

2016-11-08 王婉珺 南京北美留学生

在将近7年的口语教学中,我发现,让同学们口语分数驻足不前的并不是所谓地道的语音语调,繁琐的语法,或庞大的词汇量,恰恰是说话当中的逻辑。这里咱们谈到的逻辑和我们中文逻辑还是有些不同的 ,托福口语中的逻辑不是以叙述结果为主的横向逻辑而是我们最不擅长的以细节为主的纵向逻辑。

今天,我将以一个口语水平17分孩子的独立话题答案来给大家介绍几个纵向逻辑的展开方式: 故事情节法,罗列法,对比法。

task 1

There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantage. Use details and examples in your response.(TPO 23)

I want to study abroad. Like in USA. Because I can make a lot of friends. I love to play with m friends, because I can not stay alone and making friends will also lay a solid foundation for my future career. I can relax myself and study efficiently without burden and stress. Most importantly , I love American history very much. I often find it very interesting and inspiring. If I study in US, I get to learn a lot about its history with my experiences.

先不论这样的回答可以在口语考试中得到多少分的成绩,单单从题目要求中的Use details and examples in your response就达不到题目的要求。


先聊聊Make a lot of friends. 这个理由,这是中心句,但是我们的任务需要明确我们交朋友的方式,场合,时间等等。When you living in another country. Parties hold by host family. School clubs, like book reading club, hiking club 都可以交到很多的朋友。接着这怎么交朋友的方式上,可以添加一些实在的动词构建的小短语,也就是我通常在课堂上提到的故事情节化也就是“细节动词话”。比如在这个题目中我们可以用到,casual chat about school happening , exchange ideas on social or economical changes , laughing about the silly things we have done in the past. 其中用到的“casual chat” “exchange” “laugh” 这些动词都是让我们交上朋友的必要条件。而不是像文中同学强调交朋友有助于将来的职业发展这么大却空洞的描述。

文中同学用到的第二个理由,Love American history, find it interesting and inspiring .其实这个句子用的还是不错的,遗憾的是并没有展开,在话题展开方面,还可以用“罗列法”比如罗列出,which part of American history makes you feel the most inspired and interested. “The founding of united states”. “The draft of declaration of independence.” “ Boston tea party”, “prosperous development during the westward expansion”等等。然而,在这一题的话题展开方面也可以使用反例,用截然相反的事实起到对比,或反向证实的作用。比如in my country , the library only collected small variety of history book of US. And museums seldom hold exhibitions toward certain historical period of United States. However, there are a large number of museums in states such as metropolitan museum founded in 1870. The permanent collection consists two million works of art from ancient through modern times. Have a visit there would definitely be feast to my eyes as well as my soul.









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