NSE工作论文 | 新结构经济学工作论文集(2018年10月更新)
NSE 工作论文 No.E2018008
China's Growth Miracle in the context of Asian Transformation
Justin Lin Yifu
Myrdal did not cover China in his Asian Drama. If he did, he would have been most likely pessimistic about China as about other Asian countries in his book. However. China has achieved a miraculousgrowth since the transition from a planned economy to a market economy at the end 1978. This paper provides answers to the questions: Why was China trapped in poverty before 1978? Why was it possible for China to achieve an extraordinary performance during its transition? Why did most other transition economies failed to achieve a similar performance? What prices did China pay for its success ? Can China continue the dynamic growth in the coming decades? What lessons can we draw from China's development experiences in view of the Asian Drama. The paper concludes with a positive note: If a developing country adopts a pragmatic approach to develop its economy along its comparative advantages in a market economy and tap into the potential of latecomer advantages with a facilitating state, the country can grow dynamically like China.
Key words: Development, Transition, Role of state, Chinese economy, Rethinking of economics
NSE 工作论文 No.C2018011
作者:杨国超 芮萌
关键词:产业政策 企业创新 税收优惠 政府补助 高新技术企业
理论上是否需要由政府来制定产业政策仍存在极大争议。本文基于 2008 年开始实施的《高新技术企业认定管理办法》这一具体的产业政策,研究产业政策实施中的激励效应与迎合效应。研究发现,公司获得高新技术企业认定后,其专利申请数量会显著增加,专利申请质量也会显著提升,但通过虚增研发投入而获得高新技术企业认定的公司,其专利申请数量和专利申请质量却提升较少。这表明产业政策既可能会激励公司创新,也可能导致公司仅仅为表面迎合政策要求,而无意于真正从事创新。机制分析结果还发现,产业政策的减税优惠和政府补助会促进真正的高新技术企业增加创新,但对于伪高新技术企业,税收减免和政府补助的创新激励作用却显著减弱。最后,本文还利用事件研究法发现,真正的高新技术企业在宣告获得高新技术企业认定时公司价值会显著提升,但通过虚增研发投入而获得高新技术企业认定的公司其价值却并未增加。本文研究结论不仅协调了“产业政策之争”交战双方所持的不同理论观点,也为政府如何实施产业政策提供了理论参考。
NSE 工作论文 No.E2018009
Green Transformation:
A System Dynamics Model on Endowment, Investment and Employment
Yan Wang, Hefeng Tong and Jiajun Xu
Structural transformation is critical to attaining improvements in productivity and employment generation.However, it is imperative that any structural transformation undertaken should take a green approach as the international community have placed great emphasis on achieving Sustainable Goals(SDGs) by 2030. Given the importance of green structural transformation, this paper attempts to explore a system dynamics(SD) model to analyze and simulate three policy options to achieve transformation to a green economy in an effort to shed new lights onto the claimed tradeoff between competitiveness and greenness. Consistent with the New Structural Economics (Lin 2010,2011), our main analytic approach starts from the structure of endowment(stocks), followed by investment (flows) in green sectors and lastly the structure of employment and changes in labor productivity. The key findings from our simulation results are as follows: first, although there is a short run negative impact on GDP growth, the long run benefits outweigh the short run cost; secondly, green sectors will expand rapidly generating significant number of jobs; and lastly, as pollutant emissions fall along with a decline in pollutant intensity, labor force becomes healthier and more resilient thus contributing to a rise in productivity in the economy.
NSE 工作论文 No.E2018010
Within Gain. Structural Pain:
Capital Account Liberalization and Economic Growth*
Xiang LI, Dan Su
This paper is the first to study the effects of capital account liberalization on struc-tural transformation and compare the contribution of within term and structural term to economic growth. We use a 1o-sector-level productivity dataset to decom-poses the effects of opening capital account on within-sector productivity growth and cross-sector structural transformation. We find that opening capital account is associated with labor productivity and employment share increment in sectors with higher human capital intensity and external financial dependence, as well as non-tradable sectors.But it results in a growth-reducing structural transformation by directing labor into sectors with lower productivity. Moreover, in the ten years after capital account liberalization, the contribution share of structural transfor- mation decreases while that of within productivity growth increases. We conclude that the relationship between capital account liberalization and economic growth is within gain and structural pain.
Capital Account Liberalization;Economic Growth;Productivity;Structural Transformation;New Structural Economics
北京大学新结构经济学研究院(Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University,INSE)由林毅夫夫教授创办并担任院长,系国家首批高端智库试点单位之一,致力于立足中国和其它发展中国家的发展经验进行自主理论创新,建成引领国际发展思潮的学术研究基地和世界一流的旗舰型智库机构。
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