




学术主持|Academic Director

何桂彦 He Guiyan


2022.3.12 - 4.6


艺·凯旋画廊 Triumph Gallery


Triumph Gallery is pleased to announce that from March 12 to April 6, 2022, it will present Yang Liming's latest solo exhibition "Deconstruction of Inner Images". As the artist's third solo exhibition at the gallery, this exhibition covers nearly 20 important works of Yang Liming in ten years, mainly showing the "White Series" and several new works in the past two years, as well as representative works of his "Period of Black" and "Period of Red".

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2021 No.3 W


布面油画|Oil on Canvas



In this exhibition of "White Series" works,  Yang Liming has taken another forward. The language of these paintings also references calligraphy, but the visuality and formal expansion of the compositions have undergone a fundamental transformation. In contrast to the "Black Series" and "Red Series", the "White Series" unfolds from the outside to the inside, from space to plane.The elusive, mysterious aesthetic experience from his previous works has weakened to give way to the materiality and tactility of the composition, so that ever-expanding lines in these works transform into calligraphic traces. On the other hand, due to the artist's emphasis on flatness and materiality implies an insistence on gesture that symbolizes the formal expansion and flow of emotions. Such formal expansion and layering of colors also imply the enrichment of values. For the audiences, the white color fields and the ghostly lines path the way for them to enter the artist’s painterly world.


杨黎明,1975年生于中国四川,1999 年毕业于四川师范大学油画专业,现工作生活于北京,职业艺术家。杨黎明的抽象艺术实践独树一帜,作品画面的“书写性曲线”贯穿了各个时期,是他作品重要的语言元素,这源自其书法的个人化书写与心灵感应的对应。而曲线运行始终有音乐般的节奏和韵律,则源⾃他对⾳乐的痴迷和细腻的体味。这种带有诗意的抽象表达,使画⾯中不仅蕴藏了古典元素,也彰显了其作品的当代内涵。

Yang Liming was born in Sichuan in 1975 and graduated from Sichuan Normal University in 1999 with a major in oil painting. He currently lives and works in Beijing. The abstract artistic experiment of Yang Liming creates a separate school of his own, the origin of this element lies in the interaction between personal graphology and spiritual feeling of calligraphy, while the harmonic cadence and rhythm in the motion of Yang’s curves come from his obsession and appreciation of music. This kind of poetic abstract expression not only contains classical elements in the paintings, but also highlights the contemporary connotation of his works.


■ 艺术家|杨黎明

■ 杨黎明:当代抽象绘画中的书写修行

■ 艺术家 | 杨黎明巴黎个展开幕

■ 万殊一相 | 杨黎明艺术中的“心相”及其语言方式

■ 现场 | “杨黎明:无相”顺利开幕

■ 展览预告 | 杨黎明:无相

■ Cross Thinking | 杨黎明:中式的哲学境界

关于我们|About Us


Triumph Gallery was founded in 2007 in 798 Art Zone of Beijing. We believe in artistic expression of the human condition as a way to understand the world, and we support the artists to develop their artistic language. Our current focus is on Modern and Contemporary Fine Art from China. This is our expertise as one of the few early galleries in the Chinese art market that are still active. From the beginning, we have been supporting artists and were instrumental in developing their careers. This is how we have gained the trust from collectors, whom we help to build excellent collections. If you want to understand art and the art market in China, you need to come to Triumph Gallery. Our proven expertise in Chinese Modern and Contemporary Art is our foundation. Currently we are expanding our expertise into Western art history, particularly to Postwar period, and help open up this experience to our clients.

开放时间:周二至周日 10:00 - 18:30

WeChat/Weibo: 艺凯旋画廊

T: +86 10 5762 3012

W: www.triumphart.com.cn

E: info@triumphart.com.cn


A-05, 798 Art Zone, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing

