
英语(苏教版)四年级下册:Unit 3





Story time

Cartoon time

Song time or rhyme



Unit 4  Drawing inthe park在公园里画画Pages 24-25  Story time❶Let\'s draw some pictures here.让我们在这里画一些画吧。Good idea!好主意!❷What can you see over there?你在那边能看到什么?I can see a tree and some flowers.我能看到一棵树和一些花。Can you draw them?你能画它们吗?Sure. It\'s easy.当然。这很容易。❸This is the tree and these are the flowers.这是树,这些是花。Well done.干得好。❹Can you see the boat on the river?你能看到河上的小船吗?Yes.是的。Can you draw it?你能画它吗?It\'s difficult, but I can try.这很难,但是我可以试一试。❺Is this a boat?这是一只小船吗? 单词a boat 一只小船a flower  一朵花a tree  一棵树a hill   一座山a lake  一个湖a river  一条河 Page 27  Cartoon time❶What\'s in this big box?在这个大盒子里有什么?Have a look, Bobby.It\'s great fun.看一看,博比。它非常有趣。❷What can you see in it?在它里面你能看到什么?I can see a boat on the lake.我能看到一只小船在湖上。❸Try again. What can you see now?再试一次。现在你能看到什么?❹It\'s a tiger!一只老虎! Page 28  Soundtimeebed  床desk  书桌pen  钢笔red  红色的ten  十 Ken,it\'s ten to ten.肯,现在是十点差十分。Go to bed before ten.在十点前去睡觉吧。
Page 28  Song timeWhat can you see?你能看到什么?What can you see?你能看到什么?What can you see in the tree, in the tree?你能看到什么在树上,在树上?I can see a monkey.我能看到一只猴子。I can see a monkey in the tree, in the tree.我能看到一只猴子在树上,在树上。

Story time

New words

Cartoon time & Sound time & Song time



Unit 3  My day我的一天Pages 18-19  Story time❶I get up at seven. I usually go to school at seven forty. I have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at twelve.我在七点起床。我通常在七点四十分上学。我在上午有四节课。我在十二点吃午饭。❷I have two lessons in the afternoon. I play football at four and go home at four forty. I do my homework at five thirty.我在下午有两节课。我在四点踢足球,在四点四十分回家。我在五点三十分做家庭作业。❸I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven. I go to bed at nine every day.我通常在六点十五分吃晚饭,在七点看电视。我每天都在九点睡觉。 单词in the morning  在上午get up  起床go to school  去上学in the afternoon  在下午play football  踢足球go home  回家in the evening  在傍晚have dinner  吃晚饭watch TV  看电视at night  在夜里go to bed  去睡觉 Page 21  Cartoon time❶I’m hungry,Sam.我饿了,萨姆。When do you have dinner every day?你每天什么时候吃晚饭?At six.六点.❷What time is it now?现在几点了?It’s seven o’clock.七点钟了。❸What can you see over there,Bobby?你能看见有什么东西在那里,鲍比?I can see a cake.我能看见一个蛋糕。❹What a big cake!好大的一个蛋糕啊!❺I like cakes! This cake is nice!我喜欢蛋糕!这个蛋糕太漂亮了!❻Get up! Get up!起床了!起床了!

Page 22  Sound timee eeme  我she  她green  绿色的sleep  睡觉three  三 Who are we?Tom,Jack and me.我们是谁?汤姆,杰克和我。We meet Miss Li at three.我们和李老师在三点钟见面。 Page 22  Song timeWhen do you get up?你什么时候起床?When do you get up,Peter,heiloli,every day?你每天什么时候起床,皮特?When do you go to school,heiloli,every day?你每天什么时候去上学?I get up at six thirty,heiloli,every day.我每天六点半起床。I go to school at seven thirty,heiloli,every day.我每天七点半去上学。


