新年第一篇和大家分享一些英文中的excoriations, imprecations, maledictions, pejoratives, vitriol and vulgarities... 在忍无可忍、不爽的时候把它们祭出来。
1. 想说:禽兽不如!
He's worse than an animal. 他禽兽不如。
That animal should get the death penalty! 那个畜生应判死刑。
He's a sex beast. 他是个色魔。
2. 想说:人渣、败类
scum, scumbag
scum和scumbag都表示“dishonest, unkind, unpleasant person”。注意scum这个词既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数,所以我们可以说:
He's scum.
He's a scum/scumbag.
类似的词还有: bastard, ass, asshole
3. 想说: 一无是处
loser, good-for-nothing, piece of shit
Mrs. Potter was Mrs. Dursley's sister, but they hadn't met for several years; in fact, Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn't have a sister, because her sister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be.
4. 想说:傻X
“傻x”强调的是“傻”,它的直译是"silly cunt"。牛津出版的Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang在“cunt”词条的例句是:"What d'you think you're doing, you silly cunt?" the driver shouts at her.
idiot,moron,dimwit, dick, retard, dumb fuck, douche(注意发音), douchebag
bonehead, butthead, cunthead, fuckhead, motherfucker, cocksucker
5. 想说:去你🐎的
Fuck you! 或者Screw you!
Kiss my ass!
Get out of here!
6. 有人插队时,想说:脸皮真厚啊
The nerve!
What nerve!
7. 想说:你个大嘴巴!
You are a big mouth!
You and your big mouth!
8. 受到骚扰时,想说:滚开
Fuck off!
Buzz off!
Get lost!
Get outta my face!
9. 生活中总有些有趣的人, 他们是:
一毛不拔的人 cheapskate, skinflint
吹牛不打草稿的人 bullshit artist
漂亮的愚蠢妞 bimbo, birdbrain
拍马屁的人 ass-kisser
自作聪明的人 smart-ass