
“旁观者迷,当局者清”:课堂互动中的教师声音与内在逻辑 (中) - 英语教学法原著选读114(签到与积分练习)

2017-09-01 武太白 武太白英语教学


“旁观者迷,当局者清”:课堂互动中的教师声音与内在逻辑 (上) - 英语教学法原著选读113(积分练习)



以下英文原文节选自David Nunan 2013年在Routledge出版的论文集《Learner-Centered English Language Education: The Selected Works of David Nunan》,为其中间三分之一强。下周将刊出论文的后两部分,敬请期待。

原文(作者:David Nunan)



Hidden Voices: Insiders' Perspectives on Classroom Interaction


Maintaining control over the flow of events


In reflecting on the lessons, teachers paid a great deal of attention to classroom management, particularly in maintaining control over the flow of events. In a previous study, I noted that this tendency to focus on classroom management rather than pedagogy was something that distinguished less experienced teachers from more experienced ones. (However, I would also reiterate that the concept of "experience", while familiar to most of us, defies definition, interacting as it does with other critical variables such as professional development opportunities and intensity, as well as length of service.)


The close attention to managing and controlling lesson "flow" is illustrated in the following extract. In her lesson plan, the teacher had indicated that she intended to run a pair work activity in which students observed each other and then sat back-to-back and described what the other was wearing. This is a fairly standard way of practicing present continuous tense, a difficult tense to practice in any meaningful way because we rarely describe what we are doing in face-to-face interactions. However, during the course of the lesson, this activity simply did not happen—I remarked on this in my observation notes with a query. In the post-lesson debriefing, the teacher reported, "I dropped the activity……it probably would've gone on a bit too long, and as it was, I was short for time anyway, so I made a decision to drop that." Later in the lesson, in response to a question about the selection of partners in pair work and whether she let students self-select, the same teacher reported, " Oh, I get them to mix around. I like to change the pairs quite a lot. That's why it's good to get them in two groups and then split them up for a different part of the listening."


Another major departure from the lesson plan occurred as students were working in small groups sequencing a transcript of a listening text which had been cut up. The following extract and my field notes illustrate what happened:


[Students get in three groups on the floor.]

T: I'll give you five minutes to do this, five minutes.

T: [About sixty seconds later, T says] Two minutes. [She rewinds her tape]

T: Come on, this group's nearly finished. One minute. One minute left.

T: Okay, we'll listen to the conversation now. Okay, so as you're listening to the conversation, can you check your sequence?

[The students listen to the interview and rearrange their strips of paper.]

T: Finished? Perfect. What does this mean? [She writes on the board “Erm”.] (Erm) Erm. Is that a word?

S: No.

T: Erm. Is that a word?

S: No.

T: Erm. Why, why've got that there? Why? Why erm?

S: We have some little bit time…

T: It's because we're listening to it. Listening to what's written down, so don't worry; don't think of what does erm mean? It's just erm. And how do they say "yes"? Do they say "yes"?

S: Yeah. (Yeah)—Australian accent.

T: Australian accent do you think? (Yeah yeah) Australian accent.

As I observed this interaction I noted: The teacher is really hustling the students. Several groups appear to be struggling. She then calls attention to a minor fillet on the tape. What's the point? Won't it simply confuse the students?


In the debriefing, the teacher provided the following explanation.


[W]hen they were doing the sequencing on the floor, they were taking quite a lot of time to do that and two groups hadn't finished, and I looked at my watch and I said hurry up, one minute left, and played the tape while they were still halfway through sequencing it. And then I only actually played the tape once. I didn't play it through again, but they'd got the right order by this stage; I just made the decision on the spot to tell them what "erm" and "yeah" were, cause one of them said, "' Erm' what's 'erm'"?


Here is yet another illustration that something which made little sense to an outside observer made perfect sense to those on the inside of the action. I believe this opacity to an outsider of many things that happen in the classroom reinforces the need for classroom stories to be told from the inside. In another classroom, the following interaction took place.


T: You know when you're agreeing, like Shigeru did to me before, it's nice to say, " Um, and it's good to relax, " and then Jill said, she started to tell Patricia something now, and what does she say, Chong Dok?

S: Well, you see.

T: [T takes over]…it's like this. When you're starting to tell a story sometimes, you start, you say, " Well you see, it's like this." And that means you're starting to tell what it was like. Like Shigeru, he was really telling me a story about why he was late. He could have said " Well, you see, Jill, it's like this. The train missed me this morning." Okay, and then Patricia says, " I've said my increase has been remarkable" and Patricia says—Shigeru?

S: Yes, I saw that, but you must be careful…

T: Yes, that's right. And then Jill says…Yami?

S: Yes, I know.

It is almost impossible to convey interpersonal and affective aspects of the classroom in lesson transcripts. In the preceding extracts, the teacher and students weave the interaction together effortlessly, as though it had been rehearsed. While the interaction is largely meaningless to the outsider, the students find it amusing and make their contributions on cue. As it turned out, the obscure references were to an in-joke shared only by the class. Here is another example of Freeman's dictum that to tell the story one must know the story.


In explaining why the previous interaction happened when it did, the teacher reported that:

The students generally welcome both humor and personalizing of material to them. A little humor always helps to maintain interest and motivation. In this part of the lesson, we were using a little story that had evolved during the course.



In addition to illuminating the complexity of the classrooms, the transcripts and teachers' commentaries provide fascinating insights into teachers' styles. The teacher quoted in the following extract was relatively inexperienced and felt that she could not abandon her predetermined course of action, even though the students were evidently experiencing difficulty with it and the flow of classroom events was obviously affected.


I began to realize the students were finding the activity quite complex and hard, but it was too late to change it or abandon it, as they did need introducing to the vocabulary before starting to read the article. I ended up having to bring the pairs together.


From the data, it seemed that the more experienced teachers were much more comfortable with monitoring the class and modifying their lesson in the light of ongoing feedback. Here is a typical comment:


The warmer was beginning to take longer than I wanted to by this stage. I was beginning to wonder whether to pursue it for longer to involve all students in this stage or to move on. I feel less confident of timing at this level than at higher levels.


Another teacher said, " I realized that as the tape quality was poor I would have to distribute the written language from the tape sooner than expected."

另一位教师说:“我意识到,既 45 36383 45 16432 0 0 6434 0 0:00:05 0:00:02 0:00:03 6433磁带的音质不行,那我还是要比预计更早把书面材料发下去。”

The images and metaphors used by the teachers are also revealing. The data are shot through with references to pace, flow, tempo, and movement. One teacher noted, " Time was running out. I had to keep the pace moving along."


In another classroom, the teacher drew an activity to a rather abrupt halt, despite the fact that it seemed to be going well. The teacher accounted for this abrupt change of pace in terms of classroom management by saying, " The time limit prevailed again and I had to draw a halt. This activity was going well. Maybe if I'd anticipated my timings better, I could have given students longer time to work on this role play, which they got quite a lot out of."


In this section, I have provided additional data on the importance of the insider's voice in helping to understand the life in language classrooms. In procedural terms, a great deal of classroom interaction is aimed at maintaining the flow of classroom interaction. In research terms, once again, we see that it is difficult to interpret the interactions without additional insights from those on the inside.


The instructional process


One striking point to emerge from the data was the relative paucity of what might be called direct instruction, in which the teacher explicitly instructs the learners. This might seem odd, given the fact that the lay-person probably sees the "bringing of good news" as the central function of instructors. In addition, a great deal of the explicit instruction which occurred came about as the teachers responded to the immediate needs of the students. The majority of these impromptu explanations concerned vocabulary which students found difficult.


T: …"collateral" actually means sort of security on somebody who is taking out a loan. If I was a very wealthy person—I'm rich and you want a loan—you are poor—I could be your collateral—you would take out the loan and I would have the security for the loan. I would say to the bank " Yami will pay back the money and if she doesn't, I will give the bank the money." Collateral, security, another person arranges to be—

S: Another person guarantee for you to borrow money from the bank?

T: Yes, that's right…

Direct evidence from students that they had "got it" was particularly important for most teachers, and when it occurred, the teacher's decision to engage in direct instruction was vindicated. For instance, in reviewing this piece of interaction, the teacher reported, " I was pleased this explanation was clear to the students. I think I'm gradually improving in explaining, defining, and giving instructions for them."


On some occasions the explanations were prompted by a direct request from a student. In many instances, however, the explanations were prompted by the teacher's intuitive perception of the students' needs. For example, in one lesson the teacher was working with an authentic tape in which an interviewer asked a series of questions about the interviewee's life-styles. Rather than using complete question forms, the interviewer signaled the questions through intonation: " Drink?" rather than " Do you drink?" This gave rise to the following interaction.


T: What question does the interviewer ask? The interviewer? What question does the interviewer ask? What's the question in here?

S: You smoke?

T: You smoke? You smoke? That's not a proper question. Is it really? Proper question is do you smoke? So he says "you smoke?" We know it's a question because…why? You smoke?…

S: The tone.

T: The tone…the…the…what did we call it before? You smoke? What do we call this?

S: Intonation. T: Intonation. You know by his intonation it's a question.

When I observed the lesson, I was puzzled by this interaction. Why "deauthenticate" a piece of authentic interaction by saying that the interviewer was not asking "proper" questions? At the end of the lesson, I asked the teacher about this.


T: …And also the on-the-spot decision of like when it said "drink?".

T: ……还有就是临场的决断,比如录音里说“drink”。

DN: So you hadn't actually planned to teach that? …


T: No, I hadn't. I mean, really, that would be an excellent thing to do in a follow-up lesson—you know, focus on questions.

T: 没有。我是说,是的,要是在此后的课堂上那样做是很棒的——你知道的,专注问题的教学。

DN: In fact, what you're asking them to do in their work is focus on the full question forms; and yet in the tape they're using a …


T: …Wasn't, yeah. So, I suppose it's recognizing one question form by the intonation, then being able to transfer it into the proper question " Do you drink?" rather than " Drink?" I mean, that would be good to spend a lot more time on another point. But it seemed like it was good to bring up there. Just to transfer the information.



Here is another example of classroom interaction which makes little sense within the immediate context of the lesson in which it occurs, but which can be justified within the broader context of the course and the teacher's overall goals and objectives. I asked whether the principal objectives of the lesson—listening to authentic texts for key information—might have been subverted by the secondary aim of introducing and practicing question forms. The teacher, however, was quite comfortable with this.


DN: I'm wondering if it's too heavy a load to have the twin aims, the aim of listening for key information aim and also aim of the focus on questions. Whether it's better to separate those out and look at the questions in a separate lesson?


T: What, the question forms…Well, when I first looked at the material I thought it was quite a straightforward listening, so therefore if I give them a split listening, it'll make it more challenging for them. I took the decision to do that and I don't regret that. I mean, question forms are always difficult things to do. They're always difficult to slot in unless you do a whole lesson on question forms. So, to throw them in now and again like that is quite valid. So, to give the both focuses, I thought, was fine.


She was able to vindicate this stance by pointing out that:


I did anticipate that they would have a lot of problems with question forming; and their intonation and their spelling, and things just need huge amounts of work. But as regards the activities, I didn't feel they were beyond their capabilities at all. I think they achieved quite a lot. I mean initially looking at it, you think, " Oh God, there's so much there." But they did actually succeed in filling the whole thing out.


Not all direct instruction was concerned with pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Several teachers provided input on language skills and learning strategies, such as the following:


Remember how we've been talking about the importance of looking at the heading and the pictures and some of the big writing to guess what the article's about? So what sort of idea could you get from just not reading the small writing but just looking at the pictures and seeing the heading?

Another teacher took a similar perspective, focusing on strategies for dealing with unknown vocabulary.


Before we start to read the article I'd like to help you with some vocabulary, and I've got a special activity that will help you to guess and learn the vocabulary that you need to know in order to understand the article.

Despite the range and diversity of contexts which gave rise to them, and regardless of the skills of the teachers and proficiency levels of the learners, these pieces of discourse all illustrate the central theme of this piece: that the universe in which a particular discourse is constructed is a collaborative achievement of the actors who inhabit that universe.



Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1.The author does not think the teacher should stick strictly to the teaching plan.

2. The example of the teacher adding the focus on question forms is used to tell us that teachers have their own logic in carrying out their actual teaching.



