademark registrants, the applicant may choose to copythe Notice on Providing Evidence of Use to the following relevant parties:(1)copy the assignee and the agency of the assignor, in respect of the trademarksbeing assigned;(2)copy the freezing or pledging Party, in respect of the trademarks which arefrozen or pledged;(3)with respect to trademarks that have completed transfer, change, renewal,license filing and other business, a copy of the same shall be sent to thetrademark agency that has most recently engaged business;(4)the trademark agency engaged in other trademark businesses the registrant haspreviously engaged in.”




“In the event of change of name, the proof documents on change issued by theregistration authorities shall be provided. The proof documents on change maybe the photocopies of the approval documents for change issued by theregistration authorities, or files on change downloaded from the registrationauthorities' website, provided that they shall be sealed or signed by theapplicant for authenticity;In case the name of the applicant is changed manytimes, the applicant may change his/her/its current name through oneapplication without making successive changes; the applicant shall submit allthe certification documents on the changes in his/her/its name at the time ofapplication.”


“A trademark to be submitted for change of agency shall be a trademarkregistration application, ie a trademark which is under the application process(including a trademark undergoing rejection review, a trademark undergoing opposition or a trademark undergoing non-registration review). Change of trademark agency shall only mean an application for change of agent in respect of the registration application upon submission of the application by the applicant for registration.”



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