
PDW@IACMR 2023|Experimental design 201

PDW@IACMR 2023|Experimental design 201: Designing effective scenarios (or vignettes) in management research

Sunday, June 18, 2023

9am to 11am

(Venue: AAB205, HKBU)


Professor Ying-Yi Hong 康螢儀

Choh-Ming Li Professor of Management

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. David Cheng

Senior Lecturer in Leadership

The Australia National University

Professor Riki Takeuchi,

Dr. Joseph Picken Distinguished Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The University of Texas at Dallas



Dr. Shea Fan 范雪娇

Senior Lecturer in International Business

RMIT University

Dr. Xi Wen (Carys) Chan 曾熙雯

Research Fellow in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources

Griffith University

Learning Objectives

At the end of this PDW, participants will:

  • Understand the basic principles and processes of experimental designs.

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of designing an experiment using scenarios (or vignettes).

  • Understand expectations and insights in publishing experimental research in top-ranking management journals.

Intended Participants

This PDW is designed for management researchers who are interested in enhancing their research capabilities, specifically in experimental designs.

Session structure: 

120 minutes in total

  • Opening remarks by PDW organizers (5 minutes)

  • Presentations: 90 minutes (30 minutes per speaker)

  • Q&A from attendees: 30 minutes

Language: English

Session format:  

All speakers will attend the face-to-face event. We encourage attendees to attend the event in-person to gain the best experience.


There are no pre-requisites to attend this PDW. However, registration is needed so that we can plan ahead to ensure that the venue is suitable for the number of participants. We may need a larger room. Please RSVP to shea.fan@rmit.edu.au and carys.chan@griffith.edu.au.

Presentation #1: Basic Principles and Processes of Experimental Design (30 minutes)


Professor Ying-yi Hong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Brief description: 

This talk will outline the basic principles of experimental designs and discuss the major elements of an experiment (including manipulations, control conditions, moderators, and manipulation checks) and the common pitfalls. When designed appropriately, experiments are useful tools to test causal relationships between variables.  However, there are many ways that the design of experiments can be compromised.  Unfortunately, those mistakes are often not obvious.  In this talk, I will share some mistakes that I committed over the years, and propose ways to remedy those mistakes.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand when to use experiments – their strengths and weaknesses

  • Be able to design an experiment

  • Learn some of the common pitfalls in experimental designs

Presentation #2: Imagine you were designing a scenario experiment … And how not to waste your time and money


Dr. David Cheng, Australia National University

Brief description: 

Scenario experiments are increasingly common in management research. In this presentation, I will outline when to use a scenario experiment, walk you through the design of a basic scenario experiment, and then detail the common pitfalls in scenario experiment designs.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand when to use scenario experiments – their strengths and weaknesses

  • Be able to design a simple scenario experiment

  • Learn some of the common pitfalls in scenario experiment designs

Presentation #3: Combining experiment with field survey data: The Adam Grant’s approach


Professor Riki Takeuchi, The University of Texas at Dallas

Brief description: 

This presentation will provide you with a deeper understanding of the power of combining field survey design with experiments. While I am a novice in the designing and conducting of experiments, as a former associate editor of Academy of Management Journal as well as an editorial review board member of major OB journals (e.g., Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology), I have seen (and reviewed) many manuscripts that have attempted to combine field survey and lab experimental studies. While some do it well, many others do not. This talk will touch upon when it may be necessary or beneficial to have an experimental study added on as a second or included as a first study and when it is not (or should not be expected). 

Learning objectives: 

At the end of this presentation, you will learn when adding an experimental design can enhance your research design rigor.

For more information about this PDW, you may contact: 

Dr. Shea Fan: shea.fan@rmit.edu.au

Dr. Carys Chan: carys.chan@griffith.edu.au

If you have a burning question about experimental designs, you may e-mail the organizers in advance. They will select some questions and invite the speakers to answer them during the PDW. The organizers also welcome your suggestions on topics for future IACMR PDWs on experimental designs.

Reminder: To attend the PDW 'Experimental design 201: Designing effective scenarios (or vignettes) in management research', you are required to register for the 2023 IACMR Conference. To register for the conference, please click 2023 IACMR大会注册通道开启!

