
2022年东京奥运会火炬样式揭晓 灵感源自樱花


The torch to be used for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay has been designed with a cherry blossom motif – a flower close to the hearts of all Japanese people.


火炬整体长度为71厘米,总重量约1.2公斤。火炬主要材质为铝材,采用了使用在新干线制造中的铝挤压工艺(the aluminium extrusion manufacturing technology used in the production of the shinkansen bullet train)。

制造火炬的铝材有30%来源于回收利用的铝材(recycled aluminium),此前用于建造2011年日本东部大地震后的预制房屋(originally used in the construction of prefabricated housing units)。

Five separate flames emerge from flower petals


The Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch has been designed in the form of the Olympic flame. Five separate flames emerge from flower petals and come together as one at the centre of the torch to give off a more brilliant light – the 'Path of Hope'.

2020年东京奥运会火炬传递的主题正是 "Hope Lights Our Way" (希望照亮我们的道路)。

To coincide with the cherry blossom season in Japan, in March 2020  the Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch relay will begin and will be held over 121 days.

Tokyo 2020 Torch Relay Ambassador, Japanese athlete Tadahiro Nomura shows the design of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch in Tokyo, Japan, on March 20, 2019.


Tokyo 2020 also announced the Olympic Torch Relay Ambassadors, who will promote the Relay to people all over the world. The list of Ambassadors includes three-time judo Olympic gold medallist Tadahiro Nomura, three-time Paralympian Aki Taguchi, actress Satomi Ishihara and comedy duo Sandwich Man.


奥运会会歌,《奥林匹克圣歌》 Olympic Hymn/Anthem

奥林匹克体育场 Olympic Stadium

奥运会主场地 main Olympic venue

奥运火炬台(塔) Olympic cauldron

奥运火炬 Olympic torch

火炬手 torch bearer

火炬接力 torch relay




