

2015-10-25 一诺 奴隶社会

题图:一诺、盖茨基金会总裁 Susan、清华副校长施一公。


上周二,盖茨基金会的CEO Susan Desmond-Hellmann 在清华大学做了一场演讲。形式是Sue 20分钟的演讲加我和Sue 20分钟的问答,然后是学生提问。



1. Sue 的职业经历。她在内华达州的雷诺Reno长大,本科毕业于内华达大学。她如何从“二流大学“毕业生一路做到了UCSF的校长。
2. 我问Sue的问题。其中一个是她在上大学的时候对未来怎么想。另一个是是否要等到功成名就了才做慈善,因为毕竟我们看到的名人,包括比尔盖茨,还有她自己,都是功成名就才进入社会领域的。
3. Sue对施一公的评价。这次Sue来中国第一次见到一公。除了主持演讲,一公和Sue还有几次接触。临走的时候她给我分享她对一公的印象,说的很有意思。其中一条是觉得一公有很强的“sense of justice” and “values” 正义感。对她来讲这非常”endearing” - 就是感到非常亲切,让人喜爱。这很有意思,最终给人留下深刻印象的还是一些最本质的东西。

Susan 和一诺。

盖茨基金会 CEO Susan。





What types of innovators does the world need?


Dr. Sue Desmond-Hellmann
CEO of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Tsinghua University Address
Event Date: October 20, 2015

It’s an honor to be here at Tsinghua University. Of course, any American executive who visits this great university must contend with the high standard that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg set when he came here around this time last year.


After all, he addressed you in Mandarin, a language he’s devoted serious time to learning. I must confess that I speak no Mandarin, aside from a few words here and there.


The Great Word Indeed: Qinghaosu

So let’s start with one of the very few Chinese words I do know, and it’s a great word indeed: Qinghaosu.


That’s the Chinese word for the malaria treatment known in the West as artemisinin. As you’re all well aware, it’s been in the news a great deal this month following the award of the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology to Tu Youyou, the first Chinese scientist to receive that honor.


This is a watershed moment in the world’s recognition of modern Chinese innovation. I was delighted to hear about this award, in part because I had the pleasure of watching Tu Youyou’s acceptance remarks for the Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award back in 2011. That award, also, was in honor of her discovery of qinghaosu.


What struck me about that acceptance speech was its balance between the traditional and the modern. As she put it, “[M]y team inherited and developed the essence of traditional Chinese medicine using modern science and technology.”


Here’s what I take from that. On the one hand, scientific inquiry is inherently transnational. Its laws, the laws of nature, are universal. No nation can repeal or amend them. But on the other hand, individual nations can—by virtue of their history, their culture, their resources, or other qualities—make very distinctive and meaningful contributions to science.


In reaching back to very old Chinese medical traditions, Tu Youyou drew upon a body of wisdom that uniquely belonged to this country. As a result, the entire world benefits.


A Broader Truth: China Generates Innovations of Global Significance

I believe this represents a broader truth: China is increasingly in a position to draw upon its unique assets to generate innovations of global significance.


This theme has been very much on my mind during my visit. We came here for the annual meeting of the Grand Challenges program, which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation established just over a decade ago to offer funding for innovations that can help solve the world’s most urgent health and development problems.


That meeting is actually still going on here in Beijing. We have partners and grantees from all over the world there with us. I snuck out to spend a little time with you, but I’ll be going back and giving some remarks to help close out the session tomorrow.


I’ll give you a little preview of what I’m going to say to the people there: I’ve been very impressed, throughout the meetings, by the advances that are resulting from Chinese innovation. We’ve had sessions devoted to new applications for traditional medicines; advances in sequencing technology; and breakthroughs in vaccine R&D—all from Chinese scientists.


We’ve already begun to see a blossoming of Chinese innovation in global health—whether with the Japanese encephalitis vaccine or the Shang Ring circumcision device, which makes it easier for men to undergo a procedure that reduces their risk of HIV infection by 60 percent.


I’m very proud to say that our foundation’s Grand Challenges partnerships are helping to spawn new Chinese innovations—such as a fast, low-cost tuberculosis diagnostic test developed by Ustar Biotechnologies.


Tsinghua Leads a New Generation of Chinese Innovation

I know that one of President Xi’s top priorities is to build a more innovation-driven economy here in China. That’s a very smart objective—no wonder that he is a graduate of this university!


That objective will directly involve you—today’s students and graduates from this great center of learning.


We are very aware of Tsinghua University’s high quality, and its reputation. Our own foundation has grant projects with the university in life science and China-Africa partnership communications, as well as an internship program.


In addition, your university and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are neighbors on both sides of the Pacific. Not only does our foundation have an office here in Beijing, but your university will soon have a physical campus in our headquarters city of Seattle, in partnership with the University of Washington.


What all of this strongly suggests is a very high level of scholarship here at Tsinghua University—but also a deep ambition on your part to make good on President Xi’s objective, and to lead a new generation of Chinese innovation.


With that ambition, of course, comes great responsibility. Let’s go back a moment to Mark Zuckerberg’s appearance here at Tsinghua last year. During his on-stage interview, he was asked about any advice he might have for students who want to start a company. Do you remember what he said? He said, “I think the best companies are not founded just because the founders wanted to build a company. Rather, it is because the founders want to change the world.”


Of course, I think he may have said that in Mandarin, but I hope the point I’m driving at is clear: It all comes down to having a strong sense of purpose.


Your Purpose and the Sustainable Development Goals

Now let me ask you: What is your purpose?


That’s not always an easy question to answer. Allow me to give you one potential way to think about it.


Many of you have already demonstrated that you have a drive to succeed in a scientific or technical subject. But there’s more. If you are a student or recent graduate, your career will coincide—is already coinciding—with your country’s re-emergence as a center of global innovation.


Your career will also coincide with the world’s efforts to end extreme poverty and eliminate the infectious diseases that burden the poor.


Your country and mine—and a great many others—affirmed their commitment to that effort very recently at the United Nations General Assembly, where they launched the Sustainable Development Goals.


If you are not familiar with those goals, I strongly suggest that you study them, because they constitute a blueprint that will shape policy and investment decisions throughout much of your career.


Just to cite one example, Sustainable Development Goal 3 calls for ending the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and neglected tropical diseases by 2030.


I’ll tell you exactly what I’m going to tell all the scientists and policymakers from around the world who will be at our Grand Challenges closing session tomorrow. If we’re going to meet those very ambitious goals, we need to accelerate the innovation cycle. We need to generate good ideas more quickly. We need to turn those ideas into products more efficiently.


The World Needs China, Which Means the World Needs You

To do all of this, the world needs China. Which means the world needs you, the most promising researchers and technical minds of this country’s rising generation.


This will place certain demands upon you and your classmates. You will have the chance—the responsibility—to innovate at a global level. That will require from you a lifelong commitment to intellectual rigor, and to intellectual honesty. It will require a genuine openness to the truth, not matter how inconvenient it may be.


And it will require a willingness to engage in something I call “constructive conflict,” in which ideas compete on their merits and everyone shares a commitment to getting at the right answers—not to protecting their own egos.


Precision Public Health and the Grand Challenges Explorations Program

By the way, you can get started on your innovation career right now—Grand Challenges is welcoming and encouraging applications from China and around the world for our vaccine-manufacturing initiative as well as for our Grand Challenges Explorations program, the latest round of which is focusing on four topics:


• Novel approaches to characterizing and tracking the global burden of antimicrobial resistance;

৹ 描述和追踪抗菌素耐药性全球负担的新途径

• Exploring new solutions in global-health priority areas;

৹ 探索全球健康优先领域的新型解决方案

• Addressing newborn and infant gut health through bacteriophage-mediated microbiome engineering; and

৹ 利用噬菌体介质的微生物工程解决新生儿和婴儿肠道健康问题的新方法

• New ways to measure delivery and use of financial data.

৹ 衡量和使用财务数据的新方法

All four of these subjects relate to a topic that our foundation is increasingly committed to: precision public health.


Perhaps Yinuo and I can talk about this further during our discussion, but for now, think of it as an expansion upon precision medicine—in which you use data to understand the patient as a member of a sub-category of individuals who may respond particularly well to a specific course of treatment.


Precision public health takes this concept further. It involves bringing every scientific tool—including sequencing, molecular biology, and data-based disease surveillance—to bear in creating better remedies, diagnostics, and therapeutics for entire populations, with a focus on the needs of the poor.


If any of those areas interest you, I urge you to consider applying for a Grand Challenges grant. I’m absolutely serious.


Carry Out Your Own Purpose in a Spirit of Audacity

In case that sounds too audacious, think of it this way: Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to focus on his dream of starting a computer-software company, at a time when that was about as exotic and unlikely an ambition as anyone could imagine.


But Bill Gates could certainly imagine it, and that’s how he built Microsoft. That was his purpose, and he had the audacity and the imagination to follow it. Then his sense of purpose led him and his wife Melinda to establish our foundation.


In my own life, I’ve seen the central role that a sense of audacious purpose can play in establishing the conditions for success. I departed from the normal academic track to study HIV in Africa at a crucial moment in my career. The insights I gained there gave me great advantages later on when I was in the pharmaceutical industry.


I urge you to think deeply about your own purpose—and to carry out that purpose in a spirit of audacity. That’s where the greatest achievements come from—the kind of achievements the world so urgently needs.


We look forward to being your partners in our shared mission to innovate and lead in solving the biggest problems facing the world’s poorest people.


Thank you for having me here with you. I look forward to our conversation.


Full text and photos provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (If reproduced, please indicate the source.)




一诺 | 从麦肯锡到盖茨基金会,我为什么换工作

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