
二语习得:“普遍语法”怎么看? - 英语教学法原著选读95(附原文语音讲解)

2017-03-10 武太白 武太白英语教学


第二语言学习:行为主义理论怎么看? - 英语教学法原著选读94(附原文词汇语法语音讲解)



以下英文原文取自上海外语教育出版社引进出版、授权转载的“外语教学法丛书”之九《语言学习机制》第二章“THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO EXPLAINING SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING(二语学习的几种理论解释)”:

原文(作者:Lightbown & Spada)









As we saw in Chapter 1, Chomsky's theory of language acquisition is based on the hypothesis that innate knowledge of the principles of Universal Grammar (UG) permits all children to acquire the language of their environment, during a critical period in their development. Chomsky has not made specific claims about the implications of his theory for second language learning. Nevertheless, some linguists working within this theory have argued that Universal Grammar offers the best perspective from which to understand second language acquisition (SLA). Others argue that, although it is a good framework for understanding first language acquisition, UG is no longer available to guide the acquisition of a second language in learners who have passed the critical period for language acquisition. In their view, this means that second language acquisition has to be explained by some other theory, perhaps one of the more recent psychological theories described below.


Even those who believe that UG has an important explanatory role in SLA do not all agree on how UG works in second language development. Some argue that, even if second language learners begin learning the second language after the end of the critical period and even if many fail to achieve complete mastery of the target language, there is still a logical problem of (second) language acquisition: learners eventually know more about the language than they could reasonably have learned if they had to depend entirely on the input they are exposed to. They infer from this that UG must be available to second language learners as well as to first language learners. Some of the theorists who hold this view claim that the nature and availability of UG in SLA is no different from that which is hypothesized to guide first language learners. Others argue that UG may be present and available to second language learners, but that its exact nature has been altered by the acquisition of other languages.


Researchers working within the UG framework also differ in their hypotheses about how formal instruction or error correction will affect the learner's knowledge of the second language. Some argue that, like young children, adult second language learners neither need nor benefit from error correction and metalinguistic information. They conclude that these things change only the superficial appearance of language performance and do not really affect the underlying systematic knowledge of the new language (Schwartz 1993 and see the discussion of Krashen's theory, on pages 38—40). Other UG linguists, especially those who think that UG has been affected by the prior acquisition of the first language, suggest that second language learners may need to be given some explicit information about what is grammatical in the second language. Otherwise, they may assume that some structures of the first language have equivalents in the second language when, in fact, they do not. (See further discussion and an example in Chapter 4.)


Researchers who study SLA from the UG perspective are usually interested in the language competence (knowledge) of advanced learners rather than in the simple language of early stage learners. They argue that, while a variety of different theories might be sufficient to explain some early language performance (use), a theory such as UG is necessary to explain Iearners' knowledge of complex syntax. They are interested in whether the competence which underlies the language performance of second language learners resembles the competence which underlies the language performance of native speakers. Thus their investigations often involve comparing the judgements of grammaticality made by the rwo groups, rather than observations of actual speaking. In doing this, they hope to gain insight into what learners actually know about the language, using a task which avoids at least some of the many things which affect the way we ordinarily use language. 


